2,067 research outputs found

    Application of Linear Stochastic Models in the Investigation of the Effects of Parkinson’s Disease on the Cop Time Series

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    The primary objective of this study was to use linear stochastic modeling approach to investigate parameters which may be sensitive enough to detect and quantify the changes in postural instability (PI) related to the progression in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Data collected in a previous study were analyzed in the current study. Participants with mild PD (n=13), moderate PD (n=10) and age range match healthy controls (HC, n=21) were instructed to stand in a comfortable self-selected natural stance on a force platform in both eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC) conditions. The foot-floor reaction forces were used to calculate the center of pressure (COP) time series. This COP time series was fitted by two different linear stochastic models: 1) an autoregressive (AR), and 2) an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. The postural control system was modeled as an inverted pendulum to describe pure body mechanics and a proportional, derivative and integral (PID) strategy was assumed for balance regulation. Swiftness, damping and stiffness parameters were extracted from the AR model. Natural frequency and damping ratio were extracted from the ARMA model. The statistical analysis (ANOVA) of these parameters revealed significant differences in stiffness and swiftness parameters between the HC and moderate PD population in the EO condition. These three parameters showed trends with progression of PD. The swiftness parameter showed decreasing mean values as PD severity increased, indicating that PD caused slower reactions to small deviations from equilibrium when compared to healthy controls. The mild and moderate PD, compared to HC, demonstrated by higher mean values of stiffness, suggesting a more rigid control strategy. The analysis of damping parameter revealed that the PD, compared to HC, may have a reduced ability to attenuate sway velocity during quiet stance as indicated by lower mean values of damping parameter and damping ratio. The natural frequency did not show significant trends in EO condition, but revealed an increasing trend with progression of PD. This could indicate that the PD could have larger number of deviations of COP from equilibrium. The analysis of effect of condition (EO, EC) revealed significant differences in all the five parameters. The stiffness, damping parameter and damping ratio had higher mean values for EO, compared to the EC condition, indicating the vital role that the visual feedback plays in detecting small perturbations from equilibrium leading to a better posture regulation in EO condition. The swiftness parameter and natural frequency indicated higher mean values in EC, compared to the EO condition, suggesting that the various sensory cues might be weighted differently in EO and EC conditions. Future studies should investigate the sensitivity of these calculated parameters to changes in PI in PD using a larger sample size and longer duration of trials. Also the variations in these parameters in response to dynamic tasks such as gait initiation and balance recovery should be considered in future studies

    Adaptive IIR filtering using the homotopy continuation method

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    The objective of this study is to develop an algorithmic approach for solving problems associated with the convergence to the local minima in adaptive IIR filtering. The approach is based on a numerical method called the homotopy continuation method;The homotopy continuation method is a solution exhaustive method for calculating all solutions of a set of nonlinear equations. The globally optimum filter coefficients correspond to the solutions with minimum mean square error. In order to apply the technique to the adaptive IIR filtering problem, the homotopy continuation method is modified to handle a set of nonlinear polynomials with time-varying coefficients. Then, the adaptive IIR filtering problem is formulated in terms of a set of nonlinear polynomials using the mean square output error minimization approach. The adaptive homotopy continuation method (AHCM) for the case of time-varying coefficients is then applied to solve the IIR filtering problem. After demonstrating the feasibility of the approach, problems encountered in the basic AHCM algorithm are discussed and alternative structures of the filter are proposed. In the development of the proposed algorithm and its variations, the instability problem which is a second disadvantage of IIR filters is also considered;Simulation results for a system identification example validate the proposed algorithm by determining the filter coefficients at the global minimum position. For further validation, the AHCM algorithm is then applied to an adaptive noise cancellation application in ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation. Ultrasonic inspection signal reflections from defects and material grain boundaries are considered. The AHCM algorithm is applied to the noise cancellation mode to filter out the material noise. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm shows considerable promise for real as well as for simulated data

    Comparative review of methods for stability monitoring in electrical power systems and vibrating structures

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    This study provides a review of methods used for stability monitoring in two different fields, electrical power systems and vibration analysis, with the aim of increasing awareness of and highlighting opportunities for cross-fertilisation. The nature of the problems that require stability monitoring in both fields are discussed here as well as the approaches that have been taken. The review of power systems methods is presented in two parts: methods for ambient or normal operation and methods for transient or post-fault operation. Similarly, the review of methods for vibration analysis is presented in two parts: methods for stationary or linear time-invariant data and methods for non-stationary or non-linear time-variant data. Some observations and comments are made regarding methods that have already been applied in both fields including recommendations for the use of different sets of algorithms that have not been utilised to date. Additionally, methods that have been applied to vibration analysis and have potential for power systems stability monitoring are discussed and recommended. � 2010 The Institution of Engineering and Technology

    A simple method for detecting chaos in nature

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    Chaos, or exponential sensitivity to small perturbations, appears everywhere in nature. Moreover, chaos is predicted to play diverse functional roles in living systems. A method for detecting chaos from empirical measurements should therefore be a key component of the biologist's toolkit. But, classic chaos-detection tools are highly sensitive to measurement noise and break down for common edge cases, making it difficult to detect chaos in domains, like biology, where measurements are noisy. However, newer tools promise to overcome these limitations. Here, we combine several such tools into an automated processing pipeline, and show that our pipeline can detect the presence (or absence) of chaos in noisy recordings, even for difficult edge cases. As a first-pass application of our pipeline, we show that heart rate variability is not chaotic as some have proposed, and instead reflects a stochastic process in both health and disease. Our tool is easy-to-use and freely available

