6 research outputs found

    Revisiting Service-oriented Architecture for the IoT: A Middleware Perspective

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    International audienceBy bridging the physical and the virtual worlds, the Internet of Things (IoT) impacts a multitude of application domains, among which smart cities, smart factories, resource management, intelligent transportation, health and well-being to name a few. However, leveraging the IoT within software applications raises tremendous challenges from the networking up to the application layers, in particular due to the ultra-large scale, the extreme heterogeneity and the dynamics of the IoT. This paper more specifically explores how the service-oriented architecture paradigm may be revisited to address challenges posed by the IoT for the development of distributed applications. Drawing from our past and ongoing work within the MiMove team at Inria Paris, the paper discusses the evolution of the supporting middleware solutions spanning the introduction of: probabilistic protocols to face scale, cross-paradigm interactions to face heterogeneity, and streaming-based interactions to support the inherent sensing functionality brought in by the IoT

    Dispositivo de monitoreo inalámbrico con aplicación móvil para variables en entornos industriales

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    El presente trabajo describe el diseño y la construcción del dispositivo de monitoreo que “DMI RFBGsm” que permite la solución de comunicación inalámbrica en áreas industriales utilizando una conexión basada en protocolos de red inalámbricas tipo (WPAN) utilizando una red de punto a multipunto. Gracias a su diseño el modulo ofrece dos esquema de observación, permite visualizar gracias a una aplicación Android, y comunicación MSM a través de la red móvil. Se muestra una breve reseña sobre la arquitectura de comunicación inalámbrica , y la importancia de contribuir a nuevas vías de comunicación acoplando sistemas embebidos en este caso tarjetas y microprocesadores de la serie ARDUINO que debido a su bajo costo permite una solución real y eficiente para la innovación de dispositivos de monitoreo inalámbrico

    Integration of wireless sensor and actuator nodes with IT infrastructure using service-oriented architecture

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    A large number of potential applications for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) have yet to be embraced by industry despite high interest amongst academic researchers. This is due to various factors such as unpredictable costs related to development, deployment and maintenance of WSAN, especially when integration with existing IT infrastructure and legacy systems is needed. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is seen as a promising technique to bridge the gap between sensor nodes and enterprise applications such as factory monitoring, control and tracking systems where sensor data is used. To date, research efforts have focused on middleware software systems located in gateway devices that implement standard service technology, such as Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS), for interacting with the sensor network. This paper takes a different approach - deploying interoperable Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)-based web services directly on the nodes and not using gateways. This strategy provides for easy integration with legacy IT systems and supports heterogeneity at the lowest level. Two-fold analysis of the related overhead, which is the main challenge of this solution, is performed; Quantification of resource consumption as well as techniques to mitigate it are presented, along with latency measurements showing the impact of different parts of the system on system performance. A proof-of-concept application using Mulle - a resource-constrained sensor platform - is also presented.Validerad; 2013; 20120124 (rumkyu)Architecture for Service-Oriented Process – Monitoring and Contro

    A Highly Accurate Deep Learning Based Approach For Developing Wireless Sensor Network Middleware

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    Despite the popularity of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a wide range of applications, the security problems associated with WSNs have not been completely resolved. Since these applications deal with the transfer of sensitive data, protection from various attacks and intrusions is essential. From the current literature, we observed that existing security algorithms are not suitable for large-scale WSNs due to limitations in energy consumption, throughput, and overhead. Middleware is generally introduced as an intermediate layer between WSNs and the end user to address security challenges. However, literature suggests that most existing middleware only cater to intrusions and malicious attacks at the application level rather than during data transmission. This results in loss of nodes during data transmission, increased energy consumption, and increased overhead. In this research, we introduce an intelligent middleware based on an unsupervised learning technique called the Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) algorithm. GANs contain two networks: a generator (G) network and a discriminator (D) network. The G network generates fake data that is identical to the data from the sensor nodes; it combines fake and real data to confuse the adversary and stop them from differentiating between the two. This technique completely eliminates the need for fake sensor nodes, which consume more power and reduce both throughput and the lifetime of the network. The D network contains multiple layers that have the ability to differentiate between real and fake data. The output intended for this algorithm shows an actual interpretation of the data that is securely communicated through the WSN. The framework is implemented in Python with experiments performed using Keras. The results illustrate that the suggested algorithm not only improves the accuracy of the data but also enhances its security by protecting it from attacks. Data transmission from the WSN to the end user then becomes much more secure and accurate compared to conventional techniques. Simulation results show that the proposed technique provides higher throughput and increases successful data rates while keeping the energy consumption low