867 research outputs found

    Real-time multimedia-based education through the Internet

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    The rapid advances in computer and communications technologies are challenging the American education systems to provide increased educational opportunities beyond the traditional geographic boundaries at a reasonable cost. Many educational institutions are answering this challenge by developing distance education programs. Distance education provides effective learning environment. An important requirement for effective distance education is the availability of continuous interactivity and immediate feedback. Over the Internet, synchronous sharing of multimedia content introduces unacceptable delays as network bandwidth is limited. In this thesis, the issue of Internet bandwidth is minimized and a novel system is developed for distance education using multimedia course material over the Internet. The data rich multimedia materials reside at remote computers and are only remotely activated utilizing low bandwidth signals over the Internet. As a result, the large download times associated with multimedia files are eliminated creating an almost real time link between the remote locations

    Advanced manned space flight simulation and training: An investigation of simulation host computer system concepts

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    The findings of a preliminary investigation by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in simulation host computer concepts is presented. It is designed to aid NASA in evaluating simulation technologies for use in spaceflight training. The focus of the investigation is on the next generation of space simulation systems that will be utilized in training personnel for Space Station Freedom operations. SwRI concludes that NASA should pursue a distributed simulation host computer system architecture for the Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) rather than a centralized mainframe based arrangement. A distributed system offers many advantages and is seen by SwRI as the only architecture that will allow NASA to achieve established functional goals and operational objectives over the life of the Space Station Freedom program. Several distributed, parallel computing systems are available today that offer real-time capabilities for time critical, man-in-the-loop simulation. These systems are flexible in terms of connectivity and configurability, and are easily scaled to meet increasing demands for more computing power

    A preferred vision for administering schools : a reflective essay

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    The whole process I have gone through in this program has taught many things. I am excited because these lessons do not apply solely to education. These are lessons I have learned to apply to other areas of my life. I never really had a vision for my profession. I think of the words ofLirah Sabir (2000), Principals face many challenges to make each child a success. But what works for me is developing a positive mindset, always thinking of the total learning environment, being the best instructional leader I can be, and never being afraid to stretch my own and others\u27 comfort zones. Being in this program has helped me develop goals I want to reach for others and myself. One of the important lessons I have learned through the last three years was that kids come first. In the decisions I make as an administrator, I must realize the students must be the ones who benefit. Vincent Ferrandino (1999) reminds me in striving to educate children, we must remember to educate the whole child. There is more to each child than meets the eye. I have to look at all aspects of the child to gain a better understanding of the direction to take in decisions. I believe I have gained a great deal of knowledge and understanding through this program. I have spent many years going with the flow of things. I now want to move forward and make a difference in education

    Computer technology in modern music : a study of current tools and how musicians use them

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    This paper presents a range of information about technology in music and examines how computer-based musicians are implementing this technology. The first part considers how the compositional framework of author, audience, and purpose applies to these musicians. The second part examines the crucial hardware and software tools that combine in these systems to work as a singular rig and instrument. The paper also covers some musical aspects of computer-based music projects, including mixing. The final element discusses advancements of virtual tools, and how they are surpassing the capabilities of hardware gear. Much of the research presented comes first hand from successful musicians who use computers as central components of their workflows, and is based, in part, on an internet survey conducted by the author

    Middle School Student and Teacher Perceptions About the Effectiveness of the Technology Integration in the Classroom

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    Technology in schools is not a new phenomenon, however, whether technology integration is successful or not is up for debate. Critics of technology in the classroom write about failed attempts to integrate technology into the classroom in a meaningful way. Research indicates that we still have teachers using technology in ways that may not be much different than traditional teaching practices. The literature describes varying levels of technology usage in the classroom. Some researchers describe technology as overrated and not fulfilling the promise to improve the teaching and learning experience. Other research describes unique uses of technology that promote engaging and useful learning experiences. However, there appears to be a gap in the research when trying to determining how teachers and students feel about the effectiveness of the technology integration happening in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to document how teachers and students perceive the effectiveness of technology integration happening in the classroom. Various forms of data were collected and analyzed. The data included an online survey, personal interviews with teachers and students, classroom observations, and documents and artifacts that were collected during the classroom observations. The researcher, using techniques commonly associated with grounded theory data analysis was able to identify four main categories. They are 1.) shared experience, 2.) technology integration readiness, 3.) educational uses of technology, and 4.) obstacles to technology integration. These categories along with their subcategories, properties, and dimensions help to explain what is happening when technology is being used in a middle school classroom and ultimately helped the researcher answer the research questions. After analyzing all of the data, it suggests that teachers are mostly satisfied with the way they are using technology in the classroom and they are happy with the technology integration training they receive. The teachers’ main motivation to use technology is to promote engaging and exciting activities for their students. However, the data also suggests that students are not necessarily motivated by the simple act of using technology. In many cases, the students are motivated by personal interests and entertainment, not the technology itself

    Unlocking the Doors to Engagement and Accessibility: A Curriculum Development for Second Grade Learners in Social Studies

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    The goal of this project is to create a second-grade Social Studies curriculum that increases engagement and provides accessibility to all students. The intent is to pull from the instructional frameworks of Universal Design for Learning developed by CAST, Project-Based Learning by The Buck Institute and differentiation by Carol Ann Tomlinson. The following research question was used to propel forward the goal of this project: How can a second grade Social Studies unit unlock student engagement and universal accessibility by applying three educational frameworks? This question was answered by literature research on the topics of engagement and accessibility followed by the three frameworks mentioned above on UDL, PBL and differentiation. This research was then analyzed for overlapping characteristics that would lead to a curriculum development that was highly engaging and universally accessible for second grade students. Keywords: engagement, accessibility, motivation, project-based, individualistic syste

    Building school and community connections through leadership, technology, and professional learning community development: A case study of two elementary schools.

