5,520 research outputs found

    El sitio de los dólmenes de Antequera en la obra de Georg y Vera Leisner: una revisión

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    The Antequera dolmens site (Malaga, Spain), included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since July 2016, has a research history of almost 200 years that goes back to the work of Rafael Mitjana y Ardison in the 1840s. After the discovery of the Viera dolmen and El Romeral tholos, in 1903 and 1904 respectively, the research of the great megalithic site received a renewed impulse. Published in 1943, the first volume of the corpus of Iberian megalithic monuments by Georg and Vera Leisner (Die Megalithgräber der Iberischen Halbinsel, Erster Teil: Der Süden) was to become the most detailed study of the Antequera site during the second half of the 20th century, despite the fact that being published in German limited its penetration among the Spanish scholarship. Here, we review the importance of the work of the Leisners to understand the Antequera megaliths in light of the results of the research that has been undertaken in the last 15 years. Many of the issues raised by the German couple continue to be fully pertinent within the context of today’s research on these monuments. In addition, to facilitate future access to their work, this paper is accompanied by full translations into English and Spanish of the Leisners’s text on the Antequera megaliths.El sitio de los dólmenes de Antequera (Málaga, España), inscrito en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de UNESCO desde julio de 2016, cuenta con una historia de investigación de casi 200 años que se remonta al trabajo de Rafael Mitjana y Ardison en la década de 1840. Tras el descubrimiento del dolmen de Viera y el tholos de El Romeral, en 1903 y 1904 respectivamente, la investigación del gran sitio megalítico antequerano experimentó un fuerte impulso. Publicado en 1943, el primer volumen del gran corpus de monumentos megalíticos ibéricos de Georg y Vera Leisner (Die Megalithgräber der Iberischen Halbinsel. Erster Teil: Der Süden) habría de convertirse en el estudio más detallado del sitio antequerano durante toda la segunda mitad del siglo XX, a pesar de que el hecho de estar publicado en alemán lo hacía de difícil acceso para muchos estudiosos españoles. En este artículo revisamos la importancia de la obra de los Leisners para entender los megalitos antequeranos a la luz de los resultados de las investigaciones que se vienen desarrollando desde hace 15 años. Son muchas las cuestiones planteadas en la obra del matrimonio alemán que siguen teniendo plena vigencia en la investigación actual de estos monumentos. Además, para facilitar el futuro acceso a su obra, el texto se acompaña de sendas traducciones al inglés y al español

    Monotonous repetition in architecture. Terraced landscapes

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    La arquitectura, y el proyecto de arquitectura, se plantea como una disciplina capaz de responder a la transformación coherente del territorio con un ordenado sentido de repetición, una herramienta que otorga la consideración de continuidad del pasaje de bancales de un proceso heredado y en continua evolución, ofreciendo respuestas capaces de integrar el concepto de habitar, cultivar y proyectar en estos territorios. Existe una necesidad de practicar una investigación aplicada sobre la puesta en valor del paisaje, en este caso focalizado en los territorios de bancales, a través de la cual se puedan plantear acciones y estrategias proyectuales precisas como argumentos para la protección, conservación, recuperación, revalorización, renovación, e incluso la incorporación e implementación de nuevas ideas, conceptos usos y actividades respetuosos que atiendan a su vez a las nuevas demandas sociales.Architecture, and architectural design, is a discipline capable of responding to the consistent transformation of the land with an ordered sense of repetition, a tool that considers the terraced landscape to be the continuation of an inherited process that is constantly evolving, offering responses capable of integrating the concepts of inhabiting, cultivating and designing these lands. There is a need for carrying out applied research into showcasing the landscape, in this case focused on terraced land, through which specific design strategies and actions may arise as arguments for the protection, conservation, recovery, revaluation, renewal, and even the incorporation or implementation of respectful ideas, concepts, uses and activities that simultaneously meet the new social demands

    Beyond the GUI in agriculture : A bibliographic review, challenges and opportunities

