54 research outputs found

    Mechatronic Systems

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    Mechatronics, the synergistic blend of mechanics, electronics, and computer science, has evolved over the past twenty five years, leading to a novel stage of engineering design. By integrating the best design practices with the most advanced technologies, mechatronics aims at realizing high-quality products, guaranteeing at the same time a substantial reduction of time and costs of manufacturing. Mechatronic systems are manifold and range from machine components, motion generators, and power producing machines to more complex devices, such as robotic systems and transportation vehicles. With its twenty chapters, which collect contributions from many researchers worldwide, this book provides an excellent survey of recent work in the field of mechatronics with applications in various fields, like robotics, medical and assistive technology, human-machine interaction, unmanned vehicles, manufacturing, and education. We would like to thank all the authors who have invested a great deal of time to write such interesting chapters, which we are sure will be valuable to the readers. Chapters 1 to 6 deal with applications of mechatronics for the development of robotic systems. Medical and assistive technologies and human-machine interaction systems are the topic of chapters 7 to 13.Chapters 14 and 15 concern mechatronic systems for autonomous vehicles. Chapters 16-19 deal with mechatronics in manufacturing contexts. Chapter 20 concludes the book, describing a method for the installation of mechatronics education in schools

    Improving Indoor Security Surveillance by Fusing Data from BIM, UWB and Video

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    Indoor physical security, as a perpetual and multi-layered phenomenon, is a time-intensive and labor-consuming task. Various technologies have been leveraged to develop automatic access control, intrusion detection, or video monitoring systems. Video surveillance has been significantly enhanced by the advent of Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) cameras and advanced video processing, which together enable effective monitoring and recording. The development of ubiquitous object identification and tracking technologies provides the opportunity to accomplish automatic access control and tracking. Intrusion detection has also become possible through deploying networks of motion sensors for alerting about abnormal behaviors. However, each of the above-mentioned technologies has its own limitations. This thesis presents a fully automated indoor security solution that leverages an Ultra-wideband (UWB) Real-Time Locating System (RTLS), PTZ surveillance cameras and a Building Information Model (BIM) as three sources of environmental data. Providing authorized persons with UWB tags, unauthorized intruders are distinguished as the mismatch observed between the detected tag owners and the persons detected in the video, and intrusion alert is generated. PTZ cameras allow for wide-area monitoring and motion-based recording. Furthermore, the BIM is used for space modeling and mapping the locations of intruders in the building. Fusing UWB tracking, video and spatial data can automate the entire security procedure from access control to intrusion alerting and behavior monitoring. Other benefits of the proposed method include more complex query processing and interoperability with other BIM-based solutions. A prototype system is implemented that demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed method

    Intelligent technologies for the aging brain: opportunities and challenges

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    Intelligent computing is rapidly reshaping healthcare. In light of the global burden of population aging and neurological disorders, dementia and elderly care are among the healthcare sectors that are most likely to benefit from this technological revolution. Trends in artificial intelligence, robotics, ubiquitous computing, neurotechnology and other branches of biomedical engineering are progressively enabling novel opportunities for technology-enhanced care. These Intelligent Assistive Technologies (IATs) open the prospects of supporting older adults with neurocognitive disabilities, maintain their independence, reduce the burden on caregivers and delay the need for long-term care (1, 2). While technology develops fast, yet little knowledge is available to patients and health professionals about the current availability, applicability, and capability of existing IATs. This thesis proposes a state-of-the-art analysis of IATs in dementia and elderly care. Our findings indicate that advances in intelligent technology are resulting in a rapidly expanding number and variety of assistive solutions for older adults and people with neurocognitive disabilities. However, our analysis identifies a number of challenges that negatively affect the optimal deployment and uptake of IATs among target users and care institutions. These include design issues, sub-optimal approaches to product development, translational barriers between lab and clinics, lack of adequate validation and implementation, as well as data security and cyber-risk weaknesses. Additionally, in virtue of their technological novelty, intelligent technologies raise a number of Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI). Therefore, a significant portion of this thesis is devoted to providing an early ethical Technology Assessment (eTA) of intelligent technology, hence contributing to preparing the terrain for its safe and ethically responsible adoption. This assessment is primarily focused on intelligent technologies at the human-machine interface, as these applications enable an unprecedented exposure of the intimate dimension of individuals to the digital infosphere. Issues of privacy, integrity, equality, and dual-use were addressed at the level of stakeholder analysis, normative ethics and human-rights law. Finally, this thesis is aimed at providing evidence-based recommendations for guiding participatory and responsible development in intelligent technology, and delineating governance strategies that maximize the clinical benefits of IATs for the aging world, while minimizing unintended risks

