367 research outputs found

    Input/output selection for planar tensegrity models

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    A systematic method of selecting sensors and actuators is produced, efficiently selecting inputs and outputs that guarantee a desired level of performance in the ∞-norm sense. The method employs an efficiently computable necessary and sufficient existence condition, using an effective search strategy. The search strategy is based on a method to generate all so-called minimal dependent sets. This method is applied to tensegrity structures. Tensegrity structures are a prime example for application of techniques that address structural problems, because they offer a lot of flexibility in choosing actuators/sensors and in choosing their mechanical structure. The selection method is demonstrated with results for a 3 stage planar tensegrity structure where all 26 tendons can be used as control device, be it actuator, sensor, or both, making up 52 devices from which to choose. In our set-up it is easy to require devices to be selected as colocated pairs, and to analyze the performance penalty associated with this restriction. Two performance criteria were explored, one is related to the dynamical stiffness of the structure, the other to vibration isolation. The optimal combinations of sensors and actuators depend on the design specifications and are really different for both performance criteria

    Input/output selection for planar tensegrity models

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    Input-output selection for planar tensegrity models

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    In silico case studies of compliant robots: AMARSI deliverable 3.3

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    In the deliverable 3.2 we presented how the morphological computing ap- proach can significantