2,587 research outputs found

    Approximate Decoding Approaches for Network Coded Correlated Data

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    This paper considers a framework where data from correlated sources are transmitted with help of network coding in ad-hoc network topologies. The correlated data are encoded independently at sensors and network coding is employed in the intermediate nodes in order to improve the data delivery performance. In such settings, we focus on the problem of reconstructing the sources at decoder when perfect decoding is not possible due to losses or bandwidth bottlenecks. We first show that the source data similarity can be used at decoder to permit decoding based on a novel and simple approximate decoding scheme. We analyze the influence of the network coding parameters and in particular the size of finite coding fields on the decoding performance. We further determine the optimal field size that maximizes the expected decoding performance as a trade-off between information loss incurred by limiting the resolution of the source data and the error probability in the reconstructed data. Moreover, we show that the performance of the approximate decoding improves when the accuracy of the source model increases even with simple approximate decoding techniques. We provide illustrative examples about the possible of our algorithms that can be deployed in sensor networks and distributed imaging applications. In both cases, the experimental results confirm the validity of our analysis and demonstrate the benefits of our low complexity solution for delivery of correlated data sources

    Network correlated data gathering with explicit communication: NP-completeness and algorithms

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    We consider the problem of correlated data gathering by a network with a sink node and a tree-based communication structure, where the goal is to minimize the total transmission cost of transporting the information collected by the nodes, to the sink node. For source coding of correlated data, we consider a joint entropy-based coding model with explicit communication where coding is simple and the transmission structure optimization is difficult. We first formulate the optimization problem definition in the general case and then we study further a network setting where the entropy conditioning at nodes does not depend on the amount of side information, but only on its availability. We prove that even in this simple case, the optimization problem is NP-hard. We propose some efficient, scalable, and distributed heuristic approximation algorithms for solving this problem and show by numerical simulations that the total transmission cost can be significantly improved over direct transmission or the shortest path tree. We also present an approximation algorithm that provides a tree transmission structure with total cost within a constant factor from the optimal

    Cooperative MIMO Communication at Wireless Sensor Network: An Error Correcting Code Approach

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    Cooperative communication in wireless sensor network (WSN) explores the energy efficient wireless communication schemes between multiple sensors and data gathering node (DGN) by exploiting multiple input multiple output (MIMO) and multiple input single output (MISO) configurations. In this paper, an energy efficient cooperative MIMO (C-MIMO) technique is proposed where low density parity check (LDPC) code is used as an error correcting code. The rate of LDPC code is varied by varying the length of message and parity bits. Simulation results show that the cooperative communication scheme outperforms SISO scheme in the presence of LDPC code. LDPC codes with different code rates are compared using bit error rate (BER) analysis. BER is also analyzed under different Nakagami fading scenario. Energy efficiencies are compared for different targeted probability of bit error pb. It is observed that C-MIMO performs more efficiently when the targeted pb is smaller. Also the lower encoding rate for LDPC code offers better error characteristics

    Transform-based Distributed Data Gathering

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    A general class of unidirectional transforms is presented that can be computed in a distributed manner along an arbitrary routing tree. Additionally, we provide a set of conditions under which these transforms are invertible. These transforms can be computed as data is routed towards the collection (or sink) node in the tree and exploit data correlation between nodes in the tree. Moreover, when used in wireless sensor networks, these transforms can also leverage data received at nodes via broadcast wireless communications. Various constructions of unidirectional transforms are also provided for use in data gathering in wireless sensor networks. New wavelet transforms are also proposed which provide significant improvements over existing unidirectional transforms

    A Comprehensive Review of Distributed Coding Algorithms for Visual Sensor Network (VSN)

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    Since the invention of low cost camera, it has been widely incorporated into the sensor node in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to form the Visual Sensor Network (VSN). However, the use of camera is bringing with it a set of new challenges, because all the sensor nodes are powered by batteries. Hence, energy consumption is one of the most critical issues that have to be taken into consideration. In addition to this, the use of batteries has also limited the resources (memory, processor) that can be incorporated into the sensor node. The life time of a VSN decreases quickly as the image is transferred to the destination. One of the solutions to the aforementioned problem is to reduce the data to be transferred in the network by using image compression. In this paper, a comprehensive survey and analysis of distributed coding algorithms that can be used to encode images in VSN is provided. This also includes an overview of these algorithms, together with their advantages and deficiencies when implemented in VSN. These algorithms are then compared at the end to determine the algorithm that is more suitable for VSN

