1,682 research outputs found

    Transformation in HaRe

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    HaRe [?] is a system developed at the University of Kent Computing Laboratory to support refactoring in Haskell. We also want HaRe to be an open platform to support general Haskell program transformation so it can be used by other researchers in the field. This paper demonstrates the facilities HaRe provides for program transformation by implementing a deforestation transformation as a case study

    Enumerating Counter-Factual Type Error Messages with an Existing Type Checker

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    The type error message of a standard type checker for a functional language gives only a single location as potential cause of the type error. If that location is not the cause, which often is the case, then the type error message hardly helps in locating the real cause. Here we present a method that uses a standard type checker to enumerate locations that potentially cause the type error, each with an actual and a counter-factual type for the given location. Adding our method to existing compilers requires only limited effort but improves type error debugging substantially

    An Abstract Approach to Stratification in Linear Logic

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    We study the notion of stratification, as used in subsystems of linear logic with low complexity bounds on the cut-elimination procedure (the so-called light logics), from an abstract point of view, introducing a logical system in which stratification is handled by a separate modality. This modality, which is a generalization of the paragraph modality of Girard's light linear logic, arises from a general categorical construction applicable to all models of linear logic. We thus learn that stratification may be formulated independently of exponential modalities; when it is forced to be connected to exponential modalities, it yields interesting complexity properties. In particular, from our analysis stem three alternative reformulations of Baillot and Mazza's linear logic by levels: one geometric, one interactive, and one semantic

    Formalizing the SSA-based Compiler for Verified Advanced Program Transformations

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    Compilers are not always correct due to the complexity of language semantics and transformation algorithms, the trade-offs between compilation speed and verifiability,etc.The bugs of compilers can undermine the source-level verification efforts (such as type systems, static analysis, and formal proofs) and produce target programs with different meaning from source programs. Researchers have used mechanized proof tools to implement verified compilers that are guaranteed to preserve program semantics and proved to be more robust than ad-hoc non-verified compilers. The goal of the dissertation is to make a step towards verifying an industrial strength modern compiler--LLVM, which has a typed, SSA-based, and general-purpose intermediate representation, therefore allowing more advanced program transformations than existing approaches. The dissertation formally defines the sequential semantics of the LLVM intermediate representation with its type system, SSA properties, memory model, and operational semantics. To design and reason about program transformations in the LLVM IR, we provide tools for interacting with the LLVM infrastructure and metatheory for SSA properties, memory safety, dynamic semantics, and control-flow-graphs. Based on the tools and metatheory, the dissertation implements verified and extractable applications for LLVM that include an interpreter for the LLVM IR, a transformation for enforcing memory safety, translation validators for local optimizations, and verified SSA construction transformation. This dissertation shows that formal models of SSA-based compiler intermediate representations can be used to verify low-level program transformations, thereby enabling the construction of high-assurance compiler passes

    A Type Language for Calendars

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    Time and calendars play an important role in databases, on the Semantic Web, as well as in mobile computing. Temporal data and calendars require (specific) modeling and processing tools. CaTTS is a type language for calendar definitions using which one can model and process temporal and calendric data. CaTTS is based on a "theory reasoning" approach for efficiency reasons. This article addresses type checking temporal and calendric data and constraints. A thesis underlying CaTTS is that types and type checking are as useful and desirable with calendric data types as with other data types. Types enable (meaningful) annotation of data. Type checking enhances efficiency and consistency of programming and modeling languages like database and Web query languages

    Processor Verification Using Efficient Reductions of the Logic of Uninterpreted Functions to Propositional Logic

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    The logic of equality with uninterpreted functions (EUF) provides a means of abstracting the manipulation of data by a processor when verifying the correctness of its control logic. By reducing formulas in this logic to propositional formulas, we can apply Boolean methods such as Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and Boolean satisfiability checkers to perform the verification. We can exploit characteristics of the formulas describing the verification conditions to greatly simplify the propositional formulas generated. In particular, we exploit the property that many equations appear only in positive form. We can therefore reduce the set of interpretations of the function symbols that must be considered to prove that a formula is universally valid to those that are ``maximally diverse.'' We present experimental results demonstrating the efficiency of this approach when verifying pipelined processors using the method proposed by Burch and Dill.Comment: 46 page

    A slicing-based approach for locating type errors

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    The effectiveness of a type checking tool strongly depends on the accuracy of the positional information that is associated with type errors. We present an approach where the location associated with an error message e is defined as a slice P_e of the program P being type checked. We show that this approach yields highly accurate positional information: P_e is a program that contains precisely those program constructs in P that caused error e. Semantically, we have the interesting property that type checking P_e is guaranteed to produce the same error e. Our approach is completely language-independent, and has been implemented for a significant subset of Pascal