11 research outputs found

    Presentation of the paper "Interaction design principles in WYRED platform" in HCII 2017

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    This is the presentation of the paper entitled “Interaction design principles in WYRED platform” in the Emerging interactive systems for education session at the HCI International 2017 Conference, held in Vancouver, Canada, 9 - 14 July 2017. This work presents the requirements elicitation phase for the WYRED platform. WYRED (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society) is a European H2020 Project that aims to provide a framework for research in which children and young people can express and explore their perspectives and interests in relation to digital society, but also a platform from which they can communicate their perspectives to other stakeholders effectively through innovative engagement processes. The requirement elicitation is a basic step to design the interactive mechanism to build up the needed social dialog among the involved stakeholders. In order to set up the right interactive tasks, not only functional requirements are elicited, the non-functional requirements play a key role in this project, specially regarding to ensure the security and privacy of the underage people that will be presented in the development of this project

    Presenting the WYRED project at EduDays 2017 Conference

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    Presentation of WYRED (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society) a H2020 project in EDU|days 2017 event, held in Donau-Universität Krems on April 5-6, 2017. On 5 and 6 April the EduDays took place in Krems, a conference for teachers of all subjects with a view to critically reflecting teaching and learning with digital media at the schools and giving impulses for an optimal use. MOVES was represented with a Pecha-Kucha presentation on WYRED. This is a very interesting lecture format in which you can focus on the essentials in exactly 400 seconds and then discuss them personally with interested people in a World Café

    Platform v1. WP3_D3.2

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    Platform v1 WP3_D3.

    WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. Hebrew Version

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    WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. Hebrew Versio

    WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. German Version

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    WYRED Stakeholder Questionnaire. German Versio

    Corpus of session reports. WP5_ D5.1 v1

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    H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016 Grant Agreement number: 727066 1st November 2016 – 30th September 2019 Corpus of session reports WP5_D5.1 v

    WYRED Project

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    [en]WYRED (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society) European H2020 project was born with the aim of knowing better what young people think, giving them the opportunity of rising their voices, about the technology influence in every aspect of their daily living. Currently, this project is near to finish its first year, building a different Social Sciences research approach, with a focus more oriented to open science related areas such as crowd science, citizen science, or network-connected science.El proyecto europeo H2020 WYRED (netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society), nació con el objetivo de conocer mejor lo que piensan los jóvenes, escuchando la propia voz de los jóvenes, sobre la influencia de la tecnología en los diversos aspectos de su vida diaria. Actualmente, va camino de culminar su primer año vida, construyendo una aproximación diferente en la investigación en Ciencias Sociales, con un enfoque propio de ciertas áreas de la ciencia abierta como son la ciencia de las masas, la ciencia ciudadana, o la ciencia conectada a una red.European Commision (EC). Funding H2020/CSA. Project Code: 72706

    Manifiesto WYRED de los jóvenes. Spanish Version

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    Manifiesto WYRED de los jóvenes. Spanish Versio

    First Cycle Evaluation approach. WP7_D7.1

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    H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016 Grant Agreement number: 727066 1st November 2016 – 30th September 2019 First Cycle Evaluation approach Deliverable number: WP7_D7.

    Analítica visual de datos para representación de la interacción en una red social privada y con restricciones de privacidad

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    TFM Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes - Universidad de Salamanca En este trabajo se realiza una propuesta para estudiar los datos que se van a generar en la red social privada y anónima del proyecto WYRED, con el n de extraer conocimiento sobre cómo interaccionan sus usuarios, tanto entre ellos, como con la propia plataforma. Para ello se parte de la creación de un sistema que generará un conjunto de datos de prueba, lo más parecido posible al original, y de una revisión sistemática de la literatura que ha permitido conocer las principales visualizaciones y el contexto en el que se aplican. Con esta información y teniendo en cuenta el impacto de la privacidad a la hora de tratar los datos del proyecto, se ha propuesto una arquitectura exible y completa para el desarrollo de las visualizaciones interactivas que van a permitir visualizar los datos anteriormente generados. Finalmente, se presentan varios casos de uso donde se demuestra la idoneidad de la analítica visual para realizar análisis de los datos del proyecto y extraer conocimiento, de manera sencilla