358 research outputs found

    Mask R-CNN Transfer Learning Variants for Multi-Organ Medical Image Segmentation

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    Medical abdomen image segmentation is a challenging task owing to discernible characteristics of the tumour against other organs. As an effective image segmenter, Mask R-CNN has been employed in many medical imaging applications, e.g. for segmenting nucleus from cytoplasm for leukaemia diagnosis and skin lesion segmentation. Motivated by such existing studies, this research takes advantage of the strengths of Mask R-CNN in leveraging on pre-trained CNN architectures such as ResNet and proposes three variants of Mask R-CNN for multi-organ medical image segmentation. Specifically, we propose three variants of the Mask R-CNN transfer learning model successively, each with a set of configurations modified from the one preceding. To be specific, the three variants are (1) the traditional transfer learning with customized loss functions with comparatively more weightage on the segmentation performance, (2) transfer learning based on Mask R-CNN with deepened re-trained layers instead of only the last two/three layers as in traditional transfer learning, and (3) the fine-tuning of Mask R-CNN with expansion of the Region of Interest pooling sizes. Evaluating using Beyond-the-Cranial-Vault (BTCV) abdominal dataset, a well-established benchmark for multi-organ medical image segmentation, the three proposed variants of Mask R-CNN obtain promising performances. In particular, the empirical results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed adapted loss functions, the deepened transfer learning process, as well as the expansion of the RoI pooling sizes. Such variations account for the great efficiency of the proposed transfer learning variant schemes for undertaking multi-organ image segmentation tasks

    Intelligent facial emotion recognition using moth-firefly optimization

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    In this research, we propose a facial expression recognition system with a variant of evolutionary firefly algorithm for feature optimization. First of all, a modified Local Binary Pattern descriptor is proposed to produce an initial discriminative face representation. A variant of the firefly algorithm is proposed to perform feature optimization. The proposed evolutionary firefly algorithm exploits the spiral search behaviour of moths and attractiveness search actions of fireflies to mitigate premature convergence of the Levy-flight firefly algorithm (LFA) and the moth-flame optimization (MFO) algorithm. Specifically, it employs the logarithmic spiral search capability of the moths to increase local exploitation of the fireflies, whereas in comparison with the flames in MFO, the fireflies not only represent the best solutions identified by the moths but also act as the search agents guided by the attractiveness function to increase global exploration. Simulated Annealing embedded with Levy flights is also used to increase exploitation of the most promising solution. Diverse single and ensemble classifiers are implemented for the recognition of seven expressions. Evaluated with frontal-view images extracted from CK+, JAFFE, and MMI, and 45-degree multi-view and 90-degree side-view images from BU-3DFE and MMI, respectively, our system achieves a superior performance, and outperforms other state-of-the-art feature optimization methods and related facial expression recognition models by a significant margin

    A Review on Facial Expression Recognition Techniques

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    Facial expression is in the topic of active research over the past few decades. Recognition and extracting various emotions and validating those emotions from the facial expression become very important in human computer interaction. Interpreting such human expression remains and much of the research is required about the way they relate to human affect. Apart from H-I interfaces other applications include awareness system, medical diagnosis, surveillance, law enforcement, automated tutoring system and many more. In the recent year different technique have been put forward for developing automated facial expression recognition system. This paper present quick survey on some of the facial expression recognition techniques. A comparative study is carried out using various feature extraction techniques. We define taxonomy of the field and cover all the steps from face detection to facial expression classification

    Extended LBP based Facial Expression Recognition System for Adaptive AI Agent Behaviour

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    Automatic facial expression recognition is widely used for various applications such as health care, surveillance and human-robot interaction. In this paper, we present a novel system which employs automatic facial emotion recognition technique for adaptive AI agent behaviour. The proposed system is equipped with kirsch operator based local binary patterns for feature extraction and diverse classifiers for emotion recognition. First, we nominate a novel variant of the local binary pattern (LBP) for feature extraction to deal with illumination changes, scaling and rotation variations. The features extracted are then used as input to the classifier for recognizing seven emotions. The detected emotion is then used to enhance the behaviour selection of the artificial intelligence (AI) agents in a shooter game. The proposed system is evaluated with multiple facial expression datasets and outperformed other state-of-the-art models by a significant margin

    Artificial Intelligence Tools for Facial Expression Analysis.

