234 research outputs found

    PET-guided delineation of radiation therapy treatment volumes: a survey of image segmentation techniques

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    Historically, anatomical CT and MR images were used to delineate the gross tumour volumes (GTVs) for radiotherapy treatment planning. The capabilities offered by modern radiation therapy units and the widespread availability of combined PET/CT scanners stimulated the development of biological PET imaging-guided radiation therapy treatment planning with the aim to produce highly conformal radiation dose distribution to the tumour. One of the most difficult issues facing PET-based treatment planning is the accurate delineation of target regions from typical blurred and noisy functional images. The major problems encountered are image segmentation and imperfect system response function. Image segmentation is defined as the process of classifying the voxels of an image into a set of distinct classes. The difficulty in PET image segmentation is compounded by the low spatial resolution and high noise characteristics of PET images. Despite the difficulties and known limitations, several image segmentation approaches have been proposed and used in the clinical setting including thresholding, edge detection, region growing, clustering, stochastic models, deformable models, classifiers and several other approaches. A detailed description of the various approaches proposed in the literature is reviewed. Moreover, we also briefly discuss some important considerations and limitations of the widely used techniques to guide practitioners in the field of radiation oncology. The strategies followed for validation and comparative assessment of various PET segmentation approaches are described. Future opportunities and the current challenges facing the adoption of PET-guided delineation of target volumes and its role in basic and clinical research are also addresse

    Textural features for bladder cancer definition on CT images

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    Genitourinary cancer refers to the presence of tumours in the genital or urinary organs such as bladder, kidney and prostate. In 2008 the worldwide incidence of bladder cancer was 382,600 with a mortality of 150,282. Radiotherapy is one of the main treatment choices for genitourinary cancer where accurate delineation of the gross tumour volume (GTV) on computed tomography (CT) images is crucial for the success of this treatment. Limited CT resolution and contrast in soft tissue organs make this difficult and has led to significant inter- and intra- clinical variability in defining the extent of the GTV, especially at the junctions of different organs. In addition the introduction of new imaging techniques and modalities has significantly increased the number of the medical images that require contouring. More advanced image processing is required to help reduce contouring variability and assist in handling the increased volume of data. In this thesis image analysis methodologies were used to extract low-level features such as entropy, moment and correlation from radiotherapy planning CT images. These distinctive features were identified and used for defining the GTV and to implement a fully-automatic contouring system. The first key contribution is to demonstrate that second-order statistics from co-occurrence matrices (GTSDM) give higher accuracy in classifying soft tissue regions of interest (ROIs) into GTV and non-GTV. Loadings of the principal components (PCs) of the GTSDM features were found to be consistent over different patients. Exhaustive feature selection suggested that entropies and correlations produced consistently larger areas under receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curves than first-order features. The second significant contribution is to demonstrate that in the bladder-prostate junction, where the largest inter-clinical variability is observed, the second-order principal entropy from stationery wavelet denoised CT images (DPE) increased the saliency of the bladder prostate junction. As a result thresholding of the DPE produced good agreement between gold standard clinical contours and those produced by this approach with Dice coefficients. The third contribution is to implement a fully automatic and reproducible system for bladder cancer GTV auto-contouring based on classifying second-order statistics. The Dice similarity coefficients (DSCs) were employed to evaluate the automatic contours. It was found that in the mid-range of the bladder the automatic contours are accurate, but in the inferior and superior ends of bladder automatic contours were more likely to have small DSCs with clinical contours, which reconcile with the fact of clinical variability in defining GTVs. A novel male bladder probability atlas was constructed based on the clinical contours and volume estimation from the classification results. Registration of the classification results with this probabilistic atlas consistently increases the DSCs of the inferior slices


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    Techniques for processing and analysing images and medical data have become the main’s translational applications and researches in clinical and pre-clinical environments. The advantages of these techniques are the improvement of diagnosis accuracy and the assessment of treatment response by means of quantitative biomarkers in an efficient way. In the era of the personalized medicine, an early and efficacy prediction of therapy response in patients is still a critical issue. In radiation therapy planning, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides high quality detailed images and excellent soft-tissue contrast, while Computerized Tomography (CT) images provides attenuation maps and very good hard-tissue contrast. In this context, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a non-invasive imaging technique which has the advantage, over morphological imaging techniques, of providing functional information about the patient’s disease. In the last few years, several criteria to assess therapy response in oncological patients have been proposed, ranging from anatomical to functional assessments. Changes in tumour size are not necessarily correlated with changes in tumour viability and outcome. In addition, morphological changes resulting from therapy occur slower than functional changes. Inclusion of PET images in radiotherapy protocols is desirable because it is predictive of treatment response and provides crucial information to accurately target the oncological lesion and to escalate the radiation dose without increasing normal tissue injury. For this reason, PET may be used for improving the Planning Treatment Volume (PTV). Nevertheless, due to the nature of PET images (low spatial resolution, high noise and weak boundary), metabolic image processing is a critical task. The aim of this Ph.D thesis is to develope smart methodologies applied to the medical imaging field to analyse different kind of problematic related to medical images and data analysis, working closely to radiologist physicians. Various issues in clinical environment have been addressed and a certain amount of improvements has been produced in various fields, such as organs and tissues segmentation and classification to delineate tumors volume using meshing learning techniques to support medical decision. In particular, the following topics have been object of this study: • Technique for Crohn’s Disease Classification using Kernel Support Vector Machine Based; • Automatic Multi-Seed Detection For MR Breast Image Segmentation; • Tissue Classification in PET Oncological Studies; • KSVM-Based System for the Definition, Validation and Identification of the Incisinal Hernia Reccurence Risk Factors; • A smart and operator independent system to delineate tumours in Positron Emission Tomography scans; 3 • Active Contour Algorithm with Discriminant Analysis for Delineating Tumors in Positron Emission Tomography; • K-Nearest Neighbor driving Active Contours to Delineate Biological Tumor Volumes; • Tissue Classification to Support Local Active Delineation of Brain Tumors; • A fully automatic system of Positron Emission Tomography Study segmentation. This work has been developed in collaboration with the medical staff and colleagues at the: • Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Biotecnologie Mediche e Forensi (DIBIMED), University of Palermo • Cannizzaro Hospital of Catania • Istituto di Bioimmagini e Fisiologia Molecolare (IBFM) Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) of Cefalù • School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology The proposed contributions have produced scientific publications in indexed computer science and medical journals and conferences. They are very useful in terms of PET and MRI image segmentation and may be used daily as a Medical Decision Support Systems to enhance the current methodology performed by healthcare operators in radiotherapy treatments. The future developments of this research concern the integration of data acquired by image analysis with the managing and processing of big data coming from a wide kind of heterogeneous sources

    Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Therapy

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has great potential to transform the clinical workflow of radiotherapy. Since the introduction of deep neural networks, many AI-based methods have been proposed to address challenges in different aspects of radiotherapy. Commercial vendors have started to release AI-based tools that can be readily integrated to the established clinical workflow. To show the recent progress in AI-aided radiotherapy, we have reviewed AI-based studies in five major aspects of radiotherapy including image reconstruction, image registration, image segmentation, image synthesis, and automatic treatment planning. In each section, we summarized and categorized the recently published methods, followed by a discussion of the challenges, concerns, and future development. Given the rapid development of AI-aided radiotherapy, the efficiency and effectiveness of radiotherapy in the future could be substantially improved through intelligent automation of various aspects of radiotherapy
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