    Distortion-Tolerant Communications with Correlated Information

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    This dissertation is devoted to the development of distortion-tolerant communication techniques by exploiting the spatial and/or temporal correlation in a broad range of wireless communication systems under various system configurations. Signals observed in wireless communication systems are often correlated in the spatial and/or temporal domains, and the correlation can be used to facilitate system designs and to improve system performance. First, the optimum node density, i.e., the optimum number of nodes in a unit area, is identified by utilizing the spatial data correlation in the one- and two-dimensional wireless sensor networks (WSNs), under the constraint of fixed power per unit area. The WSNs distortion is quantized as the mean square error between the original and the reconstructed signals. Then we extend the analysis into WSNs with spatial-temporally correlated data. The optimum sampling in the space and time domains is derived. The analytical optimum results can provide insights and guidelines on the design of practical WSNs. Second, distributed source coding schemes are developed by exploiting the data correlation in a wireless network with spatially distributed sources. A new symmetric distributed joint source-channel coding scheme (DJSCC) is proposed by utilizing the spatial source correlation. Then the DJSCC code is applied to spatial-temporally correlated sources. The temporal correlated data is modeled as the Markov chain. Correspondingly, two decoding algorithms are proposed. The first multi-codeword message passing algorithm (MCMP) is designed for spatially correlated memoryless sources. In the second algorithm, a hidden Markov decoding process is added to the MCMP decoder to effectively exploit the data correlation in both the space and time domains. Third, we develop distortion-tolerant high mobility wireless communication systems by considering correlated channel state information (CSI) in the time domain, and study the optimum designs with imperfect CSI. The pilot-assisted channel estimation mean square error is expressed as a closed-form expression of various system parameters through asymptotic analysis. Based on the statistical properties of the channel estimation error, we quantify the impacts of imperfect CSI on system performance by developing the analytical symbol error rate and a spectral efficiency lower bound of the communication system

    Urban Microclimate and Traffic Monitoring with Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Climate is usually defined as the average of the atmospheric conditions over both an extended period of time and a large region. Small scale patterns of climate resulting from the combined influence of topography, urban buildings structure, watercourses, vegetation, are known as microclimates, which refers to a specific site or location. The microclimate scale may be at the level of a settlement (urban or rural), neighborhood, cluster, street or buffer space in between buildings or within the building itself. Specifically, the dispersion and dilution of air pollutants emitted by vehicles is one of the most investigated topics within urban meteorology, for its fundamental impact on the environment affecting cities of all sizes. This issues concern the average and peak values of various air pollutants as well as their temporal trends and spatial variability. The accurate detection of these values might be advantageously exploited by public authorities to better plan the public and private transportation by evaluating the impact on people health, while controlling the greenhouse phenomenon. As the unpredictable nature of a climate variations requires an incessant and ubiquitous sensing,Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) represent a key technology for environmental monitoring, hazard detection and, consequently, for decision making (Martinez et al., 2004). A WSN is designed to be self-configuring and independent from any pre-existing infrastructure, being composed of a large number of elementary Sensor Nodes (SNs) that can be large-scale deployed with small installation and maintenance costs. Literature contains several examples of frameworks for evaluating the urban air quality with WSNs, as it is reported in (Santini et al., 2008). In addition, in (Cordova-Lopez et al., 2007) it is addressed the monitoring of exhaust and environmental pollution through the use of WSN and GIS technology. As micro-climate monitoring usually requires deploying a large number of measurement tools, in (Shu-Chiung et al., 2009) it is adopted vehicular wireless sensor networks (VWSNs) approach to reduce system complexity, while achieving fine-grainedmonitoring. Another aspect strictly correlated with microclimate establishment is represented by the ecologic footprint of traffic congestion due to inefficient traffic management. As a consequence, an increasing number of cities are going to develop intelligent transport system (ITS) as an approach to harmonize roads and vehicles in optimized and green paths. ITSs involves several technologies as advanced informatics, data communications and transmissions, electronics and computer control with the aim of real-time traffic reporting and alerting. Such a framework allows remote operation management and self-configuration of traffic flows, as well as

    Gossip Algorithms for Distributed Signal Processing

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    Gossip algorithms are attractive for in-network processing in sensor networks because they do not require any specialized routing, there is no bottleneck or single point of failure, and they are robust to unreliable wireless network conditions. Recently, there has been a surge of activity in the computer science, control, signal processing, and information theory communities, developing faster and more robust gossip algorithms and deriving theoretical performance guarantees. This article presents an overview of recent work in the area. We describe convergence rate results, which are related to the number of transmitted messages and thus the amount of energy consumed in the network for gossiping. We discuss issues related to gossiping over wireless links, including the effects of quantization and noise, and we illustrate the use of gossip algorithms for canonical signal processing tasks including distributed estimation, source localization, and compression.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the IEEE, 29 page

    Correlation-based communication in wireless multimedia sensor networks

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    Wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) are networks of interconnected devices that allow retrieving video and audio streams, still images, and scalar data from the environment. In a densely deployed WMSN, there exists correlation among the observations of camera sensors with overlapped coverage areas, which introduces substantial data redundancy in the network. In this dissertation, efficient communication schemes are designed for WMSNs by leveraging the correlation of visual information observed by camera sensors. First, a spatial correlation model is developed to estimate the correlation of visual information and the joint entropy of multiple correlated camera sensors. The compression performance of correlated visual information is then studied. An entropy-based divergence measure is proposed to predict the compression efficiency of performing joint coding on the images from correlated cameras. Based on the predicted compression efficiency, a clustered coding technique is proposed that maximizes the overall compression gain of the visual information gathered in WMSNs. The correlation of visual information is then utilized to design a network scheduling scheme to maximize the lifetime of WMSNs. Furthermore, as many WMSN applications require QoS support, a correlation-aware QoS routing algorithm is introduced that can efficiently deliver visual information under QoS constraints. Evaluation results show that, by utilizing the correlation of visual information in the communication process, the energy efficiency and networking performance of WMSNs could be improved significantly.PhDCommittee Chair: Akyildiz, Ian; Committee Member: Ammar, Mostafa; Committee Member: Ji, Chuanyi; Committee Member: Li, Ye; Committee Member: Romberg, Justi