    Power System Stability Analysis Using Wide Area Measurement System

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    Advances in wide area measurement systems have transformed power system operation from simple visualization, state estimation, and post-mortem analysis tools to real-time protection and control at the systems level. Transient disturbances (such as lightning strikes) exist only for a fraction of a second but create transient stability issues and often trigger cascading type failures. The most common practice to prevent instabilities is with local generator out-of-step protection. Unfortunately, out-of-step protection operation of generators may not be fast enough, and an instability may take down nearby generators and the rest of the system by the time the local generator relay operates. Hence, it is important to assess power system stability over transmission lines as soon as the transient instability is detected instead of relying on purely localized out-of-step protection in generators. This thesis proposes a synchrophasor-based out-of-step prediction methodology at the transmission line level using wide area measurements from optimal phasor measurement unit (PMU) locations in the interconnected system. Voltage and current measurements from wide area measurement systems (WAMS) are utilized to find the swing angles. The proposed scheme was used to predict the first swing out-of-step condition in a Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) 9 bus power system. A coherency analysis was first performed in this multi-machine system to determine the two coherent groups of generators. The coherent generator groups were then represented with a two-machine equivalent system, and the synchrophasor-based out-of-step prediction algorithm then applied to the reduced equivalent system. The coherency among the group of generators was determined within 100 ms for the contingency scenarios tested. The proposed technique is able to predict the instability 141.66 to 408.33 ms before the system actually reaches out-of-step conditions. The power swing trajectory is either a steady-state trajectory, monotonically increasing type (when the system becomes unstable), or oscillatory type (under stable conditions). Un- der large disturbance conditions, the swing could also become non-stationary. The mean and variance of the signal is not constant when it is monotonically increasing or non-stationary. An autoregressive integrated (ARI) approach was developed in this thesis, with differentiation of two successive samples done to make the mean and variance constant and facilitate time series prediction of the swing curve. Electromagnetic transient simulations with a real-time digital simulator (RTDS) were used to test the accuracy of the proposed algorithm with respect to predicting transient in- stability conditions. The studies show that the proposed method is computationally efficient and accurate for larger power systems. The proposed technique was also compared with a conventional two blinder technique and swing center voltage method. The proposed method was also implemented with actual PMU measurements from a relay (General Electric (GE) N60 relay). The testing was carried out with an interface between the N60 relay and the RTDS. The WSCC 9 bus system was modeled in the simulator and the analog time signals from the optimal location in the network communicated to the N60 relay. The synchrophasor data from the PMUs in the N60 were used to back-calculate the rotor angles of the generators in the system. Once the coherency was established, the swing curves for the coherent group of generators were found from time series prediction (ARI model). The test results with the actual PMUs match quite well with the results obtained from virtual PMU-based testing in the RTDS. The calculation times for the time series prediction are also very small. This thesis also discusses a novel out-of-step detection technique that was investigated in the course of this work for an IEEE Power Systems Relaying Committee J-5 Working Group document using real-time measurements of generator accelerating power. Using the derivative or second derivative of a measurement variable significantly amplifies the noise term and has limited the actual application of some methods in the literature, such as local measurements of voltage or voltage deviations at generator terminals. Another problem with the voltage based methods is taking an average over a period; the intermediate values cancel out and, as a result, just the first and last sample values are used to find the speed. This effectively means that the sample values in between are not used. The first solution proposed to overcome this is a polynomial fitting of the points of the calculated derivative points (to calculate speed). The second solution is the integral of the accelerating power method (this eliminates taking a derivative altogether). This technique shows the direct relationship of electrical power deviation to rotor acceleration and the integral of accelerating power to generator speed deviation. The accelerating power changes are straightforward to measure and the values obtained are more stable during transient conditions. A single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system was used for the purpose of verifying the proposed local measurement based method

    Framework for a space shuttle main engine health monitoring system

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    A framework developed for a health management system (HMS) which is directed at improving the safety of operation of the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) is summarized. An emphasis was placed on near term technology through requirements to use existing SSME instrumentation and to demonstrate the HMS during SSME ground tests within five years. The HMS framework was developed through an analysis of SSME failure modes, fault detection algorithms, sensor technologies, and hardware architectures. A key feature of the HMS framework design is that a clear path from the ground test system to a flight HMS was maintained. Fault detection techniques based on time series, nonlinear regression, and clustering algorithms were developed and demonstrated on data from SSME ground test failures. The fault detection algorithms exhibited 100 percent detection of faults, had an extremely low false alarm rate, and were robust to sensor loss. These algorithms were incorporated into a hierarchical decision making strategy for overall assessment of SSME health. A preliminary design for a hardware architecture capable of supporting real time operation of the HMS functions was developed. Utilizing modular, commercial off-the-shelf components produced a reliable low cost design with the flexibility to incorporate advances in algorithm and sensor technology as they become available

    Trends in condition monitoring of pitch bearings

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    The value of wind power generation for energy sustainability in the future is undeniable. Since operation and maintenance activities take a sizeable portion of the cost associated with offshore wind turbines operation, strategies are needed to decrease this cost. One strategy, condition monitoring (CM) of wind turbines, allows the extension of useful life for several parts, which has generated great interest in the industry. One critical part are the pitch bearings, by virtue of the time and logistics involved in their maintenance tasks. As the complex working conditions of pitch bearings entail the need for diverse and innovative monitoring techniques, the classical bearing analysis techniques are notsuitable. This paper provides a literature review of several condition monitoring techniques, organized as follows: first, arranged according to the nature of the signal such as vibration, acoustic emission and others; second, arranged by relevant authors in compliance with signal nature. While little research has been found, an outline is significant for further contributions to the literature.Postprint (published version