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    Different reasons have lead to an increased interest in ICTs applications to the agriculture, like precision farming or agricultural robotics. However the GUI remains the most common interface today, a host of other interfaces are becoming increasingly prevalent, such as speech based, gestural, haptics, multimodal, etc. This work presents a bibliographic review about the inclusion of nontraditional interactions (named beyond the GUI interfaces after Kortum) for different operations in the agricultural fields, a qualitative analysis and some challenges and opportunities found.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Método docente aplicado en asignaturas de ingeniería de organización para el desarrollo competencial

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    El mercado laboral actual se caracteriza por un aumento en la exigencia de los perfiles profesionales demandados. Concretamente, en el ámbito de la ingeniería, cada vez más, se requieren perfiles que reúnan, además de los conocimientos técnicos, habilidades personales, sociales y metodológicas. En este sentido, son muchos los estudios que demuestran la importancia de la estrategia docente utilizada en los programas de ingeniería sobre el desarrollo competencial de los estudiantes. Este trabajo pretende dar evidencia de ello por medio de la presentación del método docente utilizado en asignaturas del ámbito de la Organización industrial correspondientes al plan de estudios del Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Organización por la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya. El método docente utilizado combina estrategias de aprendizaje activo, como son el aprendizaje basado en problemas, el aprendizaje basado en proyectos y el aprendizaje cooperativo, con la estrategia tradicional de las lecciones magistrales. Así, se consigue aprovechar las ventajas de ambas tipologías de estrategias de aprendizaje y favorecer el desarrollo no sólo de las competencias técnicas específicas, sino también de un conjunto de competencias transversales y básicas necesarias para el desarrollo profesional de los estudiantes de Ingeniería de OrganizaciónPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using Citizen Science Gamification in Agriculture Collaborative Knowledge Production

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    RUC-APS is an international project run by 16 research institutions. The project's main goal is empowering agriculture production systems through innovative knowledge-based ICT solutions to deal with high risk and uncertain conditions. In this context, a Semantic Mediawiki is desired to support the various stakeholders in the agriculture value chain in the task of capturing and sharing agricultural best practices. Applying gamification to Wikis is one strategy to encourage the community to participate, and It could be achieved by attaching Metagame, a gamification layer system. However, It could be risky because the tunning of a gamification system in the production face of the wiki could be perceived by the users as a bug in the system. To avoid this situation, a simulation based on the real historical data of the Agriculture community in Wikipedia from 2001 to 2018 was performed. The simulation revealed that is not obvious to generate a system of awards on the type of actions carried out by the Wikipedia editors. The construction of knowledge is done in very small portions, and some of them can be confused with improvements or corrections instead of contributions. Indeed, It shows the importance of tuning the reward parameters, because that allows advancing in the Metagame rank evolution.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Ocio y turismo millennial: el fenómeno de las salas de escape

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    El escapismo en vivo es una tendencia de ocio que viene experimentando un crecimiento extraordinario en los últimos años. El objetivo del presente artículo es definir, caracterizar y analizar la evolución de esta actividad, así como evaluar su importancia y su potencial recreativo y turístico en España. Ante la insuficiencia de datos y literatura científica al respecto, hemos recurrido a fuentes de información directa como encuestas y entrevistas, así como a otras menos convencionales como blogs, portales de opinión y otros contenidos generados por usuarios (UGC). Los resultados son reveladores y, entre otros, retratan que este sector emergente —formado por microempresas y estrechamente ligado al colectivo millennial— posee una creciente vinculación con el turismo. Al ser un negocio sin posibilidad de repetición, su éxito entre la población local se traduce en la reducción de la clientela potencial más cercana; así, la captación de la población flotante, estudiantes de larga estancia o turistas, se convierte en una de las principales estrategias de la empresa.The live escape games sector is a leisure trend that has undergone extraordinary growth in the last three years. The aim of this work is to define and characterize the phenomenon, study its evolution and distribution in Spain, and evaluate its leisure and tourism potential. Given the lack of specific literature or data regarding this topic, it became necessary to generate new and direct information via interviews and surveys and to use less conventional information from user-generated content (UGC) such as blogs and reviews websites. The results are revealing and, among others, show that this emerging sector —formed by microenterprises and closely linked to the millennial generation— has an increasing link with tourism. As offers a service without repetition, capture of local customers is equivalent to reduction of potential users, becoming the attraction of floating population, as the tourists, a key strategy

