5 research outputs found

    Potential for hardware-based techniques for reuse distance analysis

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    Reuse distance analysis, the prediction of how many distinct memory addresses will be accessed between two accesses to a given address, has been established as a useful technique in profile-based compiler optimization, but the cost of collecting the memory reuse profile has been prohibitive for some applications. In this report, we propose using the hardware monitoring facilities available in existing CPUs to gather an approximate reuse distance profile. The difficulties associated with this monitoring technique are discussed, most importantly that there is no obvious link between the reuse profile produced by hardware monitoring and the actual reuse behavior. Potential applications which would be made viable by a reliable hardware-based reuse distance analysis are identified

    mPart: Miss Ratio Curve Guided Partitioning in Key-Value Stores

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    Web applications employ key-value stores to cache the data that is most commonly accessed. The cache improves an web application’s performance by serving its requests from memory, avoiding fetching them from the backend database. Since the memory space is limited, maximizing the memory utilization is a key to delivering the best performance possible. This has lead to the use of multi-tenant systems, allowing applications to share cache space. In addition, application data access patterns change over time, so the system should be adaptive in its memory allocation. In this thesis, we address both multi-tenancy (where a single cache is used for mul- tiple applications) and dynamic workloads (changing access patterns) using a model that relates the cache size to the application miss ratio, known as a miss ratio curve. Intuitively, the larger the cache, the less likely the system will need to fetch the data from the database. Our efficient, online construction of the miss ratio curve allows us to determine a near optimal memory allocation given the available system memory, while adapting to changing data access patterns. We show that our model outper- forms an existing state-of-the-art sharing model, Memshare, in terms of cache hit ratio and does so at a lower time cost. We show that average hit ratio is consistently 1 percentage point greater and 99.9th percentile latency is reduced by as much as 2.9% under standard web application workloads containing millions of requests

    Instruction based memory distance analysis and its application to optimization

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    Feedback-directed Optimization has become an increasingly important tool in designing and building optimizing compilers as it provides a means to analyze complex program behavior that is not possible using traditional static analysis. Feedback-directed optimization offers the compiler opportunities to analyze and optimize the memory behavior of programs even when traditional array-based analysis not applicable. As a result, both floatingpoint and integer programs can memory hierarchy optimization. In this we examine the notion of memory distance as it is applied to the instruction space of a program and to directed optimization. Memory distance is dejined as a dynamic distance in terms of memory references between two accesses to the same memory location. We use memory distance to predict the miss rates of instructions in a program. Using the miss rates, we then identifi the program’s critical instructions-set of high miss instructions whose cumulative misses account for 95 % of the L2 cache misses in the program-in both integer andfloating-point pmgrams. Our experimentsshow that distance analysis can effectively identifi critical instructions in both integer programs. Additionally, we apply memory-distance analysis to memory disambiguation in out-of-order issue processors, using those distances to determinewhen a load may be speculated ahead of apreceding store. Our experiments show that memory-distance-based disambiguation on average achieves within of the performance gain of the store set technique which requires hardware table. 1

    Instruction based memory distance analysis and its application to optimization

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    Feedback-directed Optimization has become an increasingly important tool in designing and building optimizing compilers as it provides a means to analyze complex program behavior that is not possible using traditional static analysis. Feedback-directed optimization offers the compiler opportunities to analyze and optimize the memory behavior of programs even when traditional array-based analysis is not applicable. As a result, bothfloating-point and integer programs can benefit from memory hierarchy optimization. In this paper, we examine the notion of memory distance as it is applied to the instruction space of a program, and to feedback-directed optimization. Memory distance is defined as a dynamic quantifiable distance in terms of memory references between two accesses to the same memory location. We use memory distance to predict the miss rates of instructions in a program. Using the miss rates, we then identifi the program\u27s critical instructions - the set of high miss instructions whose cumulative misses account for 95% of the L2 cache misses in the program - in both integer and floating-pointpmgrams. Our experiments show that memory-distance analysis can effectively identifi critical instructions in both integer and floating-point programs. Additionally, we apply memory-distance analysis to memory disambiguation in out-of-order issue processors, using those distances to determine when a load may be speculated ahead of a preceding store. Our experiments show that memory-distance-based disambiguation on average achieves within 5-10% of the performance gain of the store set technique which requires a hardware table