53 research outputs found


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    The modern humankind is known to have faced a number of insoluble civilization problems which can cause destructive global processes. In the context of growing conflict tendencies of the XXIst century it is getting evident that the existent institutions of the global socium – supranational organizations and the system of international exchange of resources – do not provide development of the global civilization without conflicts. Therefore the most urgent task of nowadays is to make a forecast as to forming such social institutions that can guarantee coexistence of local civilizations without conflicts as well as sustainable development of the global socium of the XXI st century.sustainable development, global institutions, global socium.

    Galactic exploration by directed Self-Replicating Probes, and its implications for the Fermi paradox

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    This paper proposes a long term scheme for robotic exploration of the galaxy,and then considers the implications in terms of the `Fermi paradox' and our search for ETI. We discuss the parameter space of the `galactic ecology' of civilizations in terms of the parameters T (time between ET civilizations arising) and L, the lifetime of these civilizations. Six different regions are described.Comment: 1 figur


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    The phenomenon of states changes of the world economy during the last 200 years shows that there is a certain 70-year regularity in its development, which is expressed in increased structural complexity of the global economic system every 70 years. The development happens after certain periods of bifurcation (up to 50 years) accompanied by the lower rates of economic development, and periods of adaptation (up to 20 years) with the higher rates. The theoretical justification of this process shows that the increased structural complexity of the global economic system is the external manifestations of the self-organization process in a large complex system we call the “world economy”. This process of development is based on two fundamental laws of nature: the principle of minimum dissipation of resources, and the law of conservation of economic potential; and is realized via two types of development mechanisms – bifurcation and adaptation.Formation of the world system model should rest on applying the natural laws of development, and lead towards the creation of a complex, two-level (regional and global) structure with the institution of geopolitical pluralism, based on implementing the “principle of minimum dissipation”. This will contribute to the development of the “global system” on the conflict-free base.system sustainable development, system self-organization, sustainable development of the “global system”

    Civilization problems in socio-political science

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    The article analyzes the civilization paradigms in contemporary social and political science. Regularities of the civilization approach to the historical process were researched systematically and the features of the materialist, cultural and historical trends in the theory of civilizations were studied. In particular, the essence of the concept of global and local civilization was analyzed. The historical role of communities of people i.e. civilization in the modern world was described on the basis of the analysis of globalization processes and political changes in today’s world.У статті здійснено аналіз цивілізаційних парадигм у сучасній суспільно-політичній науці. Системно досліджено закономірності цивілізаційного підходу до історичного процесу, вивчено особливості матеріалістичного та культурно- історичного напряму в теорії цивілізацій. Зокрема, проаналізовано сутність поняття глобальна та локальна цивілізація. На основі аналізу процесів глобалізації та політичних змін в сучасному світі дана характеристика ролі історичних спільнот людей – цивілізацій у сучасному світі.В статье осуществлен анализ цивилизационных парадигм в современной общественно-политической науке. Системно исследованы закономерности цивилизационного подхода к историческому процессу, изучено особенности материалистического и культурно-исторического направления в теории цивилизаций. Проанализирована сущность понятия глобальная и локальная цивилизация. На основе анализа процессов глобализации и политических изменений в современном мире дана характеристика роли исторических общностей людей – цивилизаций в современном мире

    Civilization problems in socio-political science

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    The article analyzes the civilization paradigms in contemporary social and political science. Regularities of the civilization approach to the historical process were researched systematically and the features of the materialist, cultural and historical trends in the theory of civilizations were studied. In particular, the essence of the concept of global and local civilization was analyzed. The historical role of communities of people i.e. civilization in the modern world was described on the basis of the analysis of globalization processes and political changes in today’s world.У статті здійснено аналіз цивілізаційних парадигм у сучасній суспільно-політичній науці. Системно досліджено закономірності цивілізаційного підходу до історичного процесу, вивчено особливості матеріалістичного та культурно- історичного напряму в теорії цивілізацій. Зокрема, проаналізовано сутність поняття глобальна та локальна цивілізація. На основі аналізу процесів глобалізації та політичних змін в сучасному світі дана характеристика ролі історичних спільнот людей – цивілізацій у сучасному світі.В статье осуществлен анализ цивилизационных парадигм в современной общественно-политической науке. Системно исследованы закономерности цивилизационного подхода к историческому процессу, изучено особенности материалистического и культурно-исторического направления в теории цивилизаций. Проанализирована сущность понятия глобальная и локальная цивилизация. На основе анализа процессов глобализации и политических изменений в современном мире дана характеристика роли исторических общностей людей – цивилизаций в современном мире

    A Fine Book which Presents an Overview of the Interaction between Civilizations in Modern East Asia : Review of Hazama Naoki’s The Enlightenment Thinkers of Modern East Asian Civilizations Sphere

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    In May 2021, Professor Hazama Naoki published The Enlightenment Thinkers of Modern East Asian Civilizations Sphere from by Kyoto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppansha. The review recollects the reviewer’s personal academic contacts with the author since 1985, and appraises his scholarly accomplishments in terms of intellectual study about the interaction between civilizations in modern East Asia, such as the influence of Nakae Chōmin’s translation of The Social Contract on China, the relations between Fukuzawa Yukichi’s Tōyō no Pōrando (1884), Datsu-A Ron (1885) and his anticipation of China’s partition by the Western powers and Japan in late 1890s, as well as the key role played by Liang Qichao in bridging Japan and China for promoting modern civilizations and cultures in the early 20th century.陶徳民教授古稀記念

    Contributions of Translations Activities in Malay, Chinese and Indian Civilization

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    This paper intends to propose the activities of translations in transferring knowledge from one civilization to another. In this paper, the translation activities among the Malay, Chinese and Indian civilizations will be revealed. Hence, it will be seen that translation is a very big medium to transfer knowledge from any sources from this world. At this point, the paper sheds a light on translation activities among three major races in Malaysia which is Malay, Chinese and Indian. Key words: Translation; Malay; Chinese; Indian; Civilizatio

    Sense variability and typology of cultures

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    The article is concerned with the problem of justification of cultural (civilizational) typological diversity, which is being analyzed in the framework of variant types and meaning-making methods. Authors attempt to prove the leading role of these methods in shaping cultures’ idiosyncrasies, as well as a specific course of their evolution, and sustainability as culture-transforming programs. In the article, the criteria of distinguishing historical culture types set in the XIX-XX centuries by the most influential civilizational concepts are analyzed, and a new criterion is proposed. This is the criterion of the meaning-making method which is considered the most applicable to describe the core of any culture as an integrity of both experimental and textual ways of human existence re-examination. A number of culture (civilization) types were used as examples; the article observes how the key meaning-making model sculpts the civilization as a unique entity and defines it

    Sense variability and typology of cultures

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    The article is concerned with the problem of justification of cultural (civilizational) typological diversity, which is being analyzed in the framework of variant types and meaning-making methods. Authors attempt to prove the leading role of these methods in shaping cultures’ idiosyncrasies, as well as a specific course of their evolution, and sustainability as culture-transforming programs. In the article, the criteria of distinguishing historical culture types set in the XIX-XX centuries by the most influential civilizational concepts are analyzed, and a new criterion is proposed. This is the criterion of the meaning-making method which is considered the most applicable to describe the core of any culture as an integrity of both experimental and textual ways of human existence re-examination. A number of culture (civilization) types were used as examples; the article observes how the key meaning-making model sculpts the civilization as a unique entity and defines it