282,058 research outputs found

    Event sponsorship in China

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    Event marketing is currently at the infant stage in China, but holds a great potential in future. This is concluded from an Internet-based survey. The respondents believe that event marketing provides international companies with a viable alternative to the increasingly cluttered mass media, and plays a key role in the integrated marketing communications (IMC). Sponsoring sports and music events is found particularly effective in reaching the opinion leaders and innovators, and establishing favourable links between the audience and the sponsor’s brand image

    Integrated Internet Marketing Communications for the Global Market: An Empirical Examination

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    Strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and performance of Internet (online) marketing communications (IOMC) by companies when they attempt to target, reach, and communicate with the global market (i.e., both domestic and foreign markets) in order to promote and sell products to the members of that market was the broad phenomenon examined. The specific focus was on the use of a globally integrated marketing communications (GIMC) approach with IOMC and the creation of the global Internet integrated marketing communications (GI-IMC) concept. Relevant theories and theoretical models were identified and leveraged to serve as the theoretical foundation for the general theoretical framework, the research program framework, and/or the hypothesized conceptual model created and/or empirically examined at least partially. They included: industrial organization theory, the resource-based view, and the strategic fit paradigm (environment-strategy coalignment). In addition, various relevant research streams and concepts were described and examined in detail. They included: IOMC, international Internet marketing, integrated marketing communications, GIMC, and Internet integrated marketing communications. The Market Orientation construct was the lone independent variable or construct included in the initial four-construct model empirically examined. There were three stages of data collection: (1) pre-test, (2) pilot test, and (3) main test. A convenience sample of 73 academics or industry practitioners was utilized for the pre-test in order to make modifications to the survey instrument for subsequent rounds of data collection. Samples of qualified industry practitioners were then obtained for the pilot test (n=70) and main test (n=400) from online respondent panels provided by third-party vendors. Results included the creation of two new theoretical constructs (i.e., Global Internet Integrated Marketing Communications and Global Internet Marketing Communications Performance) and the formulation and preliminary validation of their measurement scales (though the hypothesized measurement model lacked discriminant validity, which prevented testing of the hypothesized structural model). In addition, a statistically significant positive relationship was found to exist between the Global Internet Integrated Marketing Communications construct and the Global Internet Marketing Communications Performance construct in a final two-construct model proposed and examined through post-hoc analysis. Implications of this research for researchers and practitioners are provided, as are future research directions

    The integrated marketing communication in digital environment: a case study of local radio in Yogyakarta

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    The internet and the digitization of media have expanded the ability of mass media to reach the public. Radio is one type of mass media that has developed by utilizing digital technology in the internet era. The development of new technology has expanded radio's ability to reach audiences. The utilization of various innovations through the internet has increased the role of interactive social communication of a radio station. Digitalization has made radio survive during intense competition from multiple types of media in the era of disruption. It is interesting to see how the radio station's integrated marketing communication strategy in the digital environment is changing. This study aims to determine local radio's integrated marketing communication strategy in Yogyakarta in a changing digital environment. This research uses a case study method with in-depth interviews and observation data collection techniques. The results show that radio marketing communication strategies still use various promotional tools with digital technology modifications in a changing digital environment. The case study of Swaragama FM Radio shows that this radio implements an integrated marketing communication strategy which consists of several strategies, namely: (1) Formulating Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning by adjusting the radio marketing mix character (2) Integrating Advertising and Direct Marketing, (3) Optimizing Sales Promotion and Personal Selling, (4) Strengthening Branding through Public Relations, and (5) Building interaction with the audience through Social Media Marketing

    Proposed Integrated Marketing Communication of TELKOM FLEXI to Improve ITS Marketing Communication Effectiveness

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    PT Telkom facing a business issue where their new user and ARPU (average revenue per user) target for Flexi in 2011 was not achieved and despite having the biggest market share among CDMA operators, but in fact, Flexi’s brand value was below its main competitor. There are several factors that cause this issue; one of them is marketing communication that became the focus of this final project. Researcher used the theory of integrated marketing communication (IMC), particularly regarding the effectiveness of an integrated marketing communication, evaluation of the integration of all marketing communications components, and marketing communications planning. The data were collected through a survey of Flexi users and non-users as well as interviews with Flexi sales manager assistant. The results showed that the cause of the issue is ineffective marketing communication integration due to ineffective marketing communication channels and inefficient marketing budget allocations. The solutions of the problem are new marketing communication that integrated with marketing objectives, customer behaviors, and marketing communication’s budget allocation.  Therefore, the researcher recommends Flexi to use direct from Telkom, TV and internet to provide information about Flexi’s features. Utilize TV, outdoor advertising, and print to increase the purchase intention. Make a new MC budget allocation plan by increasing the budget for internet, print, TV, outdoor advertising and bank channels and decreasing the budget allocation for radio, outlet, sales agency, trade showbooth, and event sponsorship channels. Keywords: Integrated Marketing Communication, Marketing Communication Effectiveness, Marketing Communication Budgeting, IMC PlanningÂ


