344 research outputs found

    Delay Performance of MISO Wireless Communications

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    Ultra-reliable, low latency communications (URLLC) are currently attracting significant attention due to the emergence of mission-critical applications and device-centric communication. URLLC will entail a fundamental paradigm shift from throughput-oriented system design towards holistic designs for guaranteed and reliable end-to-end latency. A deep understanding of the delay performance of wireless networks is essential for efficient URLLC systems. In this paper, we investigate the network layer performance of multiple-input, single-output (MISO) systems under statistical delay constraints. We provide closed-form expressions for MISO diversity-oriented service process and derive probabilistic delay bounds using tools from stochastic network calculus. In particular, we analyze transmit beamforming with perfect and imperfect channel knowledge and compare it with orthogonal space-time codes and antenna selection. The effect of transmit power, number of antennas, and finite blocklength channel coding on the delay distribution is also investigated. Our higher layer performance results reveal key insights of MISO channels and provide useful guidelines for the design of ultra-reliable communication systems that can guarantee the stringent URLLC latency requirements.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Asymptotic Capacity and Optimal Precoding Strategy of Multi-Level Precode & Forward in Correlated Channels

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    We analyze a multi-level MIMO relaying system where a multiple-antenna transmitter sends data to a multipleantenna receiver through several relay levels, also equipped with multiple antennas. Assuming correlated fading in each hop, each relay receives a faded version of the signal transmitted by the previous level, performs precoding on the received signal and retransmits it to the next level. Using free probability theory and assuming that the noise power at the relay levels - but not at the receiver - is negligible, a closed-form expression of the end-to-end asymptotic instantaneous mutual information is derived as the number of antennas in all levels grow large with the same rate. This asymptotic expression is shown to be independent from the channel realizations, to only depend on the channel statistics and to also serve as the asymptotic value of the end-to-end average mutual information. We also provide the optimal singular vectors of the precoding matrices that maximize the asymptotic mutual information : the optimal transmit directions represented by the singular vectors of the precoding matrices are aligned on the eigenvectors of the channel correlation matrices, therefore they can be determined only using the known statistics of the channel matrices and do not depend on a particular channel realization.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop 200

    A Joint data rate - error rate analysis in correlated space-time-wireless channels

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    Indoor off-body wireless communication: static beamforming versus space-time coding

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    The performance of beamforming versus space-time coding using a body-worn textile antenna array is experimentally evaluated for an indoor environment, where a walking rescue worker transmits data in the 2.45 GHz ISM band, relying on a vertical textile four-antenna array integrated into his garment. The two transmission scenarios considered are static beamforming at low-elevation angles and space-time code based transmit diversity. Signals are received by a base station equipped with a horizontal array of four dipole antennas providing spatial receive diversity through maximum-ratio combining. Signal-to-noise ratios, bit error rate characteristics, and signal correlation properties are assessed for both off-body transmission scenarios. Without receiver diversity, the performance of space-time coding is generally better. In case of fourth-order receiver diversity, beamforming is superior in line-of-sight conditions. For non-line-of-sight propagation, the space-time codes perform better as soon as bit error rates are low enough for a reliable data link

    Performance analysis of spatially distributed MIMO systems

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    With the growing popularity of ad-hoc sensor networks, spatially distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have drawn a lot of attention. This work considers a spatially distributed MIMO system with randomly distributed transmit and receive antennas over spatial regions. The authors use the modal decomposition of wave propagation to analyse the performance limits of such system, since the sampling of the spatial regions populated with antennas is a form of mode excitation. Specifically, they decompose signals into orthogonal spatial modes and apply concepts of MIMO communications to quantify the instantaneous capacity and the outage probability. The authors’ analysis shows that analogous to conventional point-to-point MIMO system, the instantaneous capacity of spatially distributed MIMO system over Rayleigh fading channel is equivalent to a Gaussian random variable. Afterwards, they derive an accurate closed-form expression for the outage probability of proposed system utilising the definition of instantaneous capacity. Besides, in rich scattering environment, the spatially distributed MIMO system provides best performance when the spatial regions are of same size, and each region is equipped with equal number of antennas. Furthermore, to facilitate the total transmit power allocation among the channels, they propose an algorithm which indicates a significant performance improvement over conventional equal transmit power allocation scheme, even at low signal-to-noise ratio

    Information densities for block-fading MIMO channels

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    Output Statistics of MIMO Channels with General Input Distribution

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    The information that can be conveyed through a wireless channel, with multiple-antenna equipped transmitter and receiver, crucially depends on the channel behavior as well as on the input structure. In this paper, we derive analytical results, concerning the probability density function (pdf) of the output of a single-user, multiple-antenna communication. The analysis is carried out under the assumption of an optimized input structure, and assuming Gaussian noise and a Rayleigh block-fading channel. Our analysis therefore provides a quite general and compact expression for the conditional output pdf. We also highlight the relation between such an expression and the results already available in the literature for some specific input structure