90 research outputs found

    Quantitative diffusion MRI with application to multiple sclerosis

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    Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a uniquely non-invasive probe of biological tissue properties, increasingly able to provide access to ever more intricate structural and microstructural tissue information. Imaging biomarkers that reveal pathological alterations can help advance our knowledge of complex neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS), but depend on both high quality image data and robust post-processing pipelines. The overarching aim of this thesis was to develop methods to improve the characterisation of brain tissue structure and microstructure using dMRI. Two distinct avenues were explored. In the first approach, network science and graph theory were used to identify core human brain networks with improved sensitivity to subtle pathological damage. A novel consensus subnetwork was derived using graph partitioning techniques to select nodes based on independent measures of centrality, and was better able to explain cognitive impairment in relapsing-remitting MS patients than either full brain or default mode networks. The influence of edge weighting scheme on graph characteristics was explored in a separate study, which contributes to the connectomics field by demonstrating how study outcomes can be affected by an aspect of network design often overlooked. The second avenue investigated the influence of image artefacts and noise on the accuracy and precision of microstructural tissue parameters. Correction methods for the echo planar imaging (EPI) Nyquist ghost artefact were systematically evaluated for the first time in high b-value dMRI, and the outcomes were used to develop a new 2D phase-corrected reconstruction framework with simultaneous channel-wise noise reduction appropriate for dMRI. The technique was demonstrated to alleviate biases associated with Nyquist ghosting and image noise in dMRI biomarkers, but has broader applications in other imaging protocols that utilise the EPI readout. I truly hope the research in this thesis will influence and inspire future work in the wider MR community

    Real-time multispectral fluorescence and reflectance imaging for intraoperative applications

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    Fluorescence guided surgery supports doctors by making unrecognizable anatomical or pathological structures become recognizable. For instance, cancer cells can be targeted with one fluorescent dye whereas muscular tissue, nerves or blood vessels can be targeted by other dyes to allow distinction beyond conventional color vision. Consequently, intraoperative imaging devices should combine multispectral fluorescence with conventional reflectance color imaging over the entire visible and near-infrared spectral range at video rate, which remains a challenge. In this work, the requirements for such a fluorescence imaging device are analyzed in detail. A concept based on temporal and spectral multiplexing is developed, and a prototype system is build. Experiments and numerical simulations show that the prototype fulfills the design requirements and suggest future improvements. The multispectral fluorescence image stream is processed to present fluorescent dye images to the surgeon using linear unmixing. However, artifacts in the unmixed images may not be noticed by the surgeon. A tool is developed in this work to indicate unmixing inconsistencies on a per pixel and per frame basis. In-silico optimization and a critical review suggest future improvements and provide insight for clinical translation

