37 research outputs found

    Penghasilan dan penilaian video pembelajaran (CD) bagi mata pelajaran Prinsip Ekonomi (BPA 1013) bertajuk permintaan dan penawaran di KUITTHO

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    Kajian ini dijaiankan untuk meniiai keberkesanan sebuah video pembeiajaran (CD) mata peiajaran Prinsip Ekonomi (BPA 1013) bertajuk Permintaan dan Penawaran. Bagi tujuan tersebut, sebuah video pembelajaran telah dihasilkan membantu pelajar bagi memahami mata pelajaran berkenan semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran berlaku. Video pembelajaran yang dihasilkan ini kemudian dinilai dari aspek proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, minat dan persepsi responden terhadap ciri-ciri video (audio dan visual). Seramai 60 orang pelajar semester 2 Sarjana Muda Sains Pengurusan di Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn telah dipiih bagi membuat penilaian kebolehgunaan produk ini sebagai alat bantuan mengajar di dalam kelas. Semua data yang diperolehi kemudiannya dikumpulkan bagi dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian "SrarMfKM/ Pac/rageybr Rocaj/ Sb/'eace " (SPSS). Hasil dapatan kajian yang dilakukan jelas menunjukkan video pengajaran yang dihasilkan dan dinilai ini amat sesuai digunakan bagi tujuan memenuhi keperluan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran subjek ini di dalam kelas


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    Measuring Data Completeness for Microbial Genomics Database

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    Poor quality data such as data with missing values (or records)cause negative consequences in many application domains. An important aspect of data quality is completeness. One problem in data completeness is the problem of missing individuals in data sets. Within a data set, the individuals refer to the real world entities whose information is recorded. So far, in completeness studies however, there has been little discussion about how missing individuals are assessed. In this paper, we propose the notion of population-based completeness (PBC) that deals with the missing individuals problem, with the aim of investigating what is required to measure PBC and to identify what is needed to supportPBC measurements in practice. This paper explores the need of PBC in the microbial genomics where real sample data sets retrieved from a microbial database called Comprehensive Microbial Resources are used(CMR)

    Error browsing and mediation : interoperability regarding data error

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    "July 1994."Includes bibliographical references (p. 9-10).Supported by the Productivity From Information Technology (PROFIT) Research Initiative at MIT.Henry B. Koh, Michael D. Siegel

    Good answers from bad data : a data management strategy

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    Cover title.Includes bibliographical references (p. 16).Supported in part by ARPA and USAF/Rome Laboratories. F30602-93-C-0160Henry B. Kon, Stuart E. Madnick, Michael D. Seigel

    Service Elements Valuation Using an Enterprise Architecture Language

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    This article defines a service as an architecture of processes, software and infrastructure elements for serving people. An architecture language therefore is a means to structure and analyze the values of service elements and the service as a whole. We provide a value-based perspective, which first includes a review of the concept of value in the context of service architectures for services. Here we conclude that multiple, even competing, values are at stake for different parts of a service. Second, the paper discusses a method for the valuation of a service using competing value constructs. We also demonstrate by a case how a formal architecture language can be used to calculate service values. Finally, the results are discussed and suggestions for further research are given

    Model-Driven Component Generation for Families of Completeness Measures

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    Completeness is a well-understood dimension of data quality. In particular, measures of coverage can be used to assess the completeness of a data source, relative to some universe, for instance a collection of reference databases. We observe that this definition is inherently and implicitly multidimensional: in principle, one can compute measures of coverage that are expressed as a combination of subset of the attributes in the data source schema. This generalization can be useful in several application domains, notably in the life sciences. This leads to the idea of domain-specic families of completeness measures that users can choose from. Furthermore, individuals in the family can be specified as OLAP-type queries on a dimensional schema. In this paper we describe an initial data architecture to support and validate the idea, and show how dimensional completeness measures can be supported in practice by extending the Quality View model [11]