9 research outputs found

    Students’ characteristics of student model in intelligent programming tutor for learning programming: a systematic literature review

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    This study describes preliminary results of a research related to Intelligent Programming Tutor (IPT) which is derived from Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). The system architecture consists of four models. However, in this study student model mainly student characteristic was focused. From literature, 44 research articles were identified from a number of digital databases published between 1997 to 2022 base on systematic literature review (SLR) method. The findings show that the majority 48% of IPT implementation focuses on knowledge and skills. While 52% articles focused on a combination of two to three student characteristics where one of the combinations is knowledge and skill. When narrow down, 25% focused on knowledge and skills with errors or misconceptions; 4% focused on knowledge and skill with cognitive features; 5% focused focus on knowledge and skill with affective features; 2% focused on knowledge and skill with motivation; and 9% based on knowledge and skill with learning style and learning preferences as students’ characteristics to build their student model. Whereas 5% focused on a combination of three student characters which are knowledge and skill with cognitive and affective features and 2% focused on knowledge and skill with learning styles and learning preferences and motivation as students’ characteristics to construct the tutoring system student model. To provide an appropriate tutoring system for the students, students’ characteristic needs to decide for the student model before developing the tutoring system. From the findings, it can say that knowledge and skills is an essential students’ characteristic used to construct the tutoring system student model. Unfortunately, other students’ characteristic is less considered especially students’ motivation

    Elaboración de una herramienta para aprender a programar, que mitigué la utilización de código duro /

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    La presente investigación se llevó a cabo al observar la oportunidad de crear una herramienta cuyo fin sea motivar a nuevos estudiantes a interesarse por la programación. Brindándoles una nueva forma de aprender, visual y diferente que podría ayudar a obtener nuevos los conceptos de la programación de una forma diferente a la tradicional. Esta manera visual brinda una forma diferente de presentar la información para ayudar a afianzar los conceptos e ideas para reforzar la comprensión. También se quiere disminuir la teoría de que programar es complicado o muy difícil de aprender. La parte central del problema se encuentra en la poca comprensión que tienen las personas de los lenguajes de programación pues la lógica es algo que es desarrollado por todos. La idea es hacer una herramienta que sea amigable con las personas que empiezan a programar y un entorno que les ayude a hacer de esta una tarea fácil para ellos haciendo que de la experiencia de programar algo sencillo y que los deje enfocarse en la parte lógica de su producto. Lo que se desea es que la herramienta se utilice en los primeros semestres de todas las carreras que estén relacionadas con las ciencias de la computación, en la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar. Con el fin de que se maneje este estándar en la materia de algoritmos y que todos los profesores cuenten con una herramienta que les facilite la enseñanza de esta materia a los estudiantes que apenas aprenden a programar.Incluye bibliografíaIncluye anexo

    Fuzzy-based user modelling for motivation assessment in programming learning adaptive web-based education systems

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    Learning programming is not an easy task and students often find this subject difficult to understand and pass. One way to improve students’ knowledge in programming is by using Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) through Adaptive Web-Based Education Systems (AWBESs). The objective of ITS is to provide a personalized tutoring that is tailored to the student’s needs. User modelling is one of the key factors that can meet the ITS intended objectives. From the literature, it was discovered that motivation stands out as one of the critical students’ characteristics that need to be considered when designing a user model. However, from the previous studies, it was discovered that almost all the researchers and educators constructed the user model based on knowledge and skills as students’ characteristics. Thus, the aim of this study is to develop a user model based on students’ motivation known as the Motivation Assessment Model. This is a model that is able to assess students’ motivation level and deliver tutorial materials accordingly. The Motivation Assessment Model was developed based on Self-Efficacy theory that contributes to the fundamental motivation factor which influences students’ motivation during the learning process. Furthermore, to assess the motivation level, fuzzy logic technique was applied. A tutoring system was then developed based on the proposed model using ITS architecture and ADDIE instructional design model. In order to determine students’ knowledge level after using the tutoring system, pre- and post-tests were conducted on the controlled group and experimental group (30 and 31 students). The learning achievements between experimental group (mean = 3.00) and control group (mean = 2.00) indicated that the tutoring system is significantly more effective in improving students’ knowledge level compared to the traditional approach. A usability evaluation was also conducted whereby the effectiveness was evaluated at the number of errors (7.5%) and completion rate (86.5%); efficiency (mean = 4.85); satisfaction evaluated at task level (mean = 6.77) and test level (mean = 83.55). As a conclusion, the overall tutoring system usability results are accepted by students in the experimental group. The research contribution to knowledge is the development of the proposed Motivation Assessment Model for ITS