    High-quality, high-throughput measurement of protein-DNA binding using HiTS-FLIP

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    In order to understand in more depth and on a genome wide scale the behavior of transcription factors (TFs), novel quantitative experiments with high-throughput are needed. Recently, HiTS-FLIP (High-Throughput Sequencing-Fluorescent Ligand Interaction Profiling) was invented by the Burge lab at the MIT (Nutiu et al. (2011)). Based on an Illumina GA-IIx machine for next-generation sequencing, HiTS-FLIP allows to measure the affinity of fluorescent labeled proteins to millions of DNA clusters at equilibrium in an unbiased and untargeted way examining the entire sequence space by Determination of dissociation constants (Kds) for all 12-mer DNA motifs. During my PhD I helped to improve the experimental design of this method to allow measuring the protein-DNA binding events at equilibrium omitting any washing step by utilizing the TIRF (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence) based optics of the GA-IIx. In addition, I developed the first versions of XML based controlling software that automates the measurement procedure. Meeting the needs for processing the vast amount of data produced by each run, I developed a sophisticated, high performance software pipeline that locates DNA clusters, normalizes and extracts the fluorescent signals. Moreover, cluster contained k-mer motifs are ranked and their DNA binding affinities are quantified with high accuracy. My approach of applying phase-correlation to estimate the relative translative Offset between the observed tile images and the template images omits resequencing and thus allows to reuse the flow cell for several HiTS-FLIP experiments, which greatly reduces cost and time. Instead of using information from the sequencing images like Nutiu et al. (2011) for normalizing the cluster intensities which introduces a nucleotide specific bias, I estimate the cluster related normalization factors directly from the protein Images which captures the non-even illumination bias more accurately and leads to an improved correction for each tile image. My analysis of the ranking algorithm by Nutiu et al. (2011) has revealed that it is unable to rank all measured k-mers. Discarding all the clusters related to previously ranked k-mers has the side effect of eliminating any clusters on which k-mers could be ranked that share submotifs with previously ranked k-mers. This shortcoming affects even strong binding k-mers with only one mutation away from the top ranked k-mer. My findings show that omitting the cluster deletion step in the ranking process overcomes this limitation and allows to rank the full spectrum of all possible k-mers. In addition, the performance of the ranking algorithm is drastically reduced by my insight from a quadratic to a linear run time. The experimental improvements combined with the sophisticated processing of the data has led to a very high accuracy of the HiTS-FLIP dissociation constants (Kds) comparable to the Kds measured by the very sensitive HiP-FA assay (Jung et al. (2015)). However, experimentally HiTS-FLIP is a very challenging assay. In total, eight HiTS-FLIP experiments were performed but only one showed saturation, the others exhibited Protein aggregation occurring at the amplified DNA clusters. This biochemical issue could not be remedied. As example TF for studying the details of HiTS-FLIP, GCN4 was chosen which is a dimeric, basic leucine zipper TF and which acts as the master regulator of the amino acid starvation Response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Natarajan et al. (2001)). The fluorescent dye was mOrange. The HiTS-FLIP Kds for the TF GCN4 were validated by the HiP-FA assay and a Pearson correlation coefficient of R=0.99 and a relative error of delta=30.91% was achieved. Thus, a unique and comprehensive data set of utmost quantitative precision was obtained that allowed to study the complex binding behavior of GCN4 in a new way. My Downstream analyses reveal that the known 7-mer consensus motif of GCN4, which is TGACTCA, is modulated by its 2-mer neighboring flanking regions spanning an affinity range over two orders of magnitude from a Kd=1.56 nM to Kd=552.51 nM. These results suggest that the common 9-mer PWM (Position Weight Matrix) for GCN4 is insufficient to describe the binding behavior of GCN4. Rather, an additional left and right flanking nucleotide is required to extend the 9-mer to an 11-mer. My analyses regarding mutations and related delta delta G values suggest long-range interdependencies between nucleotides of the two dimeric half-sites of GCN4. Consequently, models assuming positional independence, such as a PWM, are insufficient to explain these interdependencies. Instead, the full spectrum of affinity values for all k-mers of appropriate size should be measured and applied in further analyses as proposed by Nutiu et al. (2011). Another discovery were new binding motifs of GCN4, which can only be detected with a method like HiTS-FLIP that examines the entire sequence space and allows for unbiased, de-novo motif discovery. All These new motifs contain GTGT as a submotif and the data collected suggests that GCN4 binds as monomer to these new motifs. Therefore, it might be even possible to detect different binding modes with HiTS-FLIP. My results emphasize the binding complexity of GCN4 and demonstrate the advantage of HiTS-FLIP for investigating the complexity of regulative processes

    Intensity quantile estimation and mapping—a novel algorithm for the correction of image non-uniformity bias in HCS data

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    International audienceMotivation: Image non-uniformity (NU) refers to systematic, slowly varying spatial gradients in images that result in a bias that can affect all downstream image processing, quantification and statistical analysis steps. Image NU is poorly modeled in the field of high-content screening (HCS), however, such that current conventional correction algorithms may be either inappropriate for HCS or fail to take advantage of the information available in HCS image data. Results: A novel image NU bias correction algorithm, termed intensity quantile estimation and mapping (IQEM), is described. The algorithm estimates the full non-linear form of the image NU bias by mapping pixel intensities to a reference intensity quantile function. IQEM accounts for the variation in NU bias over broad cell intensity ranges and data acquisition times, both of which are characteristic of HCS image datasets. Validation of the method, using simulated and HCS microtubule polymerization screen images, is presented. Two requirements of IQEM are that the dataset consists of large numbers of images acquired under identical conditions and that cells are distributed with no within-image spatial preference. Availability and implementation: MATLAB function files are available at http://nadon-mugqic.mcgill.ca/

