93,126 research outputs found

    Holographic optical trapping Raman micro-spectroscopy for non-invasive measurement and manipulation of live cells

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    We present a new approach for combining holographic optical tweezers with confocal Raman spectroscopy. Multiple laser foci, generated using a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator, are individually used for both optical trapping and excitation of spontaneous Raman spectroscopy from trapped objects. Raman scattering from each laser focus is spatially filtered using reflective apertures on a digital micro-mirror device, which can be reconfigured with flexible patterns at video rate. We discuss operation of the instrument, and performance and viability considerations for biological measurements. We then demonstrate the capability of the instrument for fast, flexible, and interactive manipulation with molecular measurement of interacting live cell systems

    Guidelines for digital storytelling for Arab children

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    Children are getting more exposed to various technologies in teaching-learning. Various types of teaching-learning have been designed, including interactive digital storytelling. In Malaysia, local children have been clear about story-based learning materials. However, the situation is a little bit different with Arab children. Because the number of Arab children migrating into Malaysia is increasing, for following their parents who are studying at higher levels, they have to also make themselves familiar with the local scenario. In accordance, this study is initiates, to identify their acceptance towards story-based learning materials, or specifically interactive digital storytelling. Hence, this study reacts proactively, by approaching Arab children asking for their feedback on whether they have any desire for interactive digital storytelling. Through a series of interviews, this study found that they have a strong desire and tendency. Then, the following objectives have been stated: (1) to determine the components for the interactive digital storytelling for Arab children, (2) to design and develop a prototype of the interactive digital storytelling, and (3) to observe on how the Arab children experience the interactive digital storytelling. User-centered design (UCD) approach has been gone through in ensuring that the objectives are achieved. The process of determining the components for the interactive digital storytelling was carried out by directly involving Arab children and their teachers from three preschools in Changlun and Sintok. It was similar with the efforts in determining the contents, and interface design until the prototype development. Having the prototype ready, user testing was carried out to explore the way Arab children experience the prototype. All the processes involved various techniques through observation, interviews, and noting. Specifically, the user testing involved qualitative and empirical data. Qualitative data were gathered through observation, meanwhile the empirical data were gathered using Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) tool. In the end, having data processed, the findings show that Arab children are highly satisfied with the prototype. Scientifically, the developed prototype is a mirror of the obtained guidelines, obtained through the UCD seminars. Hence, the positive acceptance on the prototype reflects positive acceptance on the guidelines, as the main contribution of this study. Besides the guidelines as the main contribution of this study, the developed prototype is also a wonderful contribution to the Arab children and their teacher. They will be using it as part of their teaching and learning material

    Full Body Interaction beyond Fun: Engaging Museum Visitors in Human-Data Interaction

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    Engaging museum visitors in data exploration using full-body interaction is still a challenge. In this paper, we explore four strategies for providing entry-points to the interaction: instrumenting the floor; forcing collaboration; implementing multiple body movements to control the same effect; and, visualizing the visitors' silhouette beside the data visualization. We discuss preliminary results of an in-situ study with 56 museum visitors at Discovery Place, and provide design recommendations for crafting engaging Human-Data Interaction experiences

    Fans and Adaptation: An Analysis of the Use of Interactive Storytelling in The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

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    By using adaptations of Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice (1813) as a frame of reference, my thesis will demonstrate that transmedia narratives are most effective in tandem with original texts that have a history of successful adaptations due to the perpetual audience of fans and their previous knowledge of the story to meaningfully, as well as canonically, interact with the narrative. This thesis will first introduce theories surrounding adaptations and look at previous Pride and Prejudice adaptations in light of a devoted fan base. It will then introduce the concept of transmedia narratives and examine the culture of fans and their interactions with texts in the digital age. Lastly, I will analyze the success of the Internet production company Pemberley Digital and their transmedia YouTube adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that boasts a view count of 82.2 million views and secured an Emmy. This analysis will apply the theories on transmedia, fandom, and adaptation introduced in the first three sections to demonstrate that interactive transmedia narratives are most effective when they have an established fan base, which is most easily found in popular texts prone to adaptations. Digital storytelling will only continue to grow, especially as upcoming generations favor online streaming and independent producers as opposed to the cable television shows created by the larger media corporations. The research contained within this thesis will show the importance of appealing to wider audiences by creating richer, more immersive narratives through transmedia and paratexts that encourage collective authorship

    Assembling and enriching digital library collections

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    People who create digital libraries need to gather together the raw material, add metadata as necessary, and design and build new collections. This paper sets out the requirements for these tasks and describes a new tool that supports them interactively, making it easy for users to create their own collections from electronic files of all types. The process involves selecting documents for inclusion, coming up with a suitable metadata set, assigning metadata to each document or group of documents, designing the form of the collection in terms of document formats, searchable indexes, and browsing facilities, building the necessary indexes and data structures, and putting the collection in place for others to use. Moreover, different situations require different workflows, and the system must be flexible enough to cope with these demands. Although the tool is specific to the Greenstone digital library software, the underlying ideas should prove useful in more general contexts

    Liberate your avatar; the revolution will be social networked

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    This paper brings together the practice-based creative research of artists Charlotte Gould and Paul Sermon, culminating in a collaborative interactive installation that investigates new forms of social and political narrative in multi-user virtual environments. The authors' artistic projects deal with the ironies and stereotypes that are found within Second Life in particular. Paul Sermon’s current creative practice looks specifically at the concepts of presence and performance within Second Life and 'first life', and attempts to bridge these two spaces through mixed reality techniques and interfaces. Charlotte Gould’s Ludic Second Life Narrative radically questions the way that users embody themselves in on-line virtual environments and identifies a counter-aesthetic that challenges the conventions of digital realism and consumerism. These research activities and outcomes come together within a collaborative site-specific public installation entitled Urban Intersections for ISEA09, focusing on contested virtual spaces that mirror the social and political history of Belfast. The authors' current collaborative practice critically investigates social, cultural and creative interactions in Second Life. Through these practice-based experiments the authors' argue that an enhanced social and cultural discourse within multi-user virtual environments will inevitably lead to growth, cohesion and public empowerment, and like all social networking platforms, contribute to greater social and political change in first life