914 research outputs found

    Survey over Existing Query and Transformation Languages

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    A widely acknowledged obstacle for realizing the vision of the Semantic Web is the inability of many current Semantic Web approaches to cope with data available in such diverging representation formalisms as XML, RDF, or Topic Maps. A common query language is the first step to allow transparent access to data in any of these formats. To further the understanding of the requirements and approaches proposed for query languages in the conventional as well as the Semantic Web, this report surveys a large number of query languages for accessing XML, RDF, or Topic Maps. This is the first systematic survey to consider query languages from all these areas. From the detailed survey of these query languages, a common classification scheme is derived that is useful for understanding and differentiating languages within and among all three areas

    Semantic Matchmaking as Non-Monotonic Reasoning: A Description Logic Approach

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    Matchmaking arises when supply and demand meet in an electronic marketplace, or when agents search for a web service to perform some task, or even when recruiting agencies match curricula and job profiles. In such open environments, the objective of a matchmaking process is to discover best available offers to a given request. We address the problem of matchmaking from a knowledge representation perspective, with a formalization based on Description Logics. We devise Concept Abduction and Concept Contraction as non-monotonic inferences in Description Logics suitable for modeling matchmaking in a logical framework, and prove some related complexity results. We also present reasonable algorithms for semantic matchmaking based on the devised inferences, and prove that they obey to some commonsense properties. Finally, we report on the implementation of the proposed matchmaking framework, which has been used both as a mediator in e-marketplaces and for semantic web services discovery

    An active, ontology-driven network service for Internet collaboration

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    Web portals have emerged as an important means of collaboration on the WWW, and the integration of ontologies promises to make them more accurate in how they serve users’ collaboration and information location requirements. However, web portals are essentially a centralised architecture resulting in difficulties supporting seamless roaming between portals and collaboration between groups supported on different portals. This paper proposes an alternative approach to collaboration over the web using ontologies that is de-centralised and exploits content-based networking. We argue that this approach promises a user-centric, timely, secure and location-independent mechanism, which is potentially more scaleable and universal than existing centralised portals

    SSWAP: A Simple Semantic Web Architecture and Protocol for semantic web services

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>SSWAP (<b>S</b>imple <b>S</b>emantic <b>W</b>eb <b>A</b>rchitecture and <b>P</b>rotocol; pronounced "swap") is an architecture, protocol, and platform for using reasoning to semantically integrate heterogeneous disparate data and services on the web. SSWAP was developed as a hybrid semantic web services technology to overcome limitations found in both pure web service technologies and pure semantic web technologies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There are currently over 2400 resources published in SSWAP. Approximately two dozen are custom-written services for QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) and mapping data for legumes and grasses (grains). The remaining are wrappers to Nucleic Acids Research Database and Web Server entries. As an architecture, SSWAP establishes how clients (users of data, services, and ontologies), providers (suppliers of data, services, and ontologies), and discovery servers (semantic search engines) interact to allow for the description, querying, discovery, invocation, and response of semantic web services. As a protocol, SSWAP provides the vocabulary and semantics to allow clients, providers, and discovery servers to engage in semantic web services. The protocol is based on the W3C-sanctioned first-order description logic language OWL DL. As an open source platform, a discovery server running at <url>http://sswap.info</url> (as in to "swap info") uses the description logic reasoner Pellet to integrate semantic resources. The platform hosts an interactive guide to the protocol at <url>http://sswap.info/protocol.jsp</url>, developer tools at <url>http://sswap.info/developer.jsp</url>, and a portal to third-party ontologies at <url>http://sswapmeet.sswap.info</url> (a "swap meet").</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SSWAP addresses the three basic requirements of a semantic web services architecture (<it>i.e</it>., a common syntax, shared semantic, and semantic discovery) while addressing three technology limitations common in distributed service systems: <it>i.e</it>., <it>i</it>) the fatal mutability of traditional interfaces, <it>ii</it>) the rigidity and fragility of static subsumption hierarchies, and <it>iii</it>) the confounding of content, structure, and presentation. SSWAP is novel by establishing the concept of a canonical yet mutable OWL DL graph that allows data and service providers to describe their resources, to allow discovery servers to offer semantically rich search engines, to allow clients to discover and invoke those resources, and to allow providers to respond with semantically tagged data. SSWAP allows for a mix-and-match of terms from both new and legacy third-party ontologies in these graphs.</p

    Integration of Large Scale Knowledge Bases using Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    Over the recent past, information extraction (IE) systems such as Nell and ReVerb have attained much success in creating large knowledge resources with minimal supervision. But, these resources in general, lack schema information and contain facts with high degree of ambiguity which are often difficult to interpret. Whereas, Wikipedia-based IE projects like DBpedia and Yago are structured, have disambiguated facts with unique identifiers and maintain a well-defined schema. In this work, we propose a probabilistic method to integrate these two types of IE projects where the structured knowledge bases benefit from the wide coverage of the semi-supervised IE projects and the latter benefits from the schema information of the former

    Utilising semantic technologies for intelligent indexing and retrieval of digital images

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    The proliferation of digital media has led to a huge interest in classifying and indexing media objects for generic search and usage. In particular, we are witnessing colossal growth in digital image repositories that are difficult to navigate using free-text search mechanisms, which often return inaccurate matches as they in principle rely on statistical analysis of query keyword recurrence in the image annotation or surrounding text. In this paper we present a semantically-enabled image annotation and retrieval engine that is designed to satisfy the requirements of the commercial image collections market in terms of both accuracy and efficiency of the retrieval process. Our search engine relies on methodically structured ontologies for image annotation, thus allowing for more intelligent reasoning about the image content and subsequently obtaining a more accurate set of results and a richer set of alternatives matchmaking the original query. We also show how our well-analysed and designed domain ontology contributes to the implicit expansion of user queries as well as the exploitation of lexical databases for explicit semantic-based query expansion
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