    High-quality, high-throughput measurement of protein-DNA binding using HiTS-FLIP

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    In order to understand in more depth and on a genome wide scale the behavior of transcription factors (TFs), novel quantitative experiments with high-throughput are needed. Recently, HiTS-FLIP (High-Throughput Sequencing-Fluorescent Ligand Interaction Profiling) was invented by the Burge lab at the MIT (Nutiu et al. (2011)). Based on an Illumina GA-IIx machine for next-generation sequencing, HiTS-FLIP allows to measure the affinity of fluorescent labeled proteins to millions of DNA clusters at equilibrium in an unbiased and untargeted way examining the entire sequence space by Determination of dissociation constants (Kds) for all 12-mer DNA motifs. During my PhD I helped to improve the experimental design of this method to allow measuring the protein-DNA binding events at equilibrium omitting any washing step by utilizing the TIRF (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence) based optics of the GA-IIx. In addition, I developed the first versions of XML based controlling software that automates the measurement procedure. Meeting the needs for processing the vast amount of data produced by each run, I developed a sophisticated, high performance software pipeline that locates DNA clusters, normalizes and extracts the fluorescent signals. Moreover, cluster contained k-mer motifs are ranked and their DNA binding affinities are quantified with high accuracy. My approach of applying phase-correlation to estimate the relative translative Offset between the observed tile images and the template images omits resequencing and thus allows to reuse the flow cell for several HiTS-FLIP experiments, which greatly reduces cost and time. Instead of using information from the sequencing images like Nutiu et al. (2011) for normalizing the cluster intensities which introduces a nucleotide specific bias, I estimate the cluster related normalization factors directly from the protein Images which captures the non-even illumination bias more accurately and leads to an improved correction for each tile image. My analysis of the ranking algorithm by Nutiu et al. (2011) has revealed that it is unable to rank all measured k-mers. Discarding all the clusters related to previously ranked k-mers has the side effect of eliminating any clusters on which k-mers could be ranked that share submotifs with previously ranked k-mers. This shortcoming affects even strong binding k-mers with only one mutation away from the top ranked k-mer. My findings show that omitting the cluster deletion step in the ranking process overcomes this limitation and allows to rank the full spectrum of all possible k-mers. In addition, the performance of the ranking algorithm is drastically reduced by my insight from a quadratic to a linear run time. The experimental improvements combined with the sophisticated processing of the data has led to a very high accuracy of the HiTS-FLIP dissociation constants (Kds) comparable to the Kds measured by the very sensitive HiP-FA assay (Jung et al. (2015)). However, experimentally HiTS-FLIP is a very challenging assay. In total, eight HiTS-FLIP experiments were performed but only one showed saturation, the others exhibited Protein aggregation occurring at the amplified DNA clusters. This biochemical issue could not be remedied. As example TF for studying the details of HiTS-FLIP, GCN4 was chosen which is a dimeric, basic leucine zipper TF and which acts as the master regulator of the amino acid starvation Response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Natarajan et al. (2001)). The fluorescent dye was mOrange. The HiTS-FLIP Kds for the TF GCN4 were validated by the HiP-FA assay and a Pearson correlation coefficient of R=0.99 and a relative error of delta=30.91% was achieved. Thus, a unique and comprehensive data set of utmost quantitative precision was obtained that allowed to study the complex binding behavior of GCN4 in a new way. My Downstream analyses reveal that the known 7-mer consensus motif of GCN4, which is TGACTCA, is modulated by its 2-mer neighboring flanking regions spanning an affinity range over two orders of magnitude from a Kd=1.56 nM to Kd=552.51 nM. These results suggest that the common 9-mer PWM (Position Weight Matrix) for GCN4 is insufficient to describe the binding behavior of GCN4. Rather, an additional left and right flanking nucleotide is required to extend the 9-mer to an 11-mer. My analyses regarding mutations and related delta delta G values suggest long-range interdependencies between nucleotides of the two dimeric half-sites of GCN4. Consequently, models assuming positional independence, such as a PWM, are insufficient to explain these interdependencies. Instead, the full spectrum of affinity values for all k-mers of appropriate size should be measured and applied in further analyses as proposed by Nutiu et al. (2011). Another discovery were new binding motifs of GCN4, which can only be detected with a method like HiTS-FLIP that examines the entire sequence space and allows for unbiased, de-novo motif discovery. All These new motifs contain GTGT as a submotif and the data collected suggests that GCN4 binds as monomer to these new motifs. Therefore, it might be even possible to detect different binding modes with HiTS-FLIP. My results emphasize the binding complexity of GCN4 and demonstrate the advantage of HiTS-FLIP for investigating the complexity of regulative processes

    The symphony of cacophony: understanding the order in neurodegenerative diseases

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    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease are notoriously heterogeneous; pathologically as well as in their clinical presentation in patients. There are differences between patients in terms of the pathways of progression, the speed of progression, and the effect the progression has on the patient's cognition. This myriad of differences not only makes clinical diagnosis very challenging, but also has major implications for the efficacy of drug trials. As heterogeneous as these diseases are, there is an underlying order in their progression. An underlying method to their disruption of homeostasis. An underlying symphony leading to the cacophony

    Space programs summary no. 37-45, volume IV FOR the period April 1, 1967 to May 31, 1967. Supporting research and advanced development

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    Space exploration projects on systems, guidance and control, environmental simulation, space sciences, propulsion, telecommunications, and engineering mechanic

    Infective/inflammatory disorders

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    The radiological investigation of musculoskeletal tumours : chairperson's introduction

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