    Beyond the GUI in agriculture: a bibliographic review, challenges and opportunities

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    Different reasons have lead to an increased interest in ICTs applications to the agriculture, like precision farming or agricultural robotics. However the GUI remains the most common interface today, a host of other interfaces are becoming increasingly prevalent, such as speech based, gestural, haptics, multimodal, etc. This work presents a bibliographic review about the inclusion of nontraditional interactions (named beyond the GUI interfaces after Kortum) for different operations in the agricultural fields, a qualitative analysis and some challenges and opportunities found

    The Bronze Age in the Lands of Antequera: on the Wake of a Powerful Past

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    Antequera is home to a major megalithic site, listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List since July 2016. Although going back to the first half of the 19th cent. CE, research on this site has hitherto failed to provide a thorough synthesis of the settlement dynamics in the Later Prehistory of the surrounding region, the Lands of Antequera. In line with the topic of this book, in this contribution a review of the currently available evidence for Bronze Age Antequera is presented. This is a follow-up of a similar paper dealing with the Copper Age, published some years ago (García Sanjuán et al. 2016). To achieve this review, a summary description of the available empirical evi dence is first made; then, the main trends of that period in terms of settle ment patterns, economic practices and funerary ideology are discussed; fi nally, the resulting conclusions are put into a more general perspective from the view point of the social and cultural dynamics of southern Iberian Bronze Age. The resulting picture is that the Bronze Age at the Lands of Antequera appears to have been visibly marked by a phenomenon of cultural continuity pivoting around the persistent infl uence of the magnifi cent megalithic monuments that dominated the social landscape in the 4th and 3rd mill. BCE

    Community resilience in Spanish depopulated rural areas: A systematic review.

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    Research on community resilience has been ongoing for decades. Several studies have been carried out on resilience in different groups and contexts. However, few address the relationship between community resilience and depopulated rural areas. This study aims to dig deeper into this, considering the concrete impact of population decline in Spain. We carried out a systematic review of the most relevant contributions. A search protocol was developed and used to consult ten databases. Different combinations of terms such as ‘community resilience’, ‘rural’, and ‘depopulation’, or related terms, were used. 22 scientific texts were analysed. We obtained a set of publications that demonstrate the heterogeneity of research methods, approaches and analytical processes applied to the study of this relationship. A mostly qualitative approach was observed, either as the main technique or complementary to documentary reviews. The results underscore the complex nature of rural depopulation and related constructs. It emphasizes the specific importance of community resilience in these territoriesin terms of social capital, endogenous resources, sustainability, economic dynamism, local responsibility and effective governance. The findings identify a scarce mention to social intervention professions, which should have a more important role due to their core values. In the studies reviewed, it appears as an emerging and scientifically relevant area to explore, both for investigation and intervention purposes. The strength of a multidisciplinary approach to addressing the phenomena appears in the discussion as a main potential line of research

    Teachers' perception of the students' foreign language learning and the potential role of ICT

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    This article focuses on the learning problems that arise in the teaching of second languages. Nowadays, the introduction of new technologies in this field has had a relevant effect by offering new possibilities that did not exist in the analogue era. However, many of the learning problems persist, and one of the causes identified is the change in learning styles. The use of new technologies has fostered an experimental learning style among students. This style is incompatible with traditional classes of theory and practice, in which an intellectual effort is required to understand the theory and then put into practice what has been learned. The present work starts from this reality and tries to provide possible improvements. For this, an analysis of the main problems encountered by the learners in the various linguistic acquisition components (lexicon, grammar and processes of comprehension and production, both oral and written) has been carried out. The method used was a questionnaire answered by 113 active language teachers. After the analysis of the answers received, a series of specific problems of the teaching-learning process was enumerated and different IT applications and ICT resources were searched that could solve or at least minimize them