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    As in any other profession, schoolteachers, principals, and other administrators need a vision to help them toward their goals. The intent of this research was to examine schools that have connected their vision for technology and student learning with parents and the community.This multiple site case study shared through documents, a survey, and interviews how two elementary schools in the process of becoming professional learning communities facilitate connections with the community. Results indicate how schools facilitate technology, student achievement, leadership practices, parent involvement, and community groups in cultivating school and community connections. Conclusions, recommendations, and implications for leadership, technology, and professional learning community development are provided.This multiple site case study describes how two elementary schools in a south central state are building school and community connections through leadership, technology, and professional learning community development. The principals of both schools have completed a professional development program designed to assist administrators in developing professional learning communities at the schools they lead. Upon successful completion of the program principals and superintendents are provided opportunities for additional funding through a statewide technology trust. In August 2003 the two schools participating in this study were two of twenty-one schools receiving grants. The twenty-one schools would be responsible for implementing three of the ten practices of the IDEALS High Achieving School Model to become a professional learning community using their new technology as a tool. This research is based on Practice 8: School and Community Connections, one of the three practices chosen by schools participating in this research during the 2003--2004 school year. They must connect with families and communities in many ways. They must involve families and communities in the work of the school while simultaneously, involving their schools in the work of their families and communities

    Perceptions of Failure in Education: Changing the Fear of Failure Through Gamification

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    The purpose of was study is to examine the perceptions in higher education of failure and the use of gamification to address the fear of failure. The perceptions of students about failures and successes in learning through gamification were explored. The research design for the proposed study was a survey comprised of qualitative and quantitative questions. The survey explored how students in formal education view failure in games and in learning, how failure strategies are viewed in higher education lesson plans and if failure strategies can be used to promote learning in games. During the summer of 2014 and during the fall of 2014 both undergraduate and graduate students participated in the survey. Results of this research demonstrate that students in a higher education classroom feel that failure can be a positive learning strategy when followed by thoughtful feedback following the failure experience and when it is applied as part of a trial and error process

    PBLL, Learning and Writing Skills: Fostering Motivation, Creativity and Appreciation for Cultures in the 4th ESO English Classroom

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    In this final Dissertation I intend to present a learning unit framed within an active methodology, in which writing skills are developed within a PBLL approach which encapsulates the principles of CLT and SLA. Likewise, it is intended to analyse how the subject of this unit and its structure can foster creativity, motivation and the feeling of appreciation for other cultures in 4th ESO students in IES Pedro de Luna. In order to do so, the dissertation starts with an introduction followed by the main purpose, objectives and justification, and theoretical and curricula framework. Hence, the whole proposal is framed within the European, National and Regional Curriculums in order to generate a solid and reliable base which embraces new perspectives on learning and enhances key competences in order to provide a holistic learning. The theoretical framework particularly supports the implementation of a PBLL so as to stimulate learners through music into significant English learning and to ameliorate school performance. On the other hand, it also justifies the importance of the teaching of writing through song compositions in order to trigger imagination, and self-expression. Other aligned learner-cantered methodologies are analysed since they encapsulate cultural expressions, elaborate on different ways of approaching or resolving problems and explore self-reflection or cooperative work. Thus, these help learners exercise freedom of expression. These premises are further developed and studied in the fourth part, devoted to the methodological design, and the fifth section which examines the whole Unit plan. The last and final piece offers the conclusions which summarize the proposal, pointing out to the innovation stated and possible improvements. En este trabajo de fin de máster presento una unidad didáctica enmarcada dentro de una metodología activa, en la que se desarrollan habilidades para la escritura dentro de un enfoque PBLL y centrado en los principios de CLT y SLA. Asimismo, se pretende analizar cómo el tema de dicha unidad y su estructura pueden fomentar la creatividad, la motivación y el sentimiento de apreciación por otras culturas en alumnos de 4º de ESO del IES Pedro de Luna. Para ello, la disertación comienza con una introducción, propósito principal, objetivos, justificación y diseño del marco teórico y curricular. Así, toda la propuesta se enmarca dentro del currículo europeo, nacional y regional para generar una base sólida que encapsula nuevas perspectivas sobre el aprendizaje e incorpora las competencias clave para proporcionar un aprendizaje holístico. El marco teórico realza la implementación del aprendizaje por proyectos para estimular a los estudiantes a través de la música con la finalidad de proporcionar conocimientos significativos en inglés y mejorar los resultados académicos. Por otro lado, también justifica la importancia de la enseñanza de la escritura con la creación de canciones que activan la imaginación y expresión. Se analizan también otras metodologías centradas en el alumno alineadas con la expresión cultural, formas de abordar problemas, y la autorreflexión o el trabajo cooperativo. Así, todas estas actividades ayudan a los alumnos a ejercer su libertad de expresión. Estas premisas se desarrollan y estudian en la cuarta parte, dedicada al diseño metodológico, y en la quinta sección que examina el plan completo de la Unidad. La última sección ofrece las conclusiones que resumen la propuesta, señalando la propuesta de innovación y las posibles mejoras.<br /

    Creating and Implementing Effective Visual Literacy for the Classroom

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    Over the past 25 years, the way people communicate with one another and others around the world has become less focused on text and more focused on visual imagery. This shift in language makes it increasingly difficult to communicate with students who have been raised in this digital world. Teachers need to have the tools to teach visual literacy techniques, good image resources available to them, and be able to create rich images that improve content comprehension in the classroom. This product, in the form of an interactive website, will empower teachers to understand the impact of visual literacy on learning, provide tools and resources for creating useful visuals, and will provide best-practices for teachers to create effective tools
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