19,559 research outputs found

    Compact versus noncompact LP formulations for minimizing convex Choquet integrals

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    AbstractWe address here the problem of minimizing Choquet Integrals (also known as “LovĂĄsz Extensions”) over solution sets which can be either polyhedra or (mixed) integer sets. Typical applications of such problems concern the search of compromise solutions in multicriteria optimization. We focus here on the case where the Choquet Integrals to be minimized are convex, implying that the set functions (or “capacities”) underlying the Choquet Integrals considered are submodular. We first describe an approach based on a large scale LP formulation, and show how it can be handled via the so-called column-generation technique. We next investigate alternatives based on compact LP formulations, i.e. featuring a polynomial number of variables and constraints. Various potentially useful special cases corresponding to well-identified subclasses of underlying set functions are considered: quadratic and cubic submodular functions, and a more general class including set functions which, up to a sign, correspond to capacities which are both (k+1)−additive and k-monotone for k≄3. Computational experiments carried out on series of test instances, including transportation problems and knapsack problems, clearly confirm the superiority of compact formulations. As far as we know, these results represent the first systematic way of practically solving Choquet minimization problems on solution sets of significantly large dimensions

    On the Minkowski-H\"{o}lder type inequalities for generalized Sugeno integrals with an application

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    In this paper, we use a new method to obtain the necessary and sufficient condition guaranteeing the validity of the Minkowski-H\"{o}lder type inequality for the generalized upper Sugeno integral in the case of functions belonging to a wider class than the comonotone functions. As a by-product, we show that the Minkowski type inequality for seminormed fuzzy integral presented by Daraby and Ghadimi in General Minkowski type and related inequalities for seminormed fuzzy integrals, Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 1 (2014) 9--20 is not true. Next, we study the Minkowski-H\"{o}lder inequality for the lower Sugeno integral and the class of Ό\mu-subadditive functions introduced in On Chebyshev type inequalities for generalized Sugeno integrals, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 244 (2014) 51--62. The results are applied to derive new metrics on the space of measurable functions in the setting of nonadditive measure theory. We also give a partial answer to the open problem 2.22 posed by Borzov\'a-Moln\'arov\'a and et al in The smallest semicopula-based universal integrals I: Properties and characterizations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 271 (2015) 1--17.Comment: 19 page

    Finitely additive extensions of distribution functions and moment sequences: The coherent lower prevision approach

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    We study the information that a distribution function provides about the finitely additive probability measure inducing it. We show that in general there is an infinite number of finitely additive probabilities associated with the same distribution function. Secondly, we investigate the relationship between a distribution function and its given sequence of moments. We provide formulae for the sets of distribution functions, and finitely additive probabilities, associated with some moment sequence, and determine under which conditions the moments determine the distribution function uniquely. We show that all these problems can be addressed efficiently using the theory of coherent lower previsions

    A strong law of large numbers for capacities

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    We consider a totally monotone capacity on a Polish space and a sequence of bounded p.i.i.d. random variables. We show that, on a full set, any cluster point of empirical averages lies between the lower and the upper Choquet integrals of the random variables, provided either the random variables or the capacity are continuous.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117904000001062 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
