25,225 research outputs found

    Blending Learning: The Evolution of Online and Face-to-Face Education from 20082015

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    In 2008, iNACOL produced a series of papers documenting promising practices identified throughout the field of K–12 online learning. Since then, we have witnessed a tremendous acceleration of transformative policy and practice driving personalized learning in the K–12 education space. State, district, school, and classroom leaders recognize that the ultimate potential for blended and online learning lies in the opportunity to transform the education system and enable higher levels of learning through competency-based approaches.iNACOL's core work adds significant value to the field by providing a powerful practitioner voice in policy advocacy, communications, and in the creation of resources and best practices to enable transformational change in K–12 education.We worked with leaders throughout the field to update these resources for a new generation of pioneers working towards the creation of student-centered learning environments.This refreshed series, Promising Practices in Blended and Online Learning, explores some of the approaches developed by practitioners and policymakers in response to key issues in K–12 education, including:Blended Learning: The Evolution of Online and Face-to-Face Education from 2008-2015;Using Blended and Online Learning for Credit Recovery and At-Risk Students;Oversight and Management of Blended and Online Programs: Ensuring Quality and Accountability; andFunding and Legislation for Blended and Online Education.Personalized learning environments provide the very best educational opportunities and personalized pathways for all students, with highly qualified teachers delivering world-class instruction using innovative digital resources and content. Through this series of white papers, we are pleased to share the promising practices in K–12 blended, online, and competency education transforming teaching and learning today

    A literature synthesis of personalised technology-enhanced learning: what works and why

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    Personalised learning, having seen both surges and declines in popularity over the past few decades, is once again enjoying a resurgence. Examples include digital resources tailored to a particular learner’s needs, or individual feedback on a student’s assessed work. In addition, personalised technology-enhanced learning (TEL) now seems to be attracting interest from philanthropists and venture capitalists indicating a new level of enthusiasm for the area and a potential growth industry. However, these industries may be driven by profit rather than pedagogy, and hence it is vital these new developments are informed by relevant, evidence-based research. For many people, personalised learning is an ambiguous and even loaded term that promises much but does not always deliver. This paper provides an in-depth and critical review and synthesis of how personalisation has been represented in the literature since 2000, with a particular focus on TEL. We examine the reasons why personalised learning can be beneficial and examine how TEL can contribute to this. We also unpack how personalisation can contribute to more effective learning. Lastly, we examine the limitations of personalised learning and discuss the potential impacts on wider stakeholders

    Integrating Technology With Student-Centered Learning

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    Reviews research on technology's role in personalizing learning, its integration into curriculum-based and school- or district-wide initiatives, and the potential of emerging digital technologies to expand student-centered learning. Outlines implications

    Assessing collaborative learning: big data, analytics and university futures

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    Traditionally, assessment in higher education has focused on the performance of individual students. This focus has been a practical as well as an epistemic one: methods of assessment are constrained by the technology of the day, and in the past they required the completion by individuals under controlled conditions, of set-piece academic exercises. Recent advances in learning analytics, drawing upon vast sets of digitally-stored student activity data, open new practical and epistemic possibilities for assessment and carry the potential to transform higher education. It is becoming practicable to assess the individual and collective performance of team members working on complex projects that closely simulate the professional contexts that graduates will encounter. In addition to academic knowledge this authentic assessment can include a diverse range of personal qualities and dispositions that are key to the computer-supported cooperative working of professionals in the knowledge economy. This paper explores the implications of such opportunities for the purpose and practices of assessment in higher education, as universities adapt their institutional missions to address 21st Century needs. The paper concludes with a strong recommendation for university leaders to deploy analytics to support and evaluate the collaborative learning of students working in realistic contexts

    Considering curriculum, content, and delivery for adaptive pathways: higher education and disaster resilient infrastructure in the Indian urban context

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    In the context of urbanisation in the Global South and increasing climate-induced disaster events, fostering resilience in infrastructure systems is critical to delivering on goals of economic development, poverty reduction, and climate action. Adaptive pathways, given its inherent consideration of uncertainty and an embedded feedback mechanism, becomes a necessary conceptual underpinning to deliver on the resilient infrastructure challenge. We argue that knowledge and iterative learning are key components that enable the flexibility of adaptive pathways. Higher education (HE) plays a critical role in influencing knowledge that is adaptive and dynamic to respond to this challenge. This study adopts a qualitative approach with a case study design to identify gaps in how urban resilient infrastructure is conceptualised and taught in HE institutions. The study finds that interdisciplinarity, when reflected in the elements of content, pedagogy, and delivery would foster substantial critical thinking and reflexivity required to address the resilient infrastructure challenge

    Bridging Educational Frontiers: AI-Adaptive Learning, Subscription Strategies, and the Quest for Global Online MBA Accessibility

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    This research dives deep into the rapidly evolving realm of postgraduate online education, mainly focusing on online MBA programs. The study unveils significant patterns and fresh perspectives through comprehensive content analysis and participant interviews. The transformative potential of AI in personalizing learning experiences has been recognized, with AI-AL tools highlighted as not just tools for automation but as dynamic partners in curating individualized learning experiences. Another significant discovery is the “resignated acceptance” phenomenon, revealing society's shift towards accepting technology’s omnipresence in education. Moreover, the rise of subscription-based models indicates a shift towards democratizing elite education, though questions arise regarding its long-term implications on educational quality. Practical implications suggest educational institutions could leverage AI to optimize student learning experiences and explore subscription-based pricing strategies to increase access. However, a balanced approach, ensuring the human touch in education remains, is crucial. Furthermore, emphasizing local collaborations when expanding into new regions is essential. This study underscores the importance of adapting to technological advancements while ensuring holistic, high-quality, and globally inclusive educational experiences.Tässä tutkimuksessa syvennytään nopeasti kehittyvään jatko-opintojen verkkokoulutuksen maailmaan, keskittyen erityisesti verkkoon perustuviin MBA-ohjelmiin. Tutkimus paljastaa merkittäviä malleja ja tuoreita näkökulmia kattavan sisällönanalyysin ja osallistujahaastattelujen kautta. Tekoälyn muutosvoima oppimiskokemusten personoinnissa on tunnustettu, ja "AI-AL" työkalut korostuvat ei vain automaation välineinä, vaan dynaamisina kumppaneina yksilöllisten oppimiskokemusten kuratoinnissa. Toinen merkittävä löydös on "resignated acceptance" ilmiö, joka paljastaa yhteiskunnan siirtymisen kohti teknologian kaikkialla läsnä olevan hyväksymistä koulutuksessa. Lisäksi tilauspohjaisten mallien nousu viittaa siirtymään kohti eliittikoulutuksen demokratisointia, vaikka herääkin kysymyksiä sen pitkän aikavälin vaikutuksista koulutuksen laatuun. Käytännön seurauksena koulutuslaitokset voisivat hyödyntää tekoälyä optimoidakseen opiskelijoiden oppimiskokemuksia ja tutkia tilauspohjaisia hinnoittelustrategioita lisätäkseen saatavuutta. Kuitenkin tasapainoinen lähestymistapa, joka varmistaa inhimillisen kosketuksen säilymisen koulutuksessa, on ratkaisevan tärkeää. Lisäksi on olennaista korostaa paikallisia yhteistyökumppanuuksia laajentuessa uusille alueille. Tämä tutkimus korostaa teknologisiin edistysaskeliin sopeutumisen tärkeyttä samalla varmistaen kokonaisvaltaiset, korkealaatuiset ja maailmanlaajuisesti inklusiiviset koulutuskokemukset
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