129 research outputs found

    Optimal analog wavelet bases construction using hybrid optimization algorithm

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    An approach for the construction of optimal analog wavelet bases is presented. First, the definition of an analog wavelet is given. Based on the definition and the least-squares error criterion, a general framework for designing optimal analog wavelet bases is established, which is one of difficult nonlinear constrained optimization problems. Then, to solve this problem, a hybrid algorithm by combining chaotic map particle swarm optimization (CPSO) with local sequential quadratic programming (SQP) is proposed. CPSO is an improved PSO in which the saw tooth chaotic map is used to raise its global search ability. CPSO is a global optimizer to search the estimates of the global solution, while the SQP is employed for the local search and refining the estimates. Benefiting from good global search ability of CPSO and powerful local search ability of SQP, a high-precision global optimum in this problem can be gained. Finally, a series of optimal analog wavelet bases are constructed using the hybrid algorithm. The proposed method is tested for various wavelet bases and the improved performance is compared with previous works.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Comparison Between Genetic Algorithm and Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm for Solving Inverse Kinematics

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    A comparison study between Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm (EM) and Genetic Algorithm (GA)has been presented in this work to solve the Inverse Kinematics (IK) of a four-link planar robot manipulator. The comparison is focused on some points for both algorithms like the accuracy of the results and the speed of convergence. Different target points have been taken to check the performance of each algorithm to solve the IK problem. The results showed that EM algorithm needs less population size and number of generations to get the true solution. There are multiple robot configurations at the goal points and both algorithms are able to find these solutions at each point. Self developed software simulator is used to display some of these solutions at each goal position

    Hybrid spiral-dynamic bacteria-chemotaxis algorithm with application to control two-wheeled machines

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    This paper presents the implementation of the hybrid spiral-dynamic bacteria-chemotaxis (HSDBC) approach to control two different configurations of a two-wheeled vehicle. The HSDBC is a combination of bacterial chemotaxis used in bacterial forging algorithm (BFA) and the spiral-dynamic algorithm (SDA). BFA provides a good exploration strategy due to the chemotaxis approach. However, it endures an oscillation problem near the end of the search process when using a large step size. Conversely; for a small step size, it affords better exploitation and accuracy with slower convergence. SDA provides better stability when approaching an optimum point and has faster convergence speed. This may cause the search agents to get trapped into local optima which results in low accurate solution. HSDBC exploits the chemotactic strategy of BFA and fitness accuracy and convergence speed of SDA so as to overcome the problems associated with both the SDA and BFA algorithms alone. The HSDBC thus developed is evaluated in optimizing the performance and energy consumption of two highly nonlinear platforms, namely single and double inverted pendulum-like vehicles with an extended rod. Comparative results with BFA and SDA show that the proposed algorithm is able to result in better performance of the highly nonlinear systems

    A novel hybrid bacteria-chemotaxis spiral-dynamic algorithm with application to modelling of flexible systems

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    This paper presents a novel hybrid optimisation algorithm namely HBCSD, which synergises a bacterial foraging algorithm (BFA) and spiral dynamics algorithm (SDA). The main objective of this strategy is to develop an algorithm that is capable to reach a global optimum point at the end of the final solution with a faster convergence speed compared to its predecessor algorithms. The BFA is incorporated into the algorithm to act as a global search or exploration phase. The solutions from the exploration phase then feed into SDA, which acts as a local search or exploitation phase. The proposed algorithm is used in dynamic modelling of two types of flexible systems, namely a flexible robot manipulator and a twin rotor system. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm outperforms its predecessor algorithms in terms of fitness accuracy, convergence speed, and time-domain and frequency-domain dynamic characterisation of the two flexible systems. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Skinner operant conditioning model and robot bionic self-learning control

