966 research outputs found

    Spam Detection Using Machine Learning

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    Emails are essential in present century communication however spam emails have contributed negatively to the success of such communication. Studies have been conducted to classify messages in an effort to distinguish between ham and spam email by building an efficient and sensitive classification model with high accuracy and low false positive rate. Regular rule-based classifiers have been overwhelmed and less effective by the geometric growth in spam messages, hence the need to develop a more reliable and robust model. Classification methods employed includes SVM (support vector machine), Bayesian, Naïve Bayes, Bayesian with Adaboost, Naïve Bayes with Adaboost. However, for this project, the Bayesian was employed using Python programming language to develop a classification model. Keywords: machine learning (ML), machine learning classifier, Naïve Bayes, SVM, Adaboost, spam classification, ham. DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-3-04 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Efficient and Trustworthy Review/Opinion Spam Detection

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    The most common mode for consumers to express their level of satisfaction with their purchases is through online ratings, which we can refer as Online Review System. Network analysis has recently gained a lot of attention because of the arrival and the increasing attractiveness of social sites, such as blogs, social networking applications, micro blogging, or customer review sites. The reviews are used by potential customers to find opinions of existing users before purchasing the products. Online review systems plays an important part in affecting consumers' actions and decision making, and therefore attracting many spammers to insert fake feedback or reviews in order to manipulate review content and ratings. Malicious users misuse the review website and post untrustworthy, low quality, or sometimes fake opinions, which are referred as Spam Reviews. In this study, we aim at providing an efficient method to identify spam reviews and to filter out the spam content with the dataset of gsmarena.com. Experiments on the dataset collected from gsmarena.com show that the proposed system achieves higher accuracy than the standard na?ve bayes

    Spam Detection Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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    Text messages are essential these days; however, spam texts have contributed negatively to the success of this communication mode. The compromised authenticity of such messages has given rise to several security breaches. Using spam messages, malicious links have been sent to either harm the system or obtain information detrimental to the user. Spam SMS messages as well as emails have been used as media for attacks such as masquerading and smishing ( a phishing attack through text messaging), and this has threatened both the user and service providers. Therefore, given the waves of attacks, the need to identify and remove these spam messages is important. This dissertation explores the process of text classification from data input to embedded representation of the words in vector form and finally the classification process. Therefore, we have applied different embedding methods to capture both the linguistic and semantic meanings of words. Static embedding methods that are used include Word to Vector (Word2Vec) and Global Vectors (GloVe), while for dynamic embedding the transfer learning of the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) was employed. For classification, both machine learning and deep learning techniques were used to build an efficient and sensitive classification model with good accuracy and low false positive rate. Our result established that the combination of BERT for embedding and machine learning for classification produced better classification results than other combinations. With these results, we developed models that combined the self-feature extraction advantage of deep learning and the effective classification of machine learning. These models were tested on four different datasets, namely: SMS Spam dataset, Ling dataset, Spam Assassin dataset and Enron dataset. BERT+SVC (hybrid model) produced the result with highest accuracy and lowest false positive rate

    SDRS: a new lossless dimensionality reduction for text corpora

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    In recent years, most content-based spam filters have been implemented using Machine Learning (ML) approaches by means of token-based representations of textual contents. After introducing multiple performance enhancements, the impact has been virtually irrelevant. Recent studies have introduced synset-based content representations as a reliable way to improve classification, as well as different forms to take advantage of semantic information to address problems, such as dimensionality reduction. These preliminary solutions present some limitations and enforce simplifications that must be gradually redefined in order to obtain significant improvements in spam content filtering. This study addresses the problem of feature reduction by introducing a new semantic-based proposal (SDRS) that avoids losing knowledge (lossless). Synset-features can be semantically grouped by taking advantage of taxonomic relations (mainly hypernyms) provided by BabelNet ontological dictionary (e.g. “Viagra” and “Cialis” can be summarized into the single features “anti-impotence drug”, “drug” or “chemical substance” depending on the generalization of 1, 2 or 3 levels). In order to decide how many levels should be used to generalize each synset of a dataset, our proposal takes advantage of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEA) and particularly, of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). We have compared the performance achieved by a Naïve Bayes classifier, using both token-based and synset-based dataset representations, with and without executing dimensional reductions. As a result, our lossless semantic reduction strategy was able to find optimal semantic-based feature grouping strategies for the input texts, leading to a better performance of Naïve Bayes classifiers.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Antyscam – practical web spam classifier

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    To avoid of manipulating search engines results by web spam, anti spam system use machine learning techniques to detect spam. However, if the learning set for the system is out of date the quality of classification falls rapidly. We present the web spam recognition system that periodically refreshes the learning set to create an adequate classifier. A new classifier is trained exclusively on data collected during the last period. We have proved that such strategy is better than an incrementation of the learning set. The system solves the starting–up issues of lacks in learning set by minimisation of learning examples and utilization of external data sets. The system was tested on real data from the spam traps and common known web services: Quora, Reddit, and Stack Overflow. The test performed among ten months shows stability of the system and improvement of the results up to 60 percent at the end of the examined period.