25,297 research outputs found

    Policy Standardization Implementation Guarantying at the Private University in Semarang City

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    The purpose of this research is designed to describe and analyze the implementation of the quality assurance policy at a private college in the city of Semarang and the identification of those aspects that support and hinder the implementation of a quality assurance policy at a private University in the city of Semarang. As for specific targets to be achieved in the research is to formulate quality assurance policy implementation model for effective education (proposed model) and corresponding needs in supporting improved quality of education at Private Colleges in the city of Semarang. The study was designed with a qualitative research approach and use descriptive analysis. The analysis of the data collected is done after through interviews and observations directly in the field. Because it uses a qualitative approach then the data analysis processes in inductive data collection method in dept Interview, observation, documentation, and test the validity of library studies with data using two methods, namely the technique of triangulation and peer debriefing. The activity of this data analysis consists of, i.e., data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. To test the design quality assurance policy implementation model at a private college in the city of Semarang using consultation with experts guarantee quality (peer debriefing) for evaluation and improvement be alternative models. The next stage of the evaluation with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by presenting a quality assurance team of experts from several universities to discuss alternative models these models are proposed so that/later can be implemented at private colleges. The location of the research done at Private Colleges include: Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang (UDINUS), Republic Indonesia Semarang Teachers Union University (UPGRIS), a high school computer (STEKOM), Indonesia Cruise Academy (AKPELNI), the maritime high school (STIMART) and site Quality Assurance Agency on research at the private University

    Distortion-Free Watermarking Approach for Relational Database Integrity Checking

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    Nowadays, internet is becoming a suitable way of accessing the databases. Such data are exposed to various types of attack with the aim to confuse the ownership proofing or the content protection. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on fragile zero watermarking for the authentication of numeric relational data. Contrary to some previous databases watermarking techniques which cause some distortions in the original database and may not preserve the data usability constraints, our approach simply seeks to generate the watermark from the original database. First, the adopted method partitions the database relation into independent square matrix groups. Then, group-based watermarks are securely generated and registered in a trusted third party. The integrity verification is performed by computing the determinant and the diagonal’s minor for each group. As a result, tampering can be localized up to attribute group level. Theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique is resilient against tuples insertion, tuples deletion, and attributes values modification attacks. Furthermore, comparison with recent related effort shows that our scheme performs better in detecting multifaceted attacks

    Understanding student satisfaction and dissatisfaction : an interpretive study in the UK higher education context

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    This article represents a cross-sectional study of undergraduate students across two north-west university business schools in the UK. A purposefully designed questionnaire was collected from 350 students. The student experience was described in the form of hand-written narratives by first and final year students and had been identified by the respondents themselves as being satisfying or dissatisfying with the areas of teaching and learning and the supporting service environment. The study also assessed whether their experiences were likely to influence their loyalty behaviours with respect to remaining on their chosen course of study; recommending the university; and continuing at a higher level of study. The data were captured and analysed using the qualitative critical incident technique to capture the voice of the student and identified the critical determinants of quality within higher education, i.e. those areas that would influence loyalty behaviour, as being Access; Attentiveness; Availability; and Communication. A number of new determinants of quality have been identified out of the research by three independent judges, namely motivation, reward, social inclusion, usefulness, value for money and fellow student behaviour


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    Trust has shown to be an important factor both in the adoption of e-commerce but also in ongoing relationships between buyers and sellers. Information systems literature has discussed trust extensively, yet traditionally mostly focusing on the adoption phase. However, signs of increasing interest to post-adoptive phenomena, such as customer loyalty, can be seen in the recent IS and e-commerce literature. Encouraging customers to continue the relationship after the adoption has been widely seen vital for e-businesses. This holds especially true with B2C online services where the relationships are largely based on series of transactions and interactions. The paper presents a research model in which structural assurance and online self-efficacy are viewed as the antecedents of trust, whereas trust and switching costs are investigated as the determinants of commitment. We empirically investigate a sample of active users of online services and use structural equation modeling to analyze the data. The key findings are: 1. perceived structural assurance plays an important role also after the adoption, 2. online self-efficacy was notified to be a determinant of trust, and 3. switching costs are a determinant of commitment