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    Fuzzy Skinner Operant Conditioning Automaton (FSOCA) sastavljen je na temelju Operant Conditioning mehanizma primjenom teorije neizrazitih skupova. Osnovno obilježje automata FSOCA je sljedeće: neizraziti rezultati stanja pomoću Gausove funkcije koriste se kao skupovi neizrazitog stanja; neizrazita pravila preslikavanja (fuzzy mapping rules) kod fuzzy-conditioning-operacije zamjenjuju stohastičke "conditioning-operant" skupove preslikavanja. Stoga se automat FSOCA može koristiti za opisivanje, simuliranje i dizajniranje raznih samo-organizirajućih radnji fuzzy nesigurnog sustava. Automat FSOCA najprije usvaja online algoritam grupiranja (clustering) u svrhu podjele ulaznog prostora (input space) te koristi intenzitet pobude pravila preslikavanja kako bi odlučio treba li generirati novo pravilo preslikavanja da bi broj pravila preslikavanja bio ekonomičan. Dizajnirani FSOCA automat primijenjen je za reguliranje balansiranja gibanja robota s dva kotača. Kako se učenje nastavlja, odabrana vjerojatnoća fuzzy operanta koji optimalno slijedi postepeno će se povećavati, entropijsko djelovanje fuzzy operanta će se postepeno smanjivati pa će se automatski generirati i izbrisati neizrazita pravila preslikavanja. Nakon otprilike sedamnaest krugova obuke, odabrane vjerojatnosti neizrazitog posljedičnog optimalnog operanta postupno teže prema jednoj, entropija djelovanja neizrazitog operanta postupno se smanjuje i broj neizrazitih pravila preslikavanja postaje optimalan. Tako robot postupno uči vještinu balansiranja gibanja.A Fuzzy Skinner Operant Conditioning Automaton (FSOCA) is constructed based on Operant Conditioning Mechanism with Fuzzy Set theory. The main character of FSOCA automaton is: the fuzzed results of state by Gaussian function are used as fuzzy state sets; the fuzzy mapping rules of fuzzy-conditioning-operation replace the stochastic "conditioning-operant" mapping sets. So the FSOCA automaton can be used to describe, simulate and design various self-organization actions of a fuzzy uncertain system. The FSOCA automaton firstly adopts online clustering algorithm to divide the input space and uses the excitation intensity of mapping rule to decide whether a new mapping rule needs to be generated in order to ensure that the number of mapping rules is economical. The designed FSOCA automaton is applied to motion balanced control of two-wheeled robot. With the learning proceeding, the selected probability of the optimal consequent fuzzy operant will gradually increase, the fuzzy operant action entropy will gradually decrease and the fuzzy mapping rules will automatically be generated and deleted. After about seventeen rounds of training, the selected probabilities of fuzzy consequent optimal operant gradually tend to one, the fuzzy operant action entropy gradually tends to minimum and the number of fuzzy mapping rules is optimum. So the robot gradually learns the motion balance skill

    Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    With the recent trends towards massive data sets and significant computational power, combined with evolutionary algorithmic advances evolutionary computation is becoming much more relevant to practice. Aim of the book is to present recent improvements, innovative ideas and concepts in a part of a huge EA field

    Mining a Small Medical Data Set by Integrating the Decision Tree and t-test

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    [[abstract]]Although several researchers have used statistical methods to prove that aspiration followed by the injection of 95% ethanol left in situ (retention) is an effective treatment for ovarian endometriomas, very few discuss the different conditions that could generate different recovery rates for the patients. Therefore, this study adopts the statistical method and decision tree techniques together to analyze the postoperative status of ovarian endometriosis patients under different conditions. Since our collected data set is small, containing only 212 records, we use all of these data as the training data. Therefore, instead of using a resultant tree to generate rules directly, we use the value of each node as a cut point to generate all possible rules from the tree first. Then, using t-test, we verify the rules to discover some useful description rules after all possible rules from the tree have been generated. Experimental results show that our approach can find some new interesting knowledge about recurrent ovarian endometriomas under different conditions.[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]FI

    A multi-agent optimisation model for solving supply network configuration problems

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    Supply chain literature highlights the increasing importance of effective supply network configuration decisions that take into account such realities as market turbulence and demand volatility, as well as ever-expanding global production networks. These realities have been extensively discussed in the supply network literature under the structural (i.e., physical characteristics), spatial (i.e., geographical positions), and temporal (i.e., changing supply network conditions) dimensions. Supply network configuration decisions that account for these contingencies are expected to meet the evolving needs of consumers while delivering better outcomes for all parties involved and enhancing supply network performance against the key metrics of efficiency, speed and responsiveness. However, making supply network configuration decisions in the situations described above is an ongoing challenge. Taking a systems perspective, supply networks are typically viewed as socio-technical systems where SN entities (e.g., suppliers, manufacturers) are autonomous individuals with distinct goals, practices and policies, physically inter-connected transferring goods (e.g., raw materials, finished products), as well as socially connected with formal and informal interactions and information sharing. Since the structure and behaviour of such social and technical sub-systems of a supply network, as well as the interactions between those subsystems, determine the overall behaviour of the supply network, both systems should be considered in analysing the overall system