Inter-workgroup barrier synchronisation on graphics processing units


GPUs are parallel devices that are able to run thousands of independent threads concurrently. Traditional GPU programs are data-parallel, requiring little to no communication, i.e. synchronisation, between threads. However, classical concurrency in the context of CPUs often exploits synchronisation idioms that are not supported on GPUs. By studying such idioms on GPUs, with an aim to facilitate them in a portable way, a wider and more generic space of GPU applications can be made possible. While the breadth of this thesis extends to many aspects of GPU systems, the common thread throughout is the global barrier: an execution barrier that synchronises all threads executing a GPU application. The idea of such a barrier might seem straightforward, however this investigation reveals many challenges and insights. In particular, this thesis includes the following studies: Execution models: while a general global barrier can deadlock due to starvation on GPUs, it is shown that the scheduling guarantees of current GPUs can be used to dynamically create an execution environment that allows for a safe and portable global barrier across a subset of the GPU threads. Application optimisations: a set GPU optimisations are examined that are tailored for graph applications, including one optimisation enabled by the global barrier. It is shown that these optimisations can provided substantial performance improvements, e.g. the barrier optimisation achieves over a 10X speedup on AMD and Intel GPUs. The performance portability of these optimisations is investigated, as their utility varies across input, application, and architecture. Multitasking: because many GPUs do not support preemption, long-running GPU compute tasks (e.g. applications that use the global barrier) may block other GPU functions, including graphics. A simple cooperative multitasking scheme is proposed that allows graphics tasks to meet their deadlines with reasonable overheads.Open Acces

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