199 research outputs found

    From Smart Parking Towards Autonomous Valet Parking: A Survey, Challenges and Future Works

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    Recently, we see an increasing number of vehicles coming into our lives, which makes finding car parks a difficult task. To overcome this challenge, efficient and advanced parking techniques are required, such as finding the proper parking slot, increasing users’ experience, dynamic path planning and congestion avoidance. To this end, this survey provides a detailed overview starting from Smart Parking (SP) towards the emerging Autonomous Valet Parking (AVP) techniques. Specially, the SP includes digitally enhanced parking, smart routing, high density parking and vacant slot detection solutions. Moreover, the AVP involves Short-range Autonomous Valet Parking (SAVP) and Long-range Autonomous Valet Parking (LAVP). Finally, open issues and future work are provided

    Business models and cost analysis of automated valet parking and shared autonomous vehicles assisted by internet of things

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    With the rapid development of autonomous vehicles, it is necessary to explore new business opportunities, especially under the assistance of internet of things, which accelerate the penetration in vehicle markets. Automated valet parking and shared autonomous vehicles will be the most active cases promoted by autonomous driving. In this paper, the business models of automated valet parking and shared autonomous vehicles were proposed, further, the cost structures of autonomous vehicles under two cases were investigated from points of car users and owners. In the business models, autonomous driving packages, internet of things devices, and service provider companies are considered as new stakeholders. The cost structure of automated valet parking users changes greatly, with the development of autonomous driving packages whose cost share decreases from ~60% to ~5%. The total cost of automated valet parking users is much higher than conventional parking before 2024. Additionally, the use of shared vehicles relieves financial burden, without trouble of periodical maintenance. For station-based and free-floating car sharing, the price drop of autonomous driving package brings about huge benefits for companies. Peer-to-peer car sharing business effectively decreases financial burden of car owners such that the decrease is less than 20% starting from 2017

    Harnessing Intelligence in Implementing Smart Parking Systems Integrated with Interactive Guidance System in Distinctive Shindagha Historical Neighborhood to Enhance and Regulate Mass Experiences

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    Under the light of the importance of finding smart solutions for cities strategic issues and in conjunction with the broad race for urban development in order to provide the best living environment and the most appropriate tourist destination, Mobility Management occupies the first place among these issues. Due to the variation in the urban fabric of cities, especially the old historical neighborhoods that are unique in their nature, composition, and conditions for their preservation, challenges related to mobility management raised in these critical areas. Therefore, in this study, we present a smart suggestion to solve the problem of providing smart parking system in Shindagha Historical District in Dubai, that has recently been revived to be the largest open museum in world. This project includes the provision of a smart parking system, studied thoughtfully across the urban and logistical conditions, determinants of urban fabric with respecting the identity of this region, which is linked to a smart tourism guidance system based on a live data platform derived from the museums and facilities that exist in this neighborhood. Moreover, this project contains a smart proposal of current public parking, in order to provide smooth and fast parking in areas with reducing the needed time to find a parking. The proposed solution will be a source of income for the city in the parking management sector. The objectives of the proposed study revolve around shortening the time spent to find a parking in the crowded areas, limiting traffic congestion, planning dynamic path of vehicle movement, reducing unnecessary energy consumption, reducing environmental pollution and gases emissions, maximizing the exploitation of the resources and facilities available in it, and organizing the movement of masses under conditions maintaining security and safety, as proposed models have been suggested for the studied area, with consideration of suitability of the design to the main purpose of the solution, best methods of construction, logistical elements and special conditions. Data have been drawn from the relevant official authorities in Dubai and according to a work methodology based on algorithms of possible occurrences, estimated queue lengths in transport impact analysis and SWOT analysis, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of those proposed smart solutions to lead to the best, smartest and most sustainable model for managing parking lots and masses congestions in such distinctive neighborhoods