    Development of Quality and Integrity Islamic Higher Education in North Sumatra in KOPERTAIS IX

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    The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the management of private Islamic tertiary institutions which are required to become quality tertiary institutions in terms of the accreditation obtained by the tertiary institutions themselves. The research method uses phenomenological qualitative. Primary data source; university leaders namely STIT Al-Hikmah Tebing Tinggi, IAIDU Kisaran, STAI Al Ihlas Sidikalang, FAI UISU, STAI Lubuk Pakam, and STAI Lubuk Pakam. Secondary data sources; research journals, books, and websites. Qualitative research data collection techniques, namely documentation, observation, and interviews. Descriptive-qualitative analysis techniques and reflective analysis. The research results of KERJASAMA IX North Sumatra have the task of supervising, controlling, fostering, and empowering private Islamic tertiary institutions. Provide consideration and follow-up sanctions against PTAIS that provide non/low quality education. Strategic steps that can be considered in the development of PTAI in the face of globalization are changing the Mindset from the Paradigm of Spectators to Actors, giving birth to graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit, Diplomacy of International Standard Academic Tracks, Sending Lecturers Abroad to Ministry of Religion Launching of 5000 Doctoral scholarship programs, Increasing Foreign Language Competence and global-based standardization of Academic Facilities

    A system safety model for developmental aircraft programs

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    Basic tenets of safety as applied to developmental aircraft programs are presented. The integration of safety into the project management aspects of planning, organizing, directing and controlling is illustrated by examples. The basis for project management use of safety and the relationship of these management functions to 'real-world' situations is presented. The rationale which led to the safety-related project decision and the lessons learned as they may apply to future projects are presented

    The Impact Of Technology Trust On The Acceptance Of Mobile Banking Technology Within Nigeria

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    With advancement in the use of information technology seen as a key factor in economic development, developed countries are increasingly reviewing traditional systems, in various sectors such as education, health, transport and finance, and identifying how they may be improved or replaced with automated systems. In this study, the authors examine the role of technology trust in the acceptance of mobile banking in Nigeria as the country attempts to transition into a cashless economy. For Nigeria, like many other countries, its economic growth is linked, at least in part, to its improvement in information technology infrastructure, as well as establishing secure, convenient and reliable payments systems. Utilising the Technology Acceptance Model, this study investigates causal relationships between technology trust and other factors influencing user’s intention to adopt technology; focusing on the impact of seven factors contributing to technology trust. Data from 1725 respondents was analysed using confirmatory factor analysis and the results showed that confidentiality, integrity, authentication, access control, best business practices and non-repudiation significantly influenced technology trust. Technology trust showed a direct significant influence on perceived ease of use and usefulness, a direct influence on intention to use as well as an indirect influence on intention to use through its impact on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Furthermore, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness showed significant influence on consumer’s intention to adopt the technology. With mobile banking being a key driver of Nigeria’s cashless economy goals, this study provides quantitative knowledge regarding technology trust and adoption behaviour in Nigeria as well as significant insight on areas where policy makers and mobile banking vendors can focus strategies engineered to improve trust in mobile banking and increase user adoption of their technology

    Understanding student satisfaction and dissatisfaction: An interpretive study in the UK Higher Education Context

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    This article represents a cross-sectional study of undergraduate students across two North West University Business Schools in the UK. A purposefully designed questionnaire was collected from 350 students. The student experience was described in the form of hand written narratives by first and final year students and had been identified by the respondents themselves as being satisfying or dissatisfying with the areas of teaching and learning and the supporting service environment. The study also assessed whether their experiences were likely to influence their loyalty behaviours with respect to remaining on their chosen course of study; recommending the university; and continuing at a higher level of study. The data was captured and analysed using the qualitative critical incident technique to capture the voice of the student and identified the critical determinants of quality within Higher Education, i.e. those areas that would influence loyalty behaviour, as being Access; Attentiveness; Availability; and Communication. A number of new determinants of quality have been identified out of the research by three independent judges, namely motivation, reward, social inclusion, usefulness, value for money and fellow student behaviour

    An assessment of environmental flow requirements of Indian river basins

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    River basins / Environmental flows / Assessment / Hydrology / Ecology / Ecosystems / Water allocation / Water requirements / Time series / India
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