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    This study describes the micro business digital marketing strategy using Instagram and WhatsApp during the COVID-19 pandemic. Indonesia implemented a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy during the COVID-19 pandemic so that many shopping centers were closed and all people have to maintain physical distance. This study aims to identify the reasons why sellers choose to use social media, the application features used, and the marketing strategy through social media. The literature review covers integrated marketing communications, the development of the internet and its benefts in integrated marketing communications, and internet/digital marketing strategies. This study used the qualitative method. Data were collected from in-depth interviews with three informants of micro-entrepreneurs in Surabaya. Theresults showed that micro-entrepreneurs chose to use Instagram and WhatsApp due to their ease to use for communication, targeting millennial customers who are active on social media, the importance of reviewing a product and service, the benefts of using paid advertising through applications, establishing brand communication, and the advantages and disadvantages in utilizing digital marketing

    Effective Internet Marketing: An Integrated Approach Used By Educational Institutions

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    The internet and its various applications have been found to be very effective in delivering marketing functions in general and advertising in particular. This paper presents an integrated approach about the way different internet marketing strategies can be used for advertising the degrees of an educational institution using a case study method. This is an important goal for educational institutions in Australia. The paper culminates with a recommendation and a discussion about the ways in which this goal can be accomplished. Challenges associated with the implementation of this integration, including spam, internet market research and target market identification are also discussed


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    Nowadays, in the context of digital marketing and social media development, with the advantages given by technologies and the vast possibilities of communication among consumers, businesses find the implementation of integrated marketing communication influenced by the Internet as a marketing communication environment where businesses are urged into a customer-centric approach by the consumers’ changing habits of receiving information. This results in an increased role of content marketing, relationship orientation, dialogue and network communication, management of multiple stakeholders etc., which envisages consumer involvement with a view to mitigating the consequences caused by the obstacles to marketing communication – loss of control over corporate communication and being adversely affected by invisible communication. Aim of the research was to study and assess integrated marketing communications in the context of digital marketing and its influence upon buyers’ buying decisions. The object of the research is integrated marketing communications. The subject of the research is the influence of integrated marketing communication upon buyers’ buying decisions. The research makes use of the results of studies conducted by the author in 2017 and 2018. There was a survey of leading marketing specialists of Latvian food retail chains and a survey of randomly selected buyers with a sample of 1,003 respondents to find out the influence of integrated marketing communications upon the buyers’ buying decisions. The research brings conclusions regarding the consumption habits of different generations and other factors influencing buying decisions.  The research confirmed the hypothesis that integrated marketing communications in the context of digital marketing is a relatively little used type of communication in the marketing communication strategy of businesses, yet its use facilitates consumer loyalty. The results of the research are of both theoretical and practical value.

    An Application of the Marketing Mix and Online Marketing as a Business Strategy for SMME Cafes in South Africa

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    The objective of the study was to examine the impact of marketing mix and online marketing on SMME cafes in South Africa as a marketing strategy. The study was an exploratory research design which sought to get new insights into the activities of how marketing strategies could be adopted into the SMME's in South Africa. Convenience sampling technique was used in selecting 5 small to medium cafes from Braamfontein, located in the Centre of Johannesburg, South Africa. Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data was in form of focused group discussions and interviews to elicit information for the study, while the secondary data was culled from other related works, libraries as well as information from the internet. Qualitative research approach was adopted in analysis of the data. The study has proven that cafe owners or brand strategists do implement an integrated marketing strategy embracing both marketing mix and online marketing. The study also revealed that, online marketing was an effective platform to help communicate a desired message to the target audience. The study recommended for marketers to recognize the importance of embracing and employing an integrated marketing strategy. There is also the need for cafe owners to be effective in using integrated marketing strategy

    Integrated Marketing Communication To Enhance Active User of Internet Banking Service: Case Study Bank XYZ

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    Internet banking is a form of self-service technology. In the global banking business, Internet banking has a big role for doing the business. In developing country, Internet banking received relatively little attention although has been deployed for years. Only 3% of customer Bank XYZ in Indonesia using Internet banking service actively, although has been 9 years Bank XYZ introduced Internet banking service. This study addressed what factor that drives and influences Internet banking acceptance, why Internet banking does not seems quite attractive to customer and how banks manage their Internet banking. SWOT analysis of Bank XYZ and customer toward Internet banking service is mapped in order to see the connection between them and determine the root causes. The alternative solution for Bank XYZ problem is a marketing communication strategy to educate the customer about the importance of doing transaction through internet banking which is easy and practical. The approaching concept to develop marketing communications programs are Interest, Search, Action, Share, and Loyal. Some alternative programs are developed based on that approach concept. At the end there are two scenarios of recommended program. The implementation of the recommended program as the business solution, formed in an activity planning schedule and human resources needed for each recommended scenarios.Keywords: Bank, Internet Banking, Integrated Marketing Communicatio