    Acode: sistema web para avaliação automática de algoritmos Java

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    A avaliação automática de código-fonte pode ser uma ferramenta importante na aprendizagem de conceitos e linguagens de programação uma vez que permite aos alunos obterem feedback automático em relação à solução que apresentam para determinado problema. As ferramentas existentes fazem uso de testes de entrada e saída de parâmetros para avaliar código submetido por alunos. No entanto, para uma avaliação mais completa é necessário acrescentar a esse processo de avaliação automática técnicas mais avançadas como métricas de engenharia de software. Face às limitações dessas abordagens, o trabalho de investigação apresentado na presente dissertação descreve e avalia uma abordagem faseada para a avaliação automática de código-fonte: i) o código-fonte do aluno é primeiramente compilado e é analisado se existe algum erro; ii) o código-fonte compilado é testado através de um conjunto de testes JUnit fornecidos pelo docente; iii) é usado um conjunto de métricas de engenharia de software para comparar a solução do aluno com a solução do docente; iv) e, finalmente, com base nas etapas anteriores, o feedback é fornecido ao aluno para que possa auto-avaliar as suas capacidades e identificar as áreas em que necessita de mais estudo e/ou exercícios. O protótipo baseado nesta abordagem foi implementado num ambiente Web e foi testado recorrendo a alunos do público-alvo e com a utilização de um browser de internet. Os resultados da avaliação comprovam que o uso deste tipo de ferramentas facilita a aprendizagem e aquisição de conhecimentos por parte do aluno devido ao feedback imediato e constante fornecido pelo sistema.The automatic evaluation of source code can be an important tool in the learning of concepts and programming languages since it allows students to obtain immediate feedback on the solutions submitted to a programming problem. The existing tools make use of input/output testing to evaluate the code submitted by students. However, for a more complete evaluation, it is necessary to add more advanced techniques to that process of automatic evaluation, such as software engineering metrics. Given the limitations of these approaches, the research work presented in this dissertation describes and evaluates a phased approach for the automatic evaluation of source code: i) the student's source code is first compiled and checked for any errors; ii) the compiled code is then tested against a set of JUnit tests provided by the teacher; iii) a set of software engineering metrics is used to compare the student's solution against the teacher's solution; iv) and finally, based on the previous stages, feedback is provided to the students so they can self-evaluate and identify the areas in which they need further study and/or exercises. The prototype based on this approach has been implemented in a Web environment and has been tested by the student audience with the use of a web browser. The evaluation results show that the use of these tools improves the learning and the acquisition of knowledge by the student due to the constant and immediate feedback provided by the system

    El uso de estrategias colaborativas mediadas por tecnología : La enseñanza de la programación en el primer año de la Licenciatura en Sistemas de la UNRN

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    Esta investigación presenta, el diseño, la implementación y los resultados alcanzados al aplicar una estrategia de enseñanza y aprendizaje basada en el trabajo colaborativo y su aplicación mediada por recursos TIC en el desarrollo de las actividades de laboratorio de un curso introductorio de programación de nivel superior. De esta forma, se introduce en el aula, una estrategia de trabajo colaborativo, que es supervisada y evaluada en cada una de sus instancias y cuyos resultados se presentan como conclusiones de la investigación. La tesis esta organizada de la siguiente forma: el capítulo I donde se presenta el problema de investigación, el Capítulo II, donde se presenta una revisión teórica respecto a las estrategias y herramientas utilizadas en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la programación. A continuación en el Capítulo III, se reflexiona sobre las implicancias del uso de estrategias de trabajo colaborativo mediadas por TIC en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la programación, en el ámbito educativo de nivel universitario. En el capítulo IV se plantea el marco metodológico que se utilizo para llevar adelante la investigación. A continuación en el capítulo V, se presenta el diseño de la propuesta de enseñanza y aprendizaje para un curso de Programación del primer año de la Lic. en Sistemas de la UNRN, Sede Atlántica, basada en actividades prácticas entregables (APE) cuya resolución se propone que se realice combinando el trabajo colaborativo y las herramientas TIC compatibles con el entorno virtual de enseñanza y aprendizaje, que utiliza en la Lic. en Sistemas, como soporte a las clases presenciales. En el capítulo VI se presentan los resultados de la implementación de la propuesta. En el capítulo VII, se exponen las conclusiones y las nuevas inquietudes que surgen del mismo. Finalmente se incluye la bibliografía consultada y los anexos del trabajo.Es revisado por: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/43927Facultad de Informátic

    Integrating Educational Tools for Collaborative Computer Programming Learning

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    Computer Programming learning is a difficult process. Experience has demonstrated that many students find it difficult to use programming languages to write programs that solve problems. In this paper we describe several educational computer tools used successfully to support Programming learning and we present a global environment which integrates them, allowing a broader approach to Programming teaching and learning. This environment uses program animation and the Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) paradigm

    Blended learning in large class introductory programming courses: an empirical study in the context of an Ethiopian university

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    This study was motivated by a desire to address the challenges of introductory programming courses. Ethiopian universities teach such courses in large classes (80+ students) and students complain about the difficulty of the courses and teaching variation of instructors. The study was set to explore optimum course and learning environment design approaches. The research question raised was: how can a blended learning approach be used to improve large class teaching of programming? In an action design research approach, the study was initiated with redesigning two consecutive courses and a supportive blended learning environment on the basis of existing learning theories and educational design frameworks. Two cycles of action research were conducted for a dual goal of refinement and evaluation of the intervention. The action research was conducted during the 2012/13 academic year with 240 students at the beginning. A predominantly quantitative first cycle of action research produced a mixed outcome. The students’ marks from assessment activities were fairly close to results from two other international universities. A pre- and post-implementation survey of students’ approach to learning showed a slight class level change towards the deep learning approach. Conversely, some students were found at-risk (not progressing well) and certain technologies, particularly program visualisation tools, were found underutilised. The second action research cycle aimed to explain the result from the first round. A grounded action research evaluation of data from focus group discussions, interviews and participants’ memos identified plausible factors for meaningful programming learning in a large class. These factors were use of collaborative and pair programming; alignment of learning and assignment activities; integrated use of e-learning; and use of large class strategies like student mentors and team teaching. A critical realist interpretation of the result of the action research suggested that students can learn programming in large classes, 200+ in this study, with a course and learning environment design that keeps them engaged in learning and assessment activities. The study concludes that improved learning of programming can be possible with the use of students as mentors and changed role-dynamics of instructors, which presupposes adaptation of suitable pedagogical approaches and use of technologies.School of ComputingD. Litt. et Phil. (Information Systems