    Measuring Behavior 2018 Conference Proceedings

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    These proceedings contain the papers presented at Measuring Behavior 2018, the 11th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research. The conference was organised by Manchester Metropolitan University, in collaboration with Noldus Information Technology. The conference was held during June 5th – 8th, 2018 in Manchester, UK. Building on the format that has emerged from previous meetings, we hosted a fascinating program about a wide variety of methodological aspects of the behavioral sciences. We had scientific presentations scheduled into seven general oral sessions and fifteen symposia, which covered a topical spread from rodent to human behavior. We had fourteen demonstrations, in which academics and companies demonstrated their latest prototypes. The scientific program also contained three workshops, one tutorial and a number of scientific discussion sessions. We also had scientific tours of our facilities at Manchester Metropolitan Univeristy, and the nearby British Cycling Velodrome. We hope this proceedings caters for many of your interests and we look forward to seeing and hearing more of your contributions

    De animais a máquinas : humanos tecnicamente melhores nos imaginários de futuro da convergência tecnológica

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2020.O tema desta investigação é discutir os imaginários sociais de ciência e tecnologia que emergem a partir da área da neuroengenharia, em sua relação com a Convergência Tecnológica de quatro disciplinas: Nanotecnologia, Biotecnologia, tecnologias da Informação e tecnologias Cognitivas - neurociências- (CT-NBIC). Estas áreas desenvolvem-se e são articuladas por meio de discursos que ressaltam o aprimoramento das capacidades físicas e cognitivas dos seres humanos, com o intuito de construir uma sociedade melhor por meio do progresso científico e tecnológico, nos limites das agendas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). Objetivos: Os objetivos nesse cenário, são discutir as implicações éticas, econômicas, políticas e sociais deste modelo de sistema sociotécnico. Nos referimos, tanto as aplicações tecnológicas, quanto as consequências das mesmas na formação dos imaginários sociais, que tipo de relações se estabelecem e como são criadas dentro desse contexto. Conclusão: Concluímos na busca por refletir criticamente sobre as propostas de aprimoramento humano mediado pela tecnologia, que surgem enquanto parte da agenda da Convergência Tecnológica NBIC. No entanto, as propostas de melhoramento humano vão muito além de uma agenda de investigação. Há todo um quadro de referências filosóficas e políticas que defendem o aprimoramento da espécie, vertentes estas que se aliam a movimentos trans-humanistas e pós- humanistas, posições que são ao mesmo tempo éticas, políticas e econômicas. A partir de nossa análise, entendemos que ciência, tecnologia e política estão articuladas, em coprodução, em relação às expectativas de futuros que são esperados ou desejados. Ainda assim, acreditamos que há um espaço de diálogo possível, a partir do qual buscamos abrir propostas para o debate público sobre questões de ciência e tecnologia relacionadas ao aprimoramento da espécie humana.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The subject of this research is to discuss the social imaginaries of science and technology that emerge from the area of neuroengineering in relation with the Technological Convergence of four disciplines: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technologies and Cognitive technologies -neurosciences- (CT-NBIC). These areas are developed and articulated through discourses that emphasize the enhancement of human physical and cognitive capacities, the intuition it is to build a better society, through the scientific and technological progress, at the limits of the research and development (R&D) agendas. Objectives: The objective in this scenery, is to discuss the ethic, economic, politic and social implications of this model of sociotechnical system. We refer about the technological applications and the consequences of them in the formation of social imaginaries as well as the kind of social relations that are created and established in this context. Conclusion: We conclude looking for critical reflections about the proposals of human enhancement mediated by the technology. That appear as a part of the NBIC technologies agenda. Even so, the proposals of human enhancement go beyond boundaries that an investigation agenda. There is a frame of philosophical and political references that defend the enhancement of the human beings. These currents that ally to the transhumanism and posthumanism movements, positions that are ethic, politic and economic at the same time. From our analysis, we understand that science, technology and politics are articulated, are in co-production, regarding the expected and desired futures. Even so, we believe that there is a space of possible dialog, from which we look to open proposals for the public discussion on questions of science and technology related to enhancement of human beings

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 4: Learning, Technology, Thinking

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 4 includes papers from Learning, Technology and Thinking tracks of the conference

    Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    Advances in Human-Robot Interaction

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    Rapid advances in the field of robotics have made it possible to use robots not just in industrial automation but also in entertainment, rehabilitation, and home service. Since robots will likely affect many aspects of human existence, fundamental questions of human-robot interaction must be formulated and, if at all possible, resolved. Some of these questions are addressed in this collection of papers by leading HRI researchers