    Door to door: Future of the vehicle future of the city

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    International audienceLes véhicules écologiques et la communication numérique embarquée, à l’ère des flux intelligents et de l’Internet des objets, transforment l’architecture et la ville contemporaines. Door to door, Futur du véhicule, futur urbain, repense les situations urbaines, théorise et imagine les modèles futurs de développement, les nouveaux programmes architecturaux qui en découlent. Il propose et présente les « espaces de l’accès », l’extension-multiplication de l’accessibilité « porte-à-porte » sur six métropoles européennes, et la fonction réparatrice de ces nouveaux outils de « l’auto-mobilité » communicante, résolvant par leur usage les dysfonctionnements urbains.Le parking devient un programme d’avenir pour l’architecture, tandis que le Véhicule Ecologique Communicant (VEC), un outil bientôt automate, ni bruyant, ni sale, côtoie humains, nature et animaux dans les bâtiments – le partage des présences et des activités dans un « grand espace commun ». Le VEC est l’exemple le plus puissant de l’interaction entre la pratique des territoires urbanisés et les TIC. Il est le marqueur le plus incisif du retour du modèle des flux pour penser l’urbain, sous une forme cohérente avec la demande ou les injonctions de la société des échanges et du partage qui s’est mise en marche : la mobilité-accessibilité est redevenue le programme premier, la structure du futur. Que devient l’urbain lorsque l’accès en est le trait le plus dominant ? Les « pôles d’accessibilité et d’échange » sont des dispositifs de transformation de la vie urbaine, qu’ils reconfigurent pour plus de confort et d’efficacité.L’arrivée des nouveaux véhicules accélère ainsi l’interférence entre l’urbanisme des usages et des services et l’urbanisme spatial. A ce niveau, les véhicules sont équivalents à des bâtiments

    Networking Transportation

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    Networking Transportation looks at how the digital revolution is changing Greater Philadelphia's transportation system. It recognizes several key digital transportation technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, connected and automated vehicles, digital mapping, Intelligent Transportation Systems, the Internet of Things, smart cities, real-time information, transportation network companies (TNCs), unmanned aerial systems, and virtual communications. It focuses particularly on key issues surrounding TNCs. It identifies TNCs currently operating in Greater Philadelphia and reviews some of the more innovative services around the world. It presents four alternative future scenarios for their growth: Filling a Niche, A Tale of Two Regions, TNCs Take Off, and Moore Growth. It then creates a future vision for an integrated, multimodal transportation network and identifies infrastructure needs, institutional reforms, and regulatory recommendations intended to help bring about this vision

    Smart logistics nodes:concept and classification

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    This paper presents the Smart Logistics Node concept, which combines the physical infrastructure of logistics nodes with digital systems to enhance collaboration. The Smart Logistics Node benefits from data sharing, supporting infrastructure, and Connected and Automated Transport (CAT) technologies. Based on a literature review on logistics nodes and CAT, we propose a general classification of Smart Logistics Nodes distinguishing upon the node function, degree of organisational (de-)centralisation, digital integration, and infrastructure support for automated driving. Then, we classify sixteen logistics nodes and find that high digital integration is common while automation is lacking. Further automation entails mixed traffic on public roads and requires organisational changes that do not always align with current business models. Our work supports the adoption of emerging technology at logistics nodes and the comparability of business cases. Ultimately, node authorities can use our concept and classification to draw a roadmap to develop CAT capabilities.</p

    Feasibility Study for “Mobility as a Service” concept in London

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    Novel mobility services that heavily rely on technological advances could contribute to seamless mobility. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is such a concept. The objective of the FS-MaaS project is to propose the design of a MaaS concept for London, the MaaS-London, and examine its feasibility. To work towards the concept of MaaS-London, first, the supply and the demand sides of the London transport market are analysed. There are a variety of mobility services supplied in London such as car clubs (car sharing), ride sharing, bike sharing, public transport, rail and taxi which altogether make London an ideal ground to exploit MaaS-London. The MaaS-London is an integrated platform that includes registration and package selection, intermodal journey planning, booking, smart ticketing and payment functions so that the entire chain of transport can be managed in this centralised platform. The most outstanding feature of MaaS-London is the provision of mobility packages, which consist of tailored bundles of mobility services customised to individual needs. The feasibility study indicates that the introduction of MaaS-London will benefit both the supply and the demand side. Transport operators will benefit by creating a larger market via the integrated platform. Travellers will also welcome the concept due to travel expense and time reduction, and better service experience. MaaS-London is a feasible product that can well serve London transport market and contribute to London’s 2020 vision

    Technology enhancement in hotel guestroom

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    This is an exploratory research paper looking on various types of technology, facilities enhancement and devices adopted by hoteliers for their guestrooms to meet the ever increasing demand and expectations from their guests. This paper also explores the technologies and devices that owners use to leverage on business sustainability for their operations. As part of the corporate social responsibility, hotel owners are exploring the opportunities to increase these activities through the use of modern technology and devices to reduce damage to the environment such as using energy saving devices in their properties. Business and leisure travelers who are environmentally conscious will be interested in this paper as they will have a better understanding on the technologies adopted by hoteliers that have a positive impact on the environment and at the same time without compromising the service level they deliver and at the same time be able to have a memorable experience during their stay in the hotel
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