4 research outputs found

    Setting Koordinasi Proteksi Distance Relay pada Saluran Transmisi 150 KV Gardu Induk Isimu ke Gardu Induk Botupingge PT. PLN (Persero) Sistem Gorontalo

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    ABSTRAK   Saluran transmisi 150 kVsistem kelistrikan Gorontalo yang pada awalnya terisolir kini terinter koneksi dengan sistem kelistrikan Minahasa (Sulawesi Utara). Penambahan saluran dan unit pembangkit baru berpengaruh besar pada setting ulang sistem proteksi yang digunakan. Setting ulang terhadap peralatan sistem proteksi untuk memaksimalkan kerja penyaluran energi listrik. Proses setting dilakukan utamanya pada alat proteksi utama yaitu Distance Relay (DR). Relai jarak ini bekerja berdasarkan zona kerja. Zona kerja bertujuan untuk mengetahui titik lokasi gangguan di sepanjang saluran transmisi. Gangguan yang terjadi sepanjang saluran transmisi dapat diisolir dengan cepat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada saluran transmisi yang menghubungkan Gardu Induk (GI) Isimu dengan GI Botupingge. Hasil setting ini telah menemukan hasil terbaik yaitu ;GI.Isimu Zona-1 sebesar 6,882< 74,310Ω (instantaneous), Zona-2 sebesar 12,39 < 74,3100Ω (0,4 second), Zona-3 sebesar 20,64 < 74,310Ω (0,8 second). Pada GI Botupingge yaitu Zona-1 sebesar 6,882 < 74,310Ω (instantaneous), Zona-2 sebesar 14,77 < 74,310 Ω (0,4 second), Zona-3 sebesar 25,12 < 74,310 Ω (0,8 second).   Kata Kunci : Setting, Distance Relay, infeed, Instantenou

    A Machine Learning-Based Method for Identifying Critical Distance Relays for Transient Stability Studies

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    Modeling protective relays is crucial for performing accurate stability studies as they play a critical role in defining the dynamic responses of power systems during disturbances. Nevertheless, due to the current limitations of stability software and the challenges of keeping track of the changes in the settings information of thousands of protective relays, modeling all the protective relays in bulk power systems is a challenging task. Distance relays are among the critical protection schemes, which are not properly modeled in current practices of stability studies. This paper proposes a machine learning-based method that uses the results of early-terminated stability studies to identify the critical distance relays required to be modeled in those studies. The algorithm used is the random forest (RF) classifier. GE positive sequence load flow analysis (PSLF) software is used to perform stability studies. The model is trained and tested on the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) system data representing the 2018 summer peak load under different operating conditions and topologies of the system. The results show the great performance of the method in identifying the critical distance relays. The results also show that only modeling the identified critical distance relays suffices to perform accurate stability studies.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Digital protection of synchronous generators and motors against out of synchronism and entry of generator in the motoring mode

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    У овој докторској дисертацији представљена су три алгоритма који заједно чине комплетну заштиту синхроног генератора од губитка синхронизма и уласка у моторни режим рада...In this doctoral dissertation, three algorithms are presented which together make complete protection of the synchronous generator against the loss of synchronism and entry in the motoring mode..