62 research outputs found

    Web-based system for assessment of learning achievements outcomes

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    The description of authoring educational web-based testing system is presented in the article. The proposed web-based system provides the process of inputting the test material and implementation in academic activity. The aim of the web-based system is to improve learning efficiency with a help of methods presented to form students' knowledge structure and estimate the students' level of learning throughout academic activity

    Web-based system for assessment of learning achievements outcomes

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    The description of authoring educational web-based testing system is presented in the article. The proposed web-based system provides the process of inputting the test material and implementation in academic activity. The aim of the web-based system is to improve learning efficiency with a help of methods presented to form students' knowledge structure and estimate the students' level of learning throughout academic activity

    Methods for adaptivity in intelligent web-based learning systems

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    There are two main methods for implementing adaptivity in intelligent web-based learning systems: adaptive presentation (or content-level adaptation) and adaptive navigation support (or link-level adaptation). In the systems that use an adaptive presentation method, the content of an adaptive hypermedia page is generated or assembled from pieces according to the user’s background and knowledge state. In such the page, narrowed and detailed deep information (in forms of multimedia or text) is provided for advanced users, while broader and less deep additional explanation is provided for novices. Adaptive navigation support is a method of helping users to find their paths of learning in hypermedia systems by adapting the way of presenting links to goals, knowledge, and preferences of individual users. It consists of all methods of altering visible links to support hyperspace navigation. Some technologies were distinguished from the points of view according to the way they adapt presentation of links: direct guidance, link sorting, link hiding, link annotation, link generation, and map adaptation. Based on recent research and applications, this simple taxonomy is developed further

    Концептуальная модель интеллектуальной образовательной экосистемы

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    Авторы рассматривают современные подходы, применяемые в дистанционном образовании, определяют проблемы дистанционного обучения, в частности проблему обратной связи, релевантности, поиска необходимых курсов, а также актуальности курсов с учетом развития компетентностной парадигмы получения знани

    Development of Computer Literacy Courseware for Rural Children using Sarawak Borneo Local Dialects

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    In the last decade, computers have become important equipment especially for classroom teaching and help students to learn better. This paper reports the design and development of a courseware to introduce computer literacy for Sarawak rural children. We believe this is the first attempt to create a comprehensive courseware totally in Sarawak Malay dialect and Iban Language. The application is designed in Borneo’s Sarawak Malay dialect and Bahasa Iban. The courseware contains eight learning modules with focus on the topics about basic computer knowledge. In the evaluation stage, we involved students and asked their comments about the courseware. The testing results revealed that using our courseware, the rural children are excited and satisfied to learn basic computer literacy

    Development and evaluation of an engaging web-based content sequencing system for learning basic programming

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    Java basic programming is one of programming languages that is offered to students as a compulsory course for Information Technology or Computer Science programs. This subject requires students to learn skills and techniques of programming rather than theoretical concepts. Usually, students have problems to capture and understand the content of the course which resulted in low performance or withdrawal from the program and even the education system. In general, web-based learning can be used as a tool to improve learning including programming courses. A specific instance of web-based learning; called content sequencing systems have a high potential to provide adaptive learning for programming languages. Adaptive content sequencing systems analyze individual difference of students and sequence the learning contents based on the students’ needs. By addressing students’ individual differences, it helps students to be actively engaged in the learning process. An engagement is a key element in learning. In this research, the level of students’ engagement is measured using "flow theory". This theory suggested three cognitive conditions when one is doing a particular activity, namely flow (engaged), boredom, and anxiety. Engagement occurs when an individual has an equal level of skill with the given level of challenge. Anxiety and boredom occur when there is unequal level of challenge and skill. The fundamental concepts of the theory are represented in a user interface design by imposing a component known as "flow buttons". The used of the buttons is described as Skill-Challenge Balancing (SCB) technique and it is adapted in a web-based learning system called "LearnJava". It incorporates SCB where its main components are a user interface design and a sequencing engine. Based on this technique, the students’ level of knowledge will be evaluated and analyzed to identify their current level of skill. The technique will sequence the learning contents based on the students’ current level of skill to keep them engage in the web-based learning. An experimental study was conducted to evaluate how effective SCB in helping students to engage in web-based learning. The results suggested that the SCB technique improved students’ engagement in web-based learning

    Experiences on Using Intelligent Planning for Curriculum Personalization in Moodle

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    In this paper we discuss our experiences on using artificial intelligence to plan customized learning paths in the Moodle platform. In particular, we found some limitations in defining students’ profiles, complex relationships between activities and personalized views of the learning contents. We show how we solved this kind of problems in order to create an integrated system for the application of our planning approach in MoodleValentina Caputi thanks the European Commission, the European Social Fund, and the Regione Calabria for financial support of her PhD fellowship and funding for her stay in Valencia. This paper is co-funded with support from the European Commission, the European Social Fund and the Regione Calabria. The paper was also partially funded by the Consolider AT project CSD2007- 0022 INGENIO 2010 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the MICINN project TIN2011- 27652-C03-01 and the Valencian Prometeo project 2008/051. The European Commission and the Regione Calabria disclaim any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information contained in this publicationCaputi, V.; Garrido Tejero, A. (2013). Experiences on Using Intelligent Planning for Curriculum Personalization in Moodle. En EDULEARN13 Proceedings. IATED. 168-176. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/71817S16817


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    The design of web-based learning mostly does not consider the difference knowledge of individual learners. All contents are designed to be published into the web. Every learner with different knowledge level will force to study in the same content which will lead into information overload problem. This can also lead to misused and eventual failure. The research study aimed to achieve in designing and developing a model of intelligent Web-based Instruction applying Data Mining technique. The population of this research study was nine experts in educational technology, intelligent tutoring system and data mining technique domain. Research tools were structured interview and model evaluation form. Mean and S.D. were used to analyze the data. The result showed that the intelligent web-based instruction using data mining technique: EC-SPEC composed of six components: 1) Student Module 2) Expert Module 3) Content Module 4) Pedagogical Module 5) Communication Module, and 6) Evaluation Module. Data Mining techniques applied were Decision Tree and Sequential Pattern Mining. The overall model evaluation result from 9 experts showed that quality of model definition was ranked as high ( mean = 4.47). Model definition was ranked as high ( mean = 4.38 ). Goals were ranked as high ( mean = 4.74). Objectives were ranked as high ( mean = 4.39). Components were ranked as high ( mean = 4.46). Role of teachers and students were ranked as highest ( mean = 4.56) and evaluation tools were ranked as high ( mean = 4.33)