2,094 research outputs found

    Information Transmission using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform, Part I: Mathematical Tools

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    The nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT), a powerful tool in soliton theory and exactly solvable models, is a method for solving integrable partial differential equations governing wave propagation in certain nonlinear media. The NFT decorrelates signal degrees-of-freedom in such models, in much the same way that the Fourier transform does for linear systems. In this three-part series of papers, this observation is exploited for data transmission over integrable channels such as optical fibers, where pulse propagation is governed by the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. In this transmission scheme, which can be viewed as a nonlinear analogue of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing commonly used in linear channels, information is encoded in the nonlinear frequencies and their spectral amplitudes. Unlike most other fiber-optic transmission schemes, this technique deals with both dispersion and nonlinearity directly and unconditionally without the need for dispersion or nonlinearity compensation methods. This first paper explains the mathematical tools that underlie the method.Comment: This version contains minor updates of IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 4312--4328, July 201

    Information Transmission using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform, Part III: Spectrum Modulation

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    Motivated by the looming "capacity crunch" in fiber-optic networks, information transmission over such systems is revisited. Among numerous distortions, inter-channel interference in multiuser wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is identified as the seemingly intractable factor limiting the achievable rate at high launch power. However, this distortion and similar ones arising from nonlinearity are primarily due to the use of methods suited for linear systems, namely WDM and linear pulse-train transmission, for the nonlinear optical channel. Exploiting the integrability of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) equation, a nonlinear frequency-division multiplexing (NFDM) scheme is presented, which directly modulates non-interacting signal degrees-of-freedom under NLS propagation. The main distinction between this and previous methods is that NFDM is able to cope with the nonlinearity, and thus, as the the signal power or transmission distance is increased, the new method does not suffer from the deterministic cross-talk between signal components which has degraded the performance of previous approaches. In this paper, emphasis is placed on modulation of the discrete component of the nonlinear Fourier transform of the signal and some simple examples of achievable spectral efficiencies are provided.Comment: Updated version of IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 4346--4369, July, 201

    Information Transmission using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform, Part II: Numerical Methods

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    In this paper, numerical methods are suggested to compute the discrete and the continuous spectrum of a signal with respect to the Zakharov-Shabat system, a Lax operator underlying numerous integrable communication channels including the nonlinear Schr\"odinger channel, modeling pulse propagation in optical fibers. These methods are subsequently tested and their ability to estimate the spectrum are compared against each other. These methods are used to compute the spectrum of various signals commonly used in the optical fiber communications. It is found that the layer-peeling and the spectral methods are suitable schemes to estimate the nonlinear spectra with good accuracy. To illustrate the structure of the spectrum, the locus of the eigenvalues is determined under amplitude and phase modulation in a number of examples. It is observed that in some cases, as signal parameters vary, eigenvalues collide and change their course of motion. The real axis is typically the place from which new eigenvalues originate or are absorbed into after traveling a trajectory in the complex plane.Comment: Minor updates to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 4329--4345, July 201

    Dual polarization nonlinear Fourier transform-based optical communication system

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    New services and applications are causing an exponential increase in internet traffic. In a few years, current fiber optic communication system infrastructure will not be able to meet this demand because fiber nonlinearity dramatically limits the information transmission rate. Eigenvalue communication could potentially overcome these limitations. It relies on a mathematical technique called "nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT)" to exploit the "hidden" linearity of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation as the master model for signal propagation in an optical fiber. We present here the theoretical tools describing the NFT for the Manakov system and report on experimental transmission results for dual polarization in fiber optic eigenvalue communications. A transmission of up to 373.5 km with bit error rate less than the hard-decision forward error correction threshold has been achieved. Our results demonstrate that dual-polarization NFT can work in practice and enable an increased spectral efficiency in NFT-based communication systems, which are currently based on single polarization channels

    Capacity-achieving techniques in nonlinear channels

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    Many of the current optical transmission techniques were developed for linear communication channels and are constrained by the fibre nonlinearity. This paper discusses the potential for radically different approaches to signal transmission and processing based on using inherently nonlinear techniques

    Nonlinear spectral analysis of Peregrine solitons observed in optics and in hydrodynamic experiments

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    The data recorded in optical fiber [1] and in hydrodynamic [2] experiments reported the pioneering observation of nonlinear waves with spatiotemporal localization similar to the Peregrine soliton are examined by using nonlinear spectral analysis. Our approach is based on the integrable nature of the one-dimensional focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation (1D-NLSE) that governs at leading order the propagation of the optical and hydrodynamic waves in the two experiments. Nonlinear spectral analysis provides certain spectral portraits of the analyzed structures that are composed of bands lying in the complex plane. The spectral portraits can be interpreted within the framework of the so-called finite gap theory (or periodic inverse scattering transform). In particular, the number N of bands composing the nonlinear spectrum determines the genus g = N - 1 of the solution that can be viewed as a measure of complexity of the space-time evolution of the considered solution. Within this setting the ideal, rational Peregrine soliton represents a special, degenerate genus 2 solution. While the fitting procedures employed in [1] and [2] show that the experimentally observed structures are quite well approximated by the Peregrine solitons, nonlinear spectral analysis of the breathers observed both in the optical fiber and in the water tank experiments reveals that they exhibit spectral portraits associated with more general, genus 4 finite-gap NLSE solutions. Moreover, the nonlinear spectral analysis shows that the nonlinear spectrum of the breathers observed in the experiments slowly changes with the propagation distance, thus confirming the influence of unavoidable perturbative higher order effects or dissipation in the experiments
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