143 research outputs found

    Inter-workgroup barrier synchronisation on graphics processing units

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    GPUs are parallel devices that are able to run thousands of independent threads concurrently. Traditional GPU programs are data-parallel, requiring little to no communication, i.e. synchronisation, between threads. However, classical concurrency in the context of CPUs often exploits synchronisation idioms that are not supported on GPUs. By studying such idioms on GPUs, with an aim to facilitate them in a portable way, a wider and more generic space of GPU applications can be made possible. While the breadth of this thesis extends to many aspects of GPU systems, the common thread throughout is the global barrier: an execution barrier that synchronises all threads executing a GPU application. The idea of such a barrier might seem straightforward, however this investigation reveals many challenges and insights. In particular, this thesis includes the following studies: Execution models: while a general global barrier can deadlock due to starvation on GPUs, it is shown that the scheduling guarantees of current GPUs can be used to dynamically create an execution environment that allows for a safe and portable global barrier across a subset of the GPU threads. Application optimisations: a set GPU optimisations are examined that are tailored for graph applications, including one optimisation enabled by the global barrier. It is shown that these optimisations can provided substantial performance improvements, e.g. the barrier optimisation achieves over a 10X speedup on AMD and Intel GPUs. The performance portability of these optimisations is investigated, as their utility varies across input, application, and architecture. Multitasking: because many GPUs do not support preemption, long-running GPU compute tasks (e.g. applications that use the global barrier) may block other GPU functions, including graphics. A simple cooperative multitasking scheme is proposed that allows graphics tasks to meet their deadlines with reasonable overheads.Open Acces

    Cooperative kernels: GPU multitasking for blocking algorithms

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    There is growing interest in accelerating irregular data-parallel algorithms on GPUs. These algorithms are typically blocking , so they require fair scheduling. But GPU programming models (e.g. OpenCL) do not mandate fair scheduling, and GPU schedulers are unfair in practice. Current approaches avoid this issue by exploit- ing scheduling quirks of today’s GPUs in a manner that does not allow the GPU to be shared with other workloads (such as graphics rendering tasks). We propose cooperative kernels , an extension to the traditional GPU programming model geared towards writing blocking algorithms. Workgroups of a cooperative kernel are fairly scheduled, and multitasking is supported via a small set of language extensions through which the kernel and scheduler cooperate. We describe a prototype implementation of a cooperative kernel frame- work implemented in OpenCL 2.0 and evaluate our approach by porting a set of blocking GPU applications to cooperative kernels and examining their performance under multitasking

    An automated OpenCL FPGA compilation framework targeting a configurable, VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    Modern system-on-chips augment their baseline CPU with coprocessors and accelerators to increase overall computational capacity and power efficiency, and thus have evolved into heterogeneous systems. Several languages have been developed to enable this paradigm shift, including CUDA and OpenCL. This thesis discusses a unified compilation environment to enable heterogeneous system design through the use of OpenCL and a customised VLIW chip multiprocessor (CMP) architecture, known as the LE1. An LLVM compilation framework was researched and a prototype developed to enable the execution of OpenCL applications on the LE1 CPU. The framework fully automates the compilation flow and supports work-item coalescing to better utilise the CPU cores and alleviate the effects of thread divergence. This thesis discusses in detail both the software stack and target hardware architecture and evaluates the scalability of the proposed framework on a highly precise cycle-accurate simulator. This is achieved through the execution of 12 benchmarks across 240 different machine configurations, as well as further results utilising an incomplete development branch of the compiler. It is shown that the problems generally scale well with the LE1 architecture, up to eight cores, when the memory system becomes a serious bottleneck. Results demonstrate superlinear performance on certain benchmarks (x9 for the bitonic sort benchmark with 8 dual-issue cores) with further improvements from compiler optimisations (x14 for bitonic with the same configuration

    OpenCL Actors - Adding Data Parallelism to Actor-based Programming with CAF

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    The actor model of computation has been designed for a seamless support of concurrency and distribution. However, it remains unspecific about data parallel program flows, while available processing power of modern many core hardware such as graphics processing units (GPUs) or coprocessors increases the relevance of data parallelism for general-purpose computation. In this work, we introduce OpenCL-enabled actors to the C++ Actor Framework (CAF). This offers a high level interface for accessing any OpenCL device without leaving the actor paradigm. The new type of actor is integrated into the runtime environment of CAF and gives rise to transparent message passing in distributed systems on heterogeneous hardware. Following the actor logic in CAF, OpenCL kernels can be composed while encapsulated in C++ actors, hence operate in a multi-stage fashion on data resident at the GPU. Developers are thus enabled to build complex data parallel programs from primitives without leaving the actor paradigm, nor sacrificing performance. Our evaluations on commodity GPUs, an Nvidia TESLA, and an Intel PHI reveal the expected linear scaling behavior when offloading larger workloads. For sub-second duties, the efficiency of offloading was found to largely differ between devices. Moreover, our findings indicate a negligible overhead over programming with the native OpenCL API.Comment: 28 page

