495,919 research outputs found

    EU Policies in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Try and Fail?

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    This paper argues that even though EU policies in the DRC integrated different components of human security – namely human rights protection, the restoration of law and order, and effective multilateralism – in practice these policies have had mixed success in realizing the objective of human security. This can be explained by three main reasons: (i) EU policies are based on a number of premises about how peace and human security can best be achieved, but these premises are overly simplistic, and in most cases tend to overlook or are disconnected from complexities on the ground; (ii) since the end of the transition in 2006, the EU saw its influence as dominant diplomatic and conflict management actor gradually weakening, and has focused on its role as a development actor, with a specific focus on the implementation of technical projects rather than on the development of a strategic policy on the DRC; and (iii) there is a general lack of political will from Congolese state authorities to engage with donor strategies and to support initiatives that promote a genuine national reform

    Design of Web-based Security Management for Intrusion Detection

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    Electronic business is rapidly popularized and extended through Internet. Internet has many security weaknesses, so we need the security solution such Intrusion Detection System that minimizes the damage of hacking and responds the intrusion dynamically. It is difficult for legacy management system to process the security environments and electronic business, because legacy system lacks of security policies and integrated security methods. In order to resolve these problems, we need security management system that has standard security policy, consulting, diagnosis, maintenance, and repair function. In this paper, we design and implement Web-based security management for intrusion detection. Our security system consists of network nodes, general hosts and a management node. A management node manages a network node, that is a secure router, and general hosts by security policies. We design the channel between the management node and the network node using IPsec (IP Security). We have applied java and Web to implementing user interface of security system. As the proposed system makes use of Web, security management system is easily accessed through the Web

    Studying SCADA Organisations Information Security Goals: An Integrated System Theory Approach

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    Security awareness and its implementation within an organisation is crucial for preventing deliberate attacks or/and minimise system failures on organisation’s system especially where critical infrastructure is involved including energy, water, gas and etc. This study is based on Integrated System Theory (IST) and focuses on measuring and assessing security goals including policies, risk management, internal control and contingency management implemented in 101 organisations that operate Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems. The data collected were analysed using structural equation modelling to test the structural and measurement model. The major finding of this study is that organisational information security goals are strongly related to the key measurement indicators, which include items assessing security policies, risk management, internal controls and contingency management

    A Review of Information Systems Security Management: An Integrated Framework

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    As information has been a basic commodity and strategic asset, information systems (IS) security has become increasingly important to organizations. This paper conducts a review on the prior literature that has studied non-technical factors of IS security issues from organizational perspective rather than individual level. Five key concepts are studied: IS security management, organizational factors, human factors, strategic planning, and IS security policies. By integrating the main concepts that are reflected in the literature, this paper proposes an integrated framework which provides a comprehensive look at effective IS security management. Four propositions are developed. This framework is intended to provide guidance for organizations and security practitioners that need to implement their IS security management effectively

    Towards an integrated formal analysis for security and trust

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    We aim at defining an integrated framework for the (automated) analysis for security and trust in complex and dynamic scenarios. In particular, we show how the same machinery used for the formal verification of security protocols may be used to analyze access control policies based on trust management

    Global assessment of manure management policies and practices

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    In 2014 an assessment of livestock manure policies was performed in 34 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, followed by an in-depth assessment of manure management practices in Bangladesh, Viet Nam, Ethiopia, Malawi, Argentina and Costa Rica. The assessments revealed the key barriers for improving integrated manure management and identified six opportunities for actual practice changes to improve manure related policies as well as farm practices with the overall objective of improving food security while mitigating methane emissions at the same tim

    A preliminary study determine the role of organisational knowledge in computer security

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    Prior studies indicate that the application of organisational knowledge in computer security has potential benefits. Despite this, it appears that many organisations engage external consultants to develop their computer security policies. It appears that prior studies while supporting the concept of external security consultants to some extent in organisations, also question the effectiveness of such external expertise in terms of performance in computer security. This study examined the role of organisational knowledge in the management of computer security in organisations. A conceptual model based on Rivard et al (1997) was developed with seven constructs. An instrument with 30 questions was prepared and 19 organisations with security procedures were surveyed. The results indicate that there is a negative correlation between external knowledge and the use of policies and procedures, indicating that these policies are not well integrated with the requirements of organisations. Further, the outcome of the study also indicates that organisations are satisfied with the use explicit knowledge available in organisations for the development of computer security policies. In essence, this study concluded that currently the organisational knowledge has a limited role in computer security

    Scan to BIM for 3D reconstruction of the papal basilica of saint Francis in Assisi In Italy

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    The historical building heritage, present in the most of Italian cities centres, is, as part of the construction sector, a working potential, but unfortunately it requires planning of more complex and problematic interventions. However, policies to support on the existing interventions, together with a growing sensitivity for the recovery of assets, determine the need to implement specific studies and to analyse the specific problems of each site. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the methodology and the results obtained from integrated laser scanning activity in order to have precious architectural information useful not only from the cultural heritage point of view but also to construct more operative and powerful tools, such as BIM (Building Information Modelling) aimed to the management of this cultural heritage. The Papal Basilica and the Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi in Italy are, in fact, characterized by unique and complex peculiarities, which require a detailed knowledge of the sites themselves to ensure visitor’s security and safety. For such a project, we have to take in account all the people and personnel normally present in the site, visitors with disabilities and finally the needs for cultural heritage preservation and protection. This aim can be reached using integrated systems and new technologies, such as Internet of Everything (IoE), capable of connecting people, things (smart sensors, devices and actuators; mobile terminals; wearable devices; etc.), data/information/knowledge and processes to reach the desired goals. The IoE system must implement and support an Integrated Multidisciplinary Model for Security and Safety Management (IMMSSM) for the specific context, using a multidisciplinary approach
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