490 research outputs found

    Application of Particle Swarm Optimization to Formative E-Assessment in Project Management

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    The current paper describes the application of Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to the formative e-assessment problem in project management. The proposed approach resolves the issue of personalization, by taking into account, when selecting the item tests in an e-assessment, the following elements: the ability level of the user, the targeted difficulty of the test and the learning objectives, represented by project management concepts which have to be checked. The e-assessment tool in which the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is integrated is also presented. Experimental results and comparison with other algorithms used in item tests selection prove the suitability of the proposed approach to the formative e-assessment domain. The study is presented in the framework of other evolutionary and genetic algorithms applied in e-education.Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms, Formative E-assessment, E-education

    Particle Swarm Optimization Based Source Seeking

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    Signal source seeking using autonomous vehicles is a complex problem. The complexity increases manifold when signal intensities captured by physical sensors onboard are noisy and unreliable. Added to the fact that signal strength decays with distance, noisy environments make it extremely difficult to describe and model a decay function. This paper addresses our work with seeking maximum signal strength in a continuous electromagnetic signal source with mobile robots, using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). A one to one correspondence with swarm members in a PSO and physical Mobile robots is established and the positions of the robots are iteratively updated as the PSO algorithm proceeds forward. Since physical robots are responsive to swarm position updates, modifications were required to implement the interaction between real robots and the PSO algorithm. The development of modifications necessary to implement PSO on mobile robots, and strategies to adapt to real life environments such as obstacles and collision objects are presented in this paper. Our findings are also validated using experimental testbeds.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Artificial Intelligence Applied to Conceptual Design. A Review of Its Use in Architecture

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Conceptual architectural design is a complex process that draws on past experience and creativity to generate new designs. The application of artificial intelligence to this process should not be oriented toward finding a solution in a defined search space since the design requirements are not yet well defined in the conceptual stage. Instead, this process should be considered as an exploration of the requirements, as well as of possible solutions to meet those requirements. This work offers a tour of major research projects that apply artificial intelligence solutions to architectural conceptual design. We examine several approaches, but most of the work focuses on the use of evolutionary computing to perform these tasks. We note a marked increase in the number of papers in recent years, especially since 2015. Most employ evolutionary computing techniques, including cellular automata. Most initial approaches were oriented toward finding innovative and creative forms, while the latest research focuses on optimizing architectural form.This project was supported by the General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia (Ref. ED431G/01, ED431D 2017/16), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness via funding of the unique installation BIOCAI (UNLC08-1E-002, UNLC13-13-3503) and the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER)Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/1

    Role of Evolutionary Algorithms in Construction Projects Scheduling

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    Due to the increase in the stakeholders and their objectives the construction projects have significantly been affected by the ongoing demands leading to increase in complexity of scheduling problems, research in the field of Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) have increased significantly. Through their population-based search methodologies, Evolutionary Algorithms drove attention to their efficiency in addressing scheduling problems involving two or three objectives. Genetic Algorithms (GA) particularly have been used in most of the construction optimization problems due to their ability to provide near-optimal Pareto solutions in a reasonable amount of time for almost all objectives. However, when optimizing more than three objectives, the efficiency of such algorithms degrades and trade-offs among conflicting objectives must be made to obtain an optimal Pareto Frontier. To address that, this paper aims to provide a comparative analysis on four evolutionary algorithms (Genetic algorithms – Memetic algorithms – Particle Swarm – Ant colony) in the field of construction scheduling optimization, gaps are addressed, and recommendations are proposed for future research development

    A New Method for Improving the Fairness of Multi-Robot Task Allocation by Balancing the Distribution of Tasks

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    This paper presents an innovative task allocation method for multi-robot systems that aims to optimize task distribution while taking into account various performance metrics such as efficiency, speed, and cost. Contrary to conventional approaches, the proposed method takes a comprehensive approach to initialization by integrating the K-means clustering algorithm, the Hungarian method for solving the assignment problem, and a genetic algorithm specifically adapted for Open Loop Travel Sales Man Problem (OLTSP). This synergistic combination allows for a more robust initialization, effectively grouping similar tasks and robots, and laying a strong foundation for the subsequent optimization process. The suggested method is flexible enough to handle a variety of situations, including Multi-Robot System (MRS) with robots that have unique capabilities and tasks of varying difficulty. The method provides a more adaptable and flexible solution than traditional algorithms, which might not be able to adequately address these variations because of the heterogeneity of the robots and the complexity of the tasks. Additionally, ensuring optimal task allocation is a key component of the suggested method. The method efficiently determines the best task assignments for robots through the use of a systematic optimization approach, thereby reducing the overall cost and time needed to complete all tasks. This contrasts with some existing methods that might not ensure optimality or might have limitations in their ability to handle a variety of scenarios. Extensive simulation experiments and numerical evaluations are carried out to validate the method's efficiency. The extensive validation process verifies the suggested approach's dependability and efficiency, giving confidence in its practical applicability

    Optimización del diseño estructural de pavimentos asfálticos para calles y carreteras

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    gráficos, tablasThe construction of asphalt pavements in streets and highways is an activity that requires optimizing the consumption of significant economic and natural resources. Pavement design optimization meets contradictory objectives according to the availability of resources and users’ needs. This dissertation explores the application of metaheuristics to optimize the design of asphalt pavements using an incremental design based on the prediction of damage and vehicle operating costs (VOC). The costs are proportional to energy and resource consumption and polluting emissions. The evolution of asphalt pavement design and metaheuristic optimization techniques on this topic were reviewed. Four computer programs were developed: (1) UNLEA, a program for the structural analysis of multilayer systems. (2) PSO-UNLEA, a program that uses particle swarm optimization metaheuristic (PSO) for the backcalculation of pavement moduli. (3) UNPAVE, an incremental pavement design program based on the equations of the North American MEPDG and includes the computation of vehicle operating costs based on IRI. (4) PSO-PAVE, a PSO program to search for thicknesses that optimize the design considering construction and vehicle operating costs. The case studies show that the backcalculation and structural design of pavements can be optimized by PSO considering restrictions in the thickness and the selection of materials. Future developments should reduce the computational cost and calibrate the pavement performance and VOC models. (Texto tomado de la fuente)La construcción de pavimentos asfálticos en calles y carreteras es una actividad que requiere la optimización del consumo de cuantiosos recursos económicos y naturales. La optimización del diseño de pavimentos atiende objetivos contradictorios de acuerdo con la disponibilidad de recursos y las necesidades de los usuarios. Este trabajo explora el empleo de metaheurísticas para optimizar el diseño de pavimentos asfálticos empleando el diseño incremental basado en la predicción del deterioro y los costos de operación vehicular (COV). Los costos son proporcionales al consumo energético y de recursos y las emisiones contaminantes. Se revisó la evolución del diseño de pavimentos asfálticos y el desarrollo de técnicas metaheurísticas de optimización en este tema. Se desarrollaron cuatro programas de computador: (1) UNLEA, programa para el análisis estructural de sistemas multicapa. (2) PSO-UNLEA, programa que emplea la metaheurística de optimización con enjambre de partículas (PSO) para el cálculo inverso de módulos de pavimentos. (3) UNPAVE, programa de diseño incremental de pavimentos basado en las ecuaciones de la MEPDG norteamericana, y el cálculo de costos de construcción y operación vehicular basados en el IRI. (4) PSO-PAVE, programa que emplea la PSO en la búsqueda de espesores que permitan optimizar el diseño considerando los costos de construcción y de operación vehicular. Los estudios de caso muestran que el cálculo inverso y el diseño estructural de pavimentos pueden optimizarse mediante PSO considerando restricciones en los espesores y la selección de materiales. Los desarrollos futuros deben enfocarse en reducir el costo computacional y calibrar los modelos de deterioro y COV.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería - Ingeniería AutomáticaDiseño incremental de pavimentosEléctrica, Electrónica, Automatización Y Telecomunicacione

    Mixed Heuristic and Mathematical Programming Using Reference Points for Dynamic Data Types Optimization in Multimedia Embedded Systems

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    New multimedia embedded applications are becoming increasingly dynamic. Thus, they cannot only rely on static data allocation, and must employ Dynamically-allocated Data Types (DDTs) to store their data and efficiently use the limited physical resources of embedded devices. However, the optimization of the DDTs for each target embedded system is a very time-consuming process due to the large design space of possible DDTs implementations and selection for the memory hierarchy of each specific embedded device. Thus, new suitable exploration methods for embedded design metrics (memory accesses, usage and power consumption) need to be developed. In this paper we analyze the benefits of two different exploration techniques for DDTs optimization: Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) and a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP). Furthermore, we propose a novel MOPSO exploration method, OMOPSO*, which uses MILP solutions, as reference points, to guide a MOPSO exploration and reach solutions closer to the real Pareto front of solutions. Our experiments with two real-life embedded applications show that our algorithm achieves 40% better coverage and set of solutions than state-of-the-art optimization methods for DDTs (MOGAs and other MOPSOs)

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches to Energy Demand-Side Response: A Systematic Review

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    Recent years have seen an increasing interest in Demand Response (DR) as a means to provide flexibility, and hence improve the reliability of energy systems in a cost-effective way. Yet, the high complexity of the tasks associated with DR, combined with their use of large-scale data and the frequent need for near real-time de-cisions, means that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) — a branch of AI — have recently emerged as key technologies for enabling demand-side response. AI methods can be used to tackle various challenges, ranging from selecting the optimal set of consumers to respond, learning their attributes and pref-erences, dynamic pricing, scheduling and control of devices, learning how to incentivise participants in the DR schemes and how to reward them in a fair and economically efficient way. This work provides an overview of AI methods utilised for DR applications, based on a systematic review of over 160 papers, 40 companies and commercial initiatives, and 21 large-scale projects. The papers are classified with regards to both the AI/ML algorithm(s) used and the application area in energy DR. Next, commercial initiatives are presented (including both start-ups and established companies) and large-scale innovation projects, where AI methods have been used for energy DR. The paper concludes with a discussion of advantages and potential limitations of reviewed AI techniques for different DR tasks, and outlines directions for future research in this fast-growing area

    Online Programming Judge System (UOJ)

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    This research conducts a study to build an Online Programming Judge system with a mechanism to generate test cases automatically using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The system has the function to judge programming code by evaluating the output that the program produced. Based on the problem that it is time consuming for lecturers to manually compile, run and verify every student programs for judging. Moreover, they also need to define test cases for different programming exercises in order to judge student‘s code. The system is built on the purpose to assist lecturers in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in judging code submitted from students and generate test cases for every programming exercise automatically. It also helps UTP students practice and enhancing their programming skills. In this research, details of judging process are explored. Moreover, the mechanism of test cases generation using PSO algorithm is deeply analyzed. The study would focus on the primary structure of PSO and the proposed fitness function to calculate fitness value for each generated test case. There are comparisons between manual and automatic PSO test case generation results that would be conducted to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method. Finally, conclusion of current results and recommendation for future development are also stated