12,123 research outputs found

    Design of decorated self-assembling peptide hydrogels as architecture for mesenchymal stem cells

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    Hydrogels from self-assembling ionic complementary peptides have been receiving a lot of interest from the scientific community as mimetic of the extracellular matrix that can offer three-dimensional supports for cell growth or can become vehicles for the delivery of stem cells, drugs or bioactive proteins. In order to develop a 3D "architecture" for mesenchymal stem cells, we propose the introduction in the hydrogel of conjugates obtained by chemoselective ligation between a ionic-complementary self-assembling peptide (called EAK) and three different bioactive molecules: an adhesive sequence with 4 Glycine-Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid-Serine-Proline (GRGDSP) motifs per chain, an adhesive peptide mapped on h-Vitronectin and the growth factor Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). The mesenchymal stem cell adhesion assays showed a significant increase in adhesion and proliferation for the hydrogels decorated with each of the synthesized conjugates; moreover, such functionalized 3D hydrogels support cell spreading and elongation, validating the use of this class of self-assembly peptides-based material as very promising 3D model scaffolds for cell cultures, at variance of the less realistic 2D ones. Furthermore, small amplitude oscillatory shear tests showed that the presence of IGF-1-conjugate did not alter significantly the viscoelastic properties of the hydrogels even though differences were observed in the nanoscale structure of the scaffolds obtained by changing their composition, ranging from long, well-defined fibers for conjugates with adhesion sequences to the compact and dense film for the IGF-1-conjugate

    Three-Dimensional Bioprinting Materials with Potential Application in Preprosthetic Surgery

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    Current methods in handling maxillofacial defects are not robust and are highly dependent on the surgeon’s skills and the inherent potential in the patients’ bodies for regenerating lost tissues. Employing custom-designed 3D printed scaffolds that securely and effectively reconstruct the defects by using tissue engineering and regenerative medicine techniques can revolutionize preprosthetic surgeries. Various polymers, ceramics, natural and synthetic bioplastics, proteins, biomolecules, living cells, and growth factors as well as their hybrid structures can be used in 3D printing of scaffolds, which are still under development by scientists. These scaffolds not only are beneïŹcial due to their patient-speciïŹc design, but also may be able to prevent micromobility, make tension free soft tissue closure, and improve vascularity. In this manuscript, a review of materials employed in 3D bioprinting including bioceramics, biopolymers, composites, and metals is conducted. A discussion of the relevance of 3D bioprinting using these materials for craniofacial interventions is included as well as their potential to create analogs to craniofacial tissues, their beneïŹts, limitations, and their application

    MicroRNAs delivery into human cells grown on 3D-printed PLA scaffolds coated with a novel fluorescent PAMAM dendrimer for biomedical applications

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    Many advanced synthetic, natural, degradable or non-degradable materials have been employed to create scaffolds for cell culture for biomedical or tissue engineering applications. One of the most versatile material is poly-lactide (PLA), commonly used as 3D printing filament. Manufacturing of multifunctional scaffolds with improved cell growth proliferation and able to deliver oligonucleotides represents an innovative strategy for controlled and localized gene modulation that hold great promise and could increase the number of applications in biomedicine. Here we report for the first time the synthesis of a novel Rhodamine derivative of a poly-amidoamine dendrimer (G = 5) able to transfect cells and to be monitored by confocal microscopy that we also employed to coat a 3D-printed PLA scaffold. The coating do not modify the oligonucleotide binding ability, toxicity or transfection properties of the scaffold that is able to increase cell proliferation and deliver miRNA mimics (i.e., pre-mir-503) into human cells. Although further experiments are required to optimize the dendrimer/miRNA ratio and improve transfection efficiency, we demonstrated the effectiveness of this promising and innovative 3D-printed transfection system to transfer miRNAs into human cells for future biomedical applications. © 2018, The Author(s)

    Co-axial wet-spinning in 3D Bioprinting: state of the art and future perspective of microfluidic integration

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    Nowadays, 3D bioprinting technologies are rapidly emerging in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine as effective tools enabling the fabrication of advanced tissue constructs that can recapitulate in vitro organ/tissue functions. Selecting the best strategy for bioink deposition is often challenging and time consuming process, as bioink properties-in the first instance, rheological and gelation-strongly influence the suitable paradigms for its deposition. In this short review, we critically discuss one of the available approaches used for bioprinting-namely co-axial wet-spinning extrusion. Such a deposition system, in fact, demonstrated to be promising in terms of printing resolution, shape fidelity and versatility when compared to other methods. An overview of the performances of co-axial technology in the deposition of cellularized hydrogel fibres is discussed, highlighting its main features. Furthermore, we show how this approach allows (i) to decouple the printing accuracy from bioink rheological behaviour-thus notably simplifying the development of new bioinks- A nd (ii) to build heterogeneous multi-materials and/or multicellular constructs that can better mimic the native tissues when combined with microfluidic systems. Finally, the ongoing challenges and the future perspectives for the ultimate fabrication of functional constructs for advanced research studies are highlighted. © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Polymer- and Hybrid-Based Biomaterials for Interstitial, Connective, Vascular, Nerve, Visceral and Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering

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    In this review, materials based on polymers and hybrids possessing both organic and inorganic contents for repairing or facilitating cell growth in tissue engineering are discussed. Pure polymer based biomaterials are predominantly used to target soft tissues. Stipulated by possibilities of tuning the composition and concentration of their inorganic content, hybrid materials allow to mimic properties of various types of harder tissues. That leads to the concept of “one-matches-all” referring to materials possessing the same polymeric base, but different inorganic content to enable tissue growth and repair, proliferation of cells, and the formation of the ECM (extra cellular matrix). Furthermore, adding drug delivery carriers to coatings and scaffolds designed with such materials brings additional functionality by encapsulating active molecules, antibacterial agents, and growth factors. We discuss here materials and methods of their assembly from a general perspective together with their applications in various tissue engineering sub-areas: interstitial, connective, vascular, nervous, visceral and musculoskeletal tissues. The overall aims of this review are two-fold: (a) to describe the needs and opportunities in the field of bio-medicine, which should be useful for material scientists, and (b) to present capabilities and resources available in the area of materials, which should be of interest for biologists and medical doctors.</jats:p

    Bioink properties before, during and after 3D bioprinting

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    Bioprinting is a process based on additive manufacturing from materials containing living cells. These materials, often referred to as bioink, are based on cytocompatible hydrogel precursor formulations, which gel in a manner compatible with different bioprinting approaches. The bioink properties before, during and after gelation are essential for its printability, comprising such features as achievable structural resolution, shape fidelity and cell survival. However, it is the final properties of the matured bioprinted tissue construct that are crucial for the end application. During tissue formation these properties are influenced by the amount of cells present in the construct, their proliferation, migration and interaction with the material. A calibrated computational framework is able to predict the tissue development and maturation and to optimize the bioprinting input parameters such as the starting material, the initial cell loading and the construct geometry. In this contribution relevant bioink properties are reviewed and discussed on the example of most popular bioprinting approaches. The effect of cells on hydrogel processing and vice versa is highlighted. Furthermore, numerical approaches were reviewed and implemented for depicting the cellular mechanics within the hydrogel as well as for prediction of mechanical properties to achieve the desired hydrogel construct considering cell density, distribution and material-cell interaction

    Design and functional testing of a multichamber perfusion platform for three-dimensional scaffolds

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    Perfusion culture systems are widely used in tissue engineering applications for enhancing cell culture viability in the core of three-dimensional scaffolds. In this work, we present a multichamber confined-flow perfusion system, designed to provide a straightforward platform for three-dimensional dynamic cell cultures. The device comprises 6 culture chambers allowing independent and simultaneous experiments in controlled conditions. Each chamber consists of three parts: a housing, a deformable scaffold-holder cartridge, and a 7 mL reservoir, which couples water-tightly with the housing compressing the cartridge. Short-term dynamic cell seeding experiments were carried out with MC3T3-E1 cells seeded into polycaprolactone porous scaffolds. Preliminary results revealed that the application of flow perfusion through the scaffold favored the penetration of the cells to its interior, producing a more homogeneous distribution of cells with respect to dropwise or injection seeding methods. The culture chamber layout was conceived with the aim of simplifying the user operations under laminar flow hood and minimizing the risks for contamination during handling and operation. Furthermore, a compact size, a small number of components, and the use of bayonet couplings ensured a simple, fast, and sterility-promoting assembling. Finally, preliminary in vitro tests proved the efficacy of the system in enhancing cell seeding efficiency, opening the way for further studies addressing long-term scaffold colonization

    Designing heterogeneous porous tissue scaffolds for additive manufacturing processes

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    A novel tissue scaffold design technique has been proposed with controllable heterogeneous architecture design suitable for additive manufacturing processes. The proposed layer-based design uses a bi-layer pattern of radial and spiral layers consecutively to generate functionally gradient porosity, which follows the geometry of the scaffold. The proposed approach constructs the medial region from the medial axis of each corresponding layer, which represents the geometric internal feature or the spine. The radial layers of the scaffold are then generated by connecting the boundaries of the medial region and the layer's outer contour. To avoid the twisting of the internal channels, reorientation and relaxation techniques are introduced to establish the point matching of ruling lines. An optimization algorithm is developed to construct sub-regions from these ruling lines. Gradient porosity is changed between the medial region and the layer's outer contour. Iso-porosity regions are determined by dividing the subregions peripherally into pore cells and consecutive iso-porosity curves are generated using the isopoints from those pore cells. The combination of consecutive layers generates the pore cells with desired pore sizes. To ensure the fabrication of the designed scaffolds, the generated contours are optimized for a continuous, interconnected, and smooth deposition path-planning. A continuous zig-zag pattern deposition path crossing through the medial region is used for the initial layer and a biarc fitted isoporosity curve is generated for the consecutive layer with C-1 continuity. The proposed methodologies can generate the structure with gradient (linear or non-linear), variational or constant porosity that can provide localized control of variational porosity along the scaffold architecture. The designed porous structures can be fabricated using additive manufacturing processes

    Trends in the design and use of elastin-like recombinamers as biomaterials

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    ProducciĂłn CientĂ­ficaElastin-like recombinamers (ELRs), which derive from one of the repetitive domains found in natural elastin, have been intensively studied in the last few years from several points of view. In this mini review, we discuss all the recent works related to the investigation of ELRs, starting with those that define these polypeptides as model intrinsically disordered proteins or regions (IDPs or IDRs) and its relevance for some biomedical applications. Furthermore, we summarize the current knowledge on the development of drug, vaccine and gene delivery systems based on ELRs, while also emphasizing the use of ELR-based hydrogels in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). Finally, we show different studies that explore applications in other fields, and several examples that describe biomaterial blends in which ELRs have a key role. This review aims to give an overview of the recent advances regarding ELRs and to encourage further investigation of their properties and applications.ComisiĂłn Europea (project NMP-2014-646075)Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad (projects PCIN-2015-010 / MAT2016-78903-R / BES-2014-069763)Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn (project VA317P18