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    Inner emotions show visibly upon the human face and are understood as a basic guide to an individual’s inner world. It is, therefore, possible to determine a person’s attitudes and the effects of others’ behaviour on their deeper feelings through examining facial expressions. In real world applications, machines that interact with people need strong facial expression recognition. This recognition is seen to hold advantages for varied applications in affective computing, advanced human-computer interaction, security, stress and depression analysis, robotic systems, and machine learning. This thesis starts by proposing a benchmark of dynamic versus static methods for facial Action Unit (AU) detection. AU activation is a set of local individual facial muscle parts that occur in unison constituting a natural facial expression event. Detecting AUs automatically can provide explicit benefits since it considers both static and dynamic facial features. For this research, AU occurrence activation detection was conducted by extracting features (static and dynamic) of both nominal hand-crafted and deep learning representation from each static image of a video. This confirmed the superior ability of a pretrained model that leaps in performance. Next, temporal modelling was investigated to detect the underlying temporal variation phases using supervised and unsupervised methods from dynamic sequences. During these processes, the importance of stacking dynamic on top of static was discovered in encoding deep features for learning temporal information when combining the spatial and temporal schemes simultaneously. Also, this study found that fusing both temporal and temporal features will give more long term temporal pattern information. Moreover, we hypothesised that using an unsupervised method would enable the leaching of invariant information from dynamic textures. Recently, fresh cutting-edge developments have been created by approaches based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). In the second section of this thesis, we propose a model based on the adoption of an unsupervised DCGAN for the facial features’ extraction and classification to achieve the following: the creation of facial expression images under different arbitrary poses (frontal, multi-view, and in the wild), and the recognition of emotion categories and AUs, in an attempt to resolve the problem of recognising the static seven classes of emotion in the wild. Thorough experimentation with the proposed cross-database performance demonstrates that this approach can improve the generalization results. Additionally, we showed that the features learnt by the DCGAN process are poorly suited to encoding facial expressions when observed under multiple views, or when trained from a limited number of positive examples. Finally, this research focuses on disentangling identity from expression for facial expression recognition. A novel technique was implemented for emotion recognition from a single monocular image. A large-scale dataset (Face vid) was created from facial image videos which were rich in variations and distribution of facial dynamics, appearance, identities, expressions, and 3D poses. This dataset was used to train a DCNN (ResNet) to regress the expression parameters from a 3D Morphable Model jointly with a back-end classifier

    Quantification of vascular function changes under different emotion states: A pilot study

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    Recent studies have indicated that physiological parameters change with different emotion states. This study aimed to quantify the changes of vascular function at different emotion and sub-emotion states. Twenty young subjects were studied with their finger photoplethysmographic (PPG) pulses recorded at three distinct emotion states: natural (1 minute), happiness and sadness (10 minutes for each). Within the period of happiness and sadness emotion states, two sub-emotion states (calmness and outburst) were identified with the synchronously recorded videos. Reflection index (RI) and stiffness index (SI), two widely used indices of vascular function, were derived from the PPG pulses to quantify their differences between three emotion states, as well as between two sub-emotion states. The results showed that, when compared with the natural emotion, RI and SI decreased in both happiness and sadness emotions. The decreases in RI were significant for both happiness and sadness emotions (both P< 0.01), but the decreases in SI was only significant for sadness emotion (P< 0.01). Moreover, for comparing happiness and sadness emotions, there was significant difference in RI (P< 0.01), but not in SI (P= 0.9). In addition, significant larger RI values were observed with the outburst sub-emotion in comparison with the calmness one for both happiness and sadness emotions (both P< 0.01) whereas significant larger SI values were observed with the outburst sub-emotion only in sadness emotion (P< 0.05). Moreover, gender factor hardly influence the RI and SI results for all three emotion measurements. This pilot study confirmed that vascular function changes with diffenrt emotion states could be quantified by the simple PPG measurement

    Deep recurrent neural networks with attention mechanisms for respiratory anomaly classification.

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    In recent years, a variety of deep learning techniques and methods have been adopted to provide AI solutions to issues within the medical field, with one specific area being audio-based classification of medical datasets. This research aims to create a novel deep learning architecture for this purpose, with a variety of different layer structures implemented for undertaking audio classification. Specifically, bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) networks in conjunction with an attention mechanism, are implemented in this research for chronic and non-chronic lung disease and COVID-19 diagnosis. We employ two audio datasets, i.e. the Respiratory Sound and the Coswara datasets, to evaluate the proposed model architectures pertaining to lung disease classification. The Respiratory Sound Database contains audio data with respect to lung conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma, while the Coswara dataset contains coughing audio samples associated with COVID-19. After a comprehensive evaluation and experimentation process, as the most performant architecture, the proposed attention BiLSTM network (A-BiLSTM) achieves accuracy rates of 96.2% and 96.8% for the Respiratory Sound and the Coswara datasets, respectively. Our research indicates that the implementation of the BiLSTM and attention mechanism was effective in improving performance for undertaking audio classification with respect to various lung condition diagnoses

    Failure Mode Identification of Elastomer for Well Completion Systems using Mask R-CNN

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