4 research outputs found

    Text Analytics for Android Project

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    Most advanced text analytics and text mining tasks include text classification, text clustering, building ontology, concept/entity extraction, summarization, deriving patterns within the structured data, production of granular taxonomies, sentiment and emotion analysis, document summarization, entity relation modelling, interpretation of the output. Already existing text analytics and text mining cannot develop text material alternatives (perform a multivariant design), perform multiple criteria analysis, automatically select the most effective variant according to different aspects (citation index of papers (Scopus, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar) and authors (Scopus, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar), Top 25 papers, impact factor of journals, supporting phrases, document name and contents, density of keywords), calculate utility degree and market value. However, the Text Analytics for Android Project can perform the aforementioned functions. To the best of the knowledge herein, these functions have not been previously implemented; thus this is the first attempt to do so. The Text Analytics for Android Project is briefly described in this article

    Multi‐layered knowledge‐based architecture of the adaptable distance learning system

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    The quality of the distance learning courses is largely influenced by competently prepared educational resources and an effective study support system. One of the possible ways to improve distance learning infrastructure and increase its effectiveness is to extend the architecture of present e‐learning systems by the components for adaptable and sustainable learning. This research work is devoted to developing the service‐oriented distance learning environment adaptable to the user's needs. The proposed adaptable communication environment of distance learning is constructed by integration of new components of communication scenarios generation, adaptable for student's goals, multilayered domain ontology of learning subject and forming intelligent agents’ framework possible. The paper presents the knowledge‐based component architecture of the distance learning system, which enables a better adaptation of learning resources to students. The paper analyses the possibilities of integrating ontology into the e‐learning system. The issues of decomposing ontology into different levels of understanding are discussed in order to adapt to learner's tasks and goals. A conceptual approach is proposed for extending the existing distance learning system architecture by intelligent and deeper knowledge layers. Santrauka Nuotolinių studijų kokybė daugiausia priklauso nuo kompetentingai parengtų mokomųjų priemonių ir veiksmingai veikiančios studijų paramos sistemos. Ieškant priemonių, kaip pagerinti nuotolinių studijų sistemos infrastruktūrą ir padidinti jos darbo efektyvumą, nagrinėjamos galimybės praplėsti tradicinės nuotolinio mokymo sistemos architektūrą komponentėmis, kurios leistų išplėtoti adaptuotą ir darnų mokymosi procesą. Šio tyrimo uždaviniai skirti paslaugoms, skirtoms išvystyti nuotolinio mokymo aplinką. Siekiant sukurti tinkamą kompiuterizuotą bendradarbiavimo aplinką, lanksčiai prisitaikoma prie kintančių vartotojo poreikių studijų procese. Architektūra projektuojama integruojant naujas komponentes bendravimo scenarijams generuoti, daugelio lygių dalykinės srities ontologijai naudoti ir sudarant sąlygas automatizuotam intelektinių agentų bendravimui. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos galimybės integruoti dalykinės srities ontologiją į tradicinės nuotolinio mokymo sistemos aplinką. Ontologijos detalizavimo pagal studento supratimo lygmenis klausimai nagrinėjami siekiant pateikti koncepcinį tokios nuotolinės adaptuotos sistemos darbo modelį. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: nuotolinio mokymo aplinka, adaptuotas elektroninis mokymas, sprendimų priėmimo sistema, ontologija, intelektualūs agentai, žiniomis grindžiama architektūra

    An MCDA cause-effect factors model for the implementation of Greenstone digital library soft-ware

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    The selection of an effective library software plays an important role not only for students, academic staff, and the library staff but it also helps an institution by having the library management system more centralized. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a Multiple- Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) cause and effect factor model for the implementation of the Greenstone digital library (GSDL) software. A thorough review of the literature is conducted to develop an initial list of the appropriate evaluation factors that play a significant role in the implementation of GSDL software. The data was collected from a domain of experts in the library sciences field. A combined approach of Delphi-DEMATEL methods is employed for the definition of these factors and to construct an MCDA cause-effect model which represent their relationships. The DEMATEL analysis resulted in the division of all factors into two groups, i.e., causes and effects. The results show that content management, having a user-friendly interface and usability, information search and retrieval, authentication and authorization fall into the cause group. These factors directly affect the remaining factors. Content acquisition, classification, access, control and privacy management, plus metadata submission and support fall into the effect group. The research findings can help library professionals to make effective decisions to facilitate the successful implementation of GSDL software in a library and the enhancement of library technology. The results of this study can be useful for library professionals and decision-makers to select the most appropriate software for the implementation of library technology. The study analysis shows that for GSDL, having a user-friendly interface and usability, information search and retrieval plus authentication, and authorization factors have seven positive relationships with other factors. Secondly, content management and classification have six relationships with other factors. Thirdly, access control plus privacy and management have two relationships. Content acquisition has only one relationship with other factors. It is recommended that the user-friendly interface and usability, information search and retrieval, as well as authentication and authorization should be the initial areas of focus if GSDL is to be implemented successfully in digital libraries. The proposed MCDA cause-effect model can be useful for library professionals or decision-makers in the context of selecting software to be implemented in a library and to minimize implementation costs.N/

    Sustainable Development of Real Estate

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    Research, theoretical and practical tasks of sustainable real estate development process are revised in detail in this monograph; particular examples are presented as well. The concept of modern real estate development model and a developer is discussed, peculiarities of the development of built environment and real estate objects are analyzed, as well as assessment methods, models and management of real estate and investments in order to increase the object value. Theoretical and practical analyses, presented in the monograph, prove that intelligent and augmented reality technologies allow business managers to reach higher results in work quality, organize a creative team of developers, which shall present more qualitative products for the society. The edition presents knowledge on economic, legal, technological, technical, organizational, social, cultural, ethical, psychological and environmental, as well as its management aspects, which are important for the development of real estate: publicly admitted sustainable development principles, urban development and aesthetic values, territory planning, participation of society and heritage protection. It is admitted that economical crises are inevitable, and the provided methods shall help to decrease possible loss. References to the most modern world scientific literature sources are presented in the monograph. The monograph is prepared for the researchers, MSc and PhD students of construction economics and real estate development. The book may be useful for other researchers, MSc and PhD students of economics, management and other specialities, as well as business specialist of real estate business. The publication of monograph was funded by European Social Fund according to project No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-060 Development and Implementation of Joint Master’s Study Programme “Sustainable Development of the Built Environment”