12 research outputs found

    HOMOLOGY CYLINDERS AND SKEIN ALGEBRAS (Geometry of discrete groups and hyperbolic spaces)

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    In this paper, we introduce a construction of an invariant for a homology cylinder of a surface Σ. It is an element of the skein algebra of Σ and has two aspects. The first is a quantization of the action of homology cylinders on fundamental groups. In the second aspect, we can extend the Ohtsuki series, one for integral homology spheres, to our invariant. We use the HOMFLY-PT skein algebra in this paper. But the main theorem holds in other skein algebras

    Colored HOMFLY-PT polynomials that distinguish mutant knots

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    Torus knots in Lens spaces, open Gromov-Witten invariants, and topological recursion

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    Starting from a torus knot K\mathcal{K} in the lens space L(p,1)L(p,-1), we construct a Lagrangian sub-manifold LKL_{\mathcal{K}} in X=(OP1(1)OP1(1))/Zp\mathcal{X}=\big(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1}(-1)\oplus \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1}(-1)\big)/\mathbb{Z}_p under the conifold transition. We prove a mirror theorem which relates the all genus open-closed Gromov-Witten invariants of (X,LK)(\mathcal{X},L_{\mathcal{K}}) to the topological recursion on the B-model spectral curve. This verifies a conjecture in \cite{Bor-Bri} in the case of lens space.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figure

    Categorification of quantum groups

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    Orientador: Adriano Adrega de MouraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação CientíficaResumo: O termo categorificação foi introduzido a pouco mais de duas décadas nos trabalhos de Crane e Frenkel e se refere ao processo de trocar noções conjuntistas por "análogas categóri- cas". Conjuntos são trocados por categorias, elementos por objetos, relações entre conjuntos por morfismos, funções por funtores, relações entre funções por transformações naturais, etc.. Desde então, a busca por categorificações de várias estruturas algébricas ganhou um impulso muito forte pois o enriquecimento do contexto considerado levou a demonstrações, muitas vezes simples, de vários resultados profundos e extremamente complicados de serem demonstrados no contexto original. Neste trabalho estudaremos a categorificação definida por Lauda do grupo quântico associado a sl(2). Esta construção foi posteriormente estendida para álgebras de Kac- Moody mais gerais em trabalhos independentes de Khovanov-Lauda e Rouquier levando ao surgimento daquelas que são hoje chamadas álgebras de KLR e ocupam um espaço de destaque na pesquisa em teoria de representações atualAbstract: The term categorification was introduced about two decades ago in the works of Crane e Frenkel to refer to a process of replacing set theoretical notions by "categorical analogues". Sets are replaced by categories, elements by objects, relations between sets by morphisms, functions by functors, relations between functions by natural transformations, etc. The search for categorifications of various algebraics contexts has been the subject of intense investigation since then because the enriched new context usually leads to (very often simple) proofs of deep results which were to complicated to be handled in their original setting. In this dissertation we study Lauda¿s categorification of the quantum group associated to sl(2). This construction was later extended to more general Kac-Moody algebras in independent works of Khovanov-Lauda and Rouquier leading to the discovery of what is now known as KLR algebras, one of the most important algebraic structures in the present research activities in Representation TheoryMestradoMatematicaMestre em MatemáticaCAPE