    Automated Test Generation for OpenCL Kernels using Fuzzing and Constraint Solving

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    CLTestCheck: Measuring Test Effectiveness for GPU Kernels

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    Guided rewriting and constraint satisfaction for parallel GPU code generation

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are notoriously hard to optimise for manually due to their scheduling and memory hierarchies. What is needed are good automatic code generators and optimisers for such parallel hardware. Functional approaches such as Accelerate, Futhark and LIFT leverage a high-level algorithmic Intermediate Representation (IR) to expose parallelism and abstract the implementation details away from the user. However, producing efficient code for a given accelerator remains challenging. Existing code generators depend on the user input to choose a subset of hard-coded optimizations or automated exploration of implementation search space. The former suffers from the lack of extensibility, while the latter is too costly due to the size of the search space. A hybrid approach is needed, where a space of valid implementations is built automatically and explored with the aid of human expertise. This thesis presents a solution combining user-guided rewriting and automatically generated constraints to produce high-performance code. The first contribution is an automatic tuning technique to find a balance between performance and memory consumption. Leveraging its functional patterns, the LIFT compiler is empowered to infer tuning constraints and limit the search to valid tuning combinations only. Next, the thesis reframes parallelisation as a constraint satisfaction problem. Parallelisation constraints are extracted automatically from the input expression, and a solver is used to identify valid rewriting. The constraints truncate the search space to valid parallel mappings only by capturing the scheduling restrictions of the GPU in the context of a given program. A synchronisation barrier insertion technique is proposed to prevent data races and improve the efficiency of the generated parallel mappings. The final contribution of this thesis is the guided rewriting method, where the user encodes a design space of structural transformations using high-level IR nodes called rewrite points. These strongly typed pragmas express macro rewrites and expose design choices as explorable parameters. The thesis proposes a small set of reusable rewrite points to achieve tiling, cache locality, data reuse and memory optimisation. A comparison with the vendor-provided handwritten kernel ARM Compute Library and the TVM code generator demonstrates the effectiveness of this thesis' contributions. With convolution as a use case, LIFT-generated direct and GEMM-based convolution implementations are shown to perform on par with the state-of-the-art solutions on a mobile GPU. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that a functional IR yields well to user-guided and automatic rewriting for high-performance code generation

    A new parallelisation technique for heterogeneous CPUs

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    Parallelization has moved in recent years into the mainstream compilers, and the demand for parallelizing tools that can do a better job of automatic parallelization is higher than ever. During the last decade considerable attention has been focused on developing programming tools that support both explicit and implicit parallelism to keep up with the power of the new multiple core technology. Yet the success to develop automatic parallelising compilers has been limited mainly due to the complexity of the analytic process required to exploit available parallelism and manage other parallelisation measures such as data partitioning, alignment and synchronization. This dissertation investigates developing a programming tool that automatically parallelises large data structures on a heterogeneous architecture and whether a high-level programming language compiler can use this tool to exploit implicit parallelism and make use of the performance potential of the modern multicore technology. The work involved the development of a fully automatic parallelisation tool, called VSM, that completely hides the underlying details of general purpose heterogeneous architectures. The VSM implementation provides direct and simple access for users to parallelise array operations on the Cell’s accelerators without the need for any annotations or process directives. This work also involved the extension of the Glasgow Vector Pascal compiler to work with the VSM implementation as a one compiler system. The developed compiler system, which is called VP-Cell, takes a single source code and parallelises array expressions automatically. Several experiments were conducted using Vector Pascal benchmarks to show the validity of the VSM approach. The VP-Cell system achieved significant runtime performance on one accelerator as compared to the master processor’s performance and near-linear speedups over code runs on the Cell’s accelerators. Though VSM was mainly designed for developing parallelising compilers it also showed a considerable performance by running C code over the Cell’s accelerators

    Teste de desempenho de padrões de Vulkan com path-tracing

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    Performance and low overhead are the selling points of modern graphics APIs, such as Vulkan API, when compared to previous versions. However, these come with added complexity over previous APIs. Understanding all involved API elements takes time and, sometimes, there is no clear perception of the bene ts and drawbacks in each. The thesis focus is to draw a clear view of a subset of Vulkan patterns and layout their pros and cons. The thesis features a path-tracer implemented in Vulkan uniquely out of Compute shaders. It is used to evaluate multi-threading, command scheduling and memory management e ects with a consistent test method. Furthermore, it also features a set of guidelines and abstractions created from Vulkan's work experience. These can be used to atten other API users learning curve or provide some improvement lines on existing applications.Desempenho e baixo consumo são as vantagens dadas pelas API gráficas modernas, como a API Vulkan, quando comparadas com as versões anteriores. Em contrapartida, também oferecem um maior grau de complexidade. É preciso tempo para perceber todos os elementos envolvidos, como também nem sempre é percetível quais os benefícios e perdas do uso desses mesmos elementos. O foco da dissertação é criar uma perspetiva nítida das vantagens e desvantagens em torno de determinados padrões em Vulkan. Esta dissertação avalia os efeitos de multi-threading, ordem de comandos e manipulação de memória, com base num método consistente, via um pathtracer feito unicamente de Compute shaders com Vulkan. Ainda junta toda a experiência de uso e conclusões num conjunto de guias e abstrações, a fim de ajudar a reduzir a curva de aprendizagem ou dar ideias sobre possíveis melhorias em aplicações existentes.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Automated testing for GPU kernels

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are massively parallel processors offering performance acceleration and energy efficiency unmatched by current processors (CPUs) in computers. These advantages along with recent advances in the programmability of GPUs have made them widely used in various general-purpose computing domains. However, this has also made testing GPU kernels critical to ensure that their behaviour meets the requirements of the design and specification. Despite the advances in programmability, GPU kernels are hard to code and analyse due to the high complexity of memory sharing patterns, striding patterns for memory accesses, implicit synchronisation, and combinatorial explosion of thread interleavings. Existing few techniques for testing GPU kernels use symbolic execution for test generation that incur a high overhead, have limited scalability and do not handle all data types. In this thesis, we present novel approaches to measure test effectiveness and generate tests automatically for GPU kernels. To achieve this, we address significant challenges related to the GPU execution and memory model, and the lack of customised thread scheduling and global synchronisation. We make the following contributions: First, we present a framework, CLTestCheck, for assessing the quality of test suites developed for GPU kernels. The framework can measure code coverage using three different coverage metrics that are inspired by faults found in real kernel code. Fault finding capability of the test suite is also measured by the framework to seed different types of faults in the kernel and reported in the form of mutation score, which is the ratio of the number of uncovered faults to the total number of seeded faults. Second, with the goal of being fast, effective and scalable, we propose a test generation technique, CLFuzz, for GPU kernels that combines mutation-based fuzzing for fast test generation and selective SMT solving to help cover unreachable branches by fuzzing. Fuzz testing for GPU kernels has not been explored previously. Our approach for fuzz testing randomly mutates input kernel argument values with the goal of increasing branch coverage and supports GPU-specific data types such as images. When fuzz testing is unable to increase branch coverage with random mutations, we gather path constraints for uncovered branch conditions, build additional constraints to represent the context of GPU execution such as number of threads and work-group size, and invoke the Z3 constraint solver to generate tests for them. Finally, to help uncover inter work-group data races and replay these bugs with fixed work-group schedules, we present a schedule amplifier, CLSchedule, that simulates multiple work-group schedules, with which to execute each of the generated tests. By reimplementing the OpenCL API, CLSchedule executes the kernel with a fixed work-group schedule rather than the default arbitrary schedule. It also executes the kernel directly, without requiring the developer to manually provide boilerplate host code. The outcome of our research can be summarised as follows: 1. CLTestCheck is applied to 82 publicly available GPU kernels from industry-standard benchmark suites along with their test suites. The experiment reveals that CLTestCheck is capable of automatically measuring the effectiveness of test suites, in terms of code coverage, faulting finding capability and revealing data races in real OpenCL kernels. 2. CLFuzz can automatically generate tests and achieve close to 100% coverage and mutation score for the majority of the data set of 217 GPU kernels collected from open-source projects and industry-standard benchmarks. 3. CLSchedule is capable of exploring the effect of work-group schedules on the 217 GPU kernels and uncovers data races in 21 of them. The techniques developed in this thesis demonstrate that we can measure the effectiveness of tests developed for GPU kernels with our coverage criteria and fault seeding methods. The result is useful in highlighting code portions that may need developers' further attention. Our automated test generation and work-group scheduling approaches are also fast, effective and scalable, with small overhead incurred (average of 0.8 seconds) and scalability to large kernels with complex data structures
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