87 research outputs found

    Integrating workload smoothing and inventory reduction in three intermodal logistics platforms of a European car manufacturer

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    We consider the optimization of container loading at three intermodal logistics platforms (ILP) of a large European car manufacturer (ECM). The decisions focus both on the loading day of each container and on its filling with the products in inventory, which are gradually received over the week from inland suppliers. The objective is either to reduce the largest inventory level needed in the ILP, or to smooth the weekly workload. We develop a solution methodology that allows the handling of complex loading constraints related to dimensions and weight of the products. We model the problem as a mixed integer linear program and we develop a decomposition heuristic to solve it. We perform extensive computation tests on real instances provided by ECM. Compared with current industrial practices, our solutions yield an average improvement of 46.8% for the inventory reduction and of 25.8% for the smoothing of the workload. Our results highlight the benefit of jointly optimizing container loading and operations scheduling.</p

    Managing Advanced Synchronization Aspects in Logistics Systems

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    In this thesis, we model various complex logistics problems and develop appropriate techniques to solve them. We improve industrial practices by introducing synchronized solutions to problems that were previously solved independently. The first part of this thesis focuses on cross-docks. We simultaneously optimize supplier orders and cross-docking operations to either reduce the storage space required or evenly distribute workload over the week. The second part of this thesis is devoted to transport problems in which two types of vehicles are synchronized, one of which can be transported by the other. The areas of application range from home services to parcel delivery to customers. After analyzing the complexity associated with these synchronized solutions (i.e., largescale problems for which the decisions depend on each other), we design algorithms based on the "destroy-and-repair" principle to find efficient solutions. We also introduce mathematical programs for all the considered problems. The problems under study arose directly from collaborations with various industrial partners. In this respect, our achieved solutions have been benchmarked with current industrial practice. Depending on the problem, we have been able to reduce the environmental impact generated by the industrial activities, the overall cost, or the social impact. The achieved gains compared to current industrial practice range from 10 to 70%, depending on the application. -- Dans cette thèse, nous modélisons divers problèmes logistiques complexes et développons des techniques appropriées pour les résoudre. Nous cherchons à améliorer certaines pratiques industrielles en introduisant des solutions synchronisées à des problèmes qui étaient auparavant résolus indépendamment. La première partie de cette thèse porte sur les cross-docks. Nous optimisons simultanément les commandes fournisseurs et les opérations au sein de la plateforme de logistique pour réduire l’espace de stockage requis ou répartir uniformément la charge de travail sur la semaine. La deuxième partie de cette thèse est consacrée aux problèmes de transport dans lesquels deux types de véhicules sont synchronisés, l’un pouvant être transporté par l’autre. Les domaines d’application vont du service à domicile à la livraison de colis chez des clients. Après avoir analysé la complexité des solutions synchronisées (c’est-à-dire des problèmes de grandes dimensions pour lesquels les décisions dépendent les unes des autres), nous concevons des algorithmes basés sur le principe de "destruction / reconstruction" pour trouver des solutions efficaces. Nous modélisons également les problèmes considérés avec la programmation mathématique. Les problèmes à l’étude viennent de collaborations avec divers partenaires industriels. A cet égard, les solutions que nous présentons sont comparées aux pratiques industrielles actuelles. En fonction du problème, nous avons pu réduire l’impact environnemental généré par les activités industrielles, le coût global, ou l’impact social des solutions. Les gains obtenus par rapport aux pratiques industrielles actuelles varient de 10 à 70%, selon l’application. Mot-clefs: Logistique, Synchronisation, Problème de transport, Tournée de véhicules, Plateforme de Cross-dock (transbordement), Programmation Mathématiques, Métaheuristiques, Matheuristiques, Instances Réelle

    Inbound and outbound flow integration for cross-docking operations

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    We consider the optimization of the cross-docking operations at three INtermodal LOgistics Platforms (INLOPs) of a large European car manufacturer (ECM). The planning horizon is a week and the time bucket is a day. An inbound flow of products is gradually received over the week by truck from inland suppliers, and has to be loaded into containers which are then shipped to offshore production plants. The full content of a container must be available at the INLOP to enable its loading operations to start, hence temporary storage is needed. The objective is to minimize an inventory penalty, computed as the largest daily volume of temporary product storage observed over the planning horizon. The current practice at ECM is to first optimize the content of the inbound trucks and of the outbound containers independently, and then determine the loading day of each container to be shipped based on these fixed contents. We propose to integrate, within the same optimization framework, the decisions on both truck and container contents, which involve complex loading constraints related to the dimensions and weights of the products, with those on the scheduling of container loading. We model the resulting problem as a mixed integer linear program, and we develop a decomposition scheme for it, as well as a fix-and-optimize matheuristic. We perform extensive computational experiments on real instances provided by ECM. Results show that a combination of these two matheuristics is able to generate solutions that reduce the average inventory penalty by 40%.</p