10 research outputs found

    Integrated shared-memory and message-passing communication in the Alewife multiprocessor

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 237-246) and index.by John David Kubiatowicz.Ph.D

    Performance Comparison of Parallel Bees Algorithm on Rosenbrock Function

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    The optimization algorithms that imitate nature have acquired much attention principally mechanisms for solving the difficult issues for example the travelling salesman problem (TSP) which is containing routing and scheduling of the tasks. This thesis presents the parallel Bees Algorithm as a new approach for optimizing the last results for the Bees Algorithm. Bees Algorithm is one of the optimization algorithms inspired from the natural foraging ways of the honey bees of finding the best solution. It is a series of activities based on the searching algorithm in order to access the best solutions. It is an iteration algorithm; therefore, it is suffering from slow convergence. The other downside of the Bee Algorithm is that it has needless computation. This means that it spends a long time for the bees algorithm converge the optimum solution. In this study, the parallel bees algorithm technique is proposed for overcoming of this issue. Due to that, this would lead to reduce the required time to get a solution with faster results accuracy than original Bees Algorithm

    Integrated Shared-Memory and Message-Passing Communication in the Alewife Multiprocessor

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    To date, MIMDmultiprocessors have been divided into two classes based on hardware communication models: those supporting shared memory and those supporting message passing. Breaking with tradition, this thesis argues that multiprocessors should integrate both communication mechanisms in a single hardware framework. Such integrated multiprocessors must address several architectural challenges that arise from integration. These challenges include the User-Level Access problem,theService-Interleaving problem,and the Protocol Deadlock problem. The first involves which communication models are used for communication and how these models are accessed; the second involves avoiding livelocks and deadlocks introduced by multiple simultaneous streams of communication; and the third involves removing multi-node cycles in communication graphs. This thesis introduces these challenges and develops solutions in the context of Alewife, a large-scale multiprocessor. Solutions involve careful definition of communication semantics and interfaces to permit tradeoffs across the hardware/software boundary. Among other things, we will introduce the User-Direct Messaging model for message passing, the transaction buffer framework for preventing cache-line thrashing, and two-case delivery for avoiding protocol deadlock

    Formal semantics for LIPS (Language for Implementing Parallel/distributed Systems)

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    This thesis presents operational semantics and an abstract machine for a point-to-point asynchronous message passing language called LIPS (Language for Implementing Parallel/ distributed Systems). One of the distinctive features of LIPS is its capability to handle computation and communication independently. Taking advantage of this capability, a two steps strategy has been adopted to define the operational semantics. The two steps are as follows: • A big-step semantics with single-step re-writes is used to relate the expressions and their evaluated results (computational part of LIPS). • The developed big-step semantics has been extended with Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) to describe the asynchronous message passing of LIPS (communication part of LIPS). The communication in LIPS has been implemented using Asynchronous Message Passing System (AMPS). It makes use of very simple data structures and avoids the use of buffers. While operational semantics is used to specify the meaning of programs, abstract machines are used to provide intermediate representation of the language's implementation. LIPS Abstract Machine (LAM) is defined to execute LIPS programs. The correctness of the execution of the LIPS program/expression written using the operational semantics is verified by comparing it with its equivalent code generated using the abstract machine. Specification of Asynchronous Communicating Systems (SACS) is a process algebra developed to specify the communication in LIPS programs. It is an asynchronous variant of Synchronous Calculus of Communicating Systems (SCCS). This research presents the SOS for SACS and looks at the bisimulation equivalence properties for SACS which can be used to verify the behaviour of a specified process. An implementation is said to be complete when it is equivalent to its specifications. SACS has been used for the high level specification of the communication part of LIPS programs and is implemented using AMPS. This research proves that SACS and AMPS are equivalent by defining a weak bisimulation equivalence relation between the SOS of both SACS and AMPS

    Design decision in the implementation of a raw architecture workstation

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 53).by Michael Bedford Taylor.S.M

    SUDS : automatic parallelization for raw processors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-181).A computer can never be too fast or too cheap. Computer systems pervade nearly every aspect of science, engineering, communications and commerce because they perform certain tasks at rates unachievable by any other kind of system built by humans. A computer system's throughput, however, is constrained by that system's ability to find concurrency. Given a particular target work load the computer architect's role is to design mechanisms to find and exploit the available concurrency in that work load. This thesis describes SUDS (Software Un-Do System), a compiler and runtime system that can automatically find and exploit the available concurrency of scalar operations in imperative programs with arbitrary unstructured and unpredictable control flow. The core compiler transformation that enables this is scalar queue conversion. Scalar queue conversion makes scalar renaming an explicit operation through a process similar to closure conversion, a technique traditionally used to compile functional languages. The scalar queue conversion compiler transformation is speculative, in the sense that it may introduce dynamic memory allocation operations into code that would not otherwise dynamically allocate memory. Thus, SUDS also includes a transactional runtime system that periodically checkpoints machine state, executes code speculatively, checks if the speculative execution produced results consistent with the original sequential program semantics, and then either commits or rolls back the speculative execution path. In addition to safely running scalar queue converted code, the SUDS runtime system safely permits threads to speculatively run in parallel and concurrently issue memory operations, even when the compiler is unable to prove that the reordered memory operations will always produce correct results.(cont.) Using this combination of compile time and runtime techniques, SUDS can find concurrency in programs where previous compiler based renaming techniques fail because the programs contain unstructured loops, and where Tomasulo's algorithm fails because it sequentializes mispredicted branches. Indeed, we describe three application programs, with unstructured control flow, where the prototype SUDS system, running in software on a Raw microprocessor, achieves speedups equivalent to, or better than, an idealized, and unrealizable, model of a hardware implementation of Tomasulo's algorithm.by Matthew Ian Frank.Ph.D

    Tiled microprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 251-258).Current-day microprocessors have reached the point of diminishing returns due to inherent scalability limitations. This thesis examines the tiled microprocessor, a class of microprocessor which is physically scalable but inherits many of the desirable properties of conventional microprocessors. Tiled microprocessors are composed of an array of replicated tiles connected by a special class of network, the Scalar Operand Network (SON), which is optimized for low-latency, low-occupancy communication between remote ALUs on different tiles. Tiled microprocessors can be constructed to scale to 100's or 1000's of functional units. This thesis identifies seven key criteria for achieving physical scalability in tiled microprocessors. It employs an archetypal tiled microprocessor to examine the challenges in achieving these criteria and to explore the properties of Scalar Operand Networks. The thesis develops the field of SONs in three major ways: it introduces the 5-tuple performance metric, it describes a complete, high-frequency SON implementation, and it proposes a taxonomy, called AsTrO, for categorizing them.(cont.) To develop these ideas, the thesis details the design, implementation and analysis of a tiled microprocessor prototype, the Raw Microprocessor, which was implemented at MIT in 180 nm technology. Overall, compared to Raw, recent commercial processors with half the transistors required 30x as many lines of code, occupied 100x as many designers, contained 50x as many pre-tapeout bugs, and resulted in 33x as many post-tapeout bugs. At the same time, the Raw microprocessor proves to be more versatile in exploiting ILP, stream, and server-farm workloads with modest to large amounts of parallelism.by Michael Bedford Taylor.Ph.D

    Les opérateurs sauront-ils survivre dans un monde en constante évolution? Considérations techniques conduisant à des scénarios de rupture

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    Le secteur des télécommunications passe par une phase délicate en raison de profondes mutations technologiques, principalement motivées par le développement de l'Internet. Elles ont un impact majeur sur l'industrie des télécommunications dans son ensemble et, par conséquent, sur les futurs déploiements des nouveaux réseaux, plateformes et services. L'évolution de l'Internet a un impact particulièrement fort sur les opérateurs des télécommunications (Telcos). En fait, l'industrie des télécommunications est à la veille de changements majeurs en raison de nombreux facteurs, comme par exemple la banalisation progressive de la connectivité, la domination dans le domaine des services de sociétés du web (Webcos), l'importance croissante de solutions à base de logiciels et la flexibilité qu'elles introduisent (par rapport au système statique des opérateurs télécoms). Cette thèse élabore, propose et compare les scénarios possibles basés sur des solutions et des approches qui sont technologiquement viables. Les scénarios identifiés couvrent un large éventail de possibilités: 1) Telco traditionnel; 2) Telco transporteur de Bits; 3) Telco facilitateur de Plateforme; 4) Telco fournisseur de services; 5) Disparition des Telco. Pour chaque scénario, une plateforme viable (selon le point de vue des opérateurs télécoms) est décrite avec ses avantages potentiels et le portefeuille de services qui pourraient être fournisThe telecommunications industry is going through a difficult phase because of profound technological changes, mainly originated by the development of the Internet. They have a major impact on the telecommunications industry as a whole and, consequently, the future deployment of new networks, platforms and services. The evolution of the Internet has a particularly strong impact on telecommunications operators (Telcos). In fact, the telecommunications industry is on the verge of major changes due to many factors, such as the gradual commoditization of connectivity, the dominance of web services companies (Webcos), the growing importance of software based solutions that introduce flexibility (compared to static system of telecom operators). This thesis develops, proposes and compares plausible future scenarios based on future solutions and approaches that will be technologically feasible and viable. Identified scenarios cover a wide range of possibilities: 1) Traditional Telco; 2) Telco as Bit Carrier; 3) Telco as Platform Provider; 4) Telco as Service Provider; 5) Telco Disappearance. For each scenario, a viable platform (from the point of view of telecom operators) is described highlighting the enabled service portfolio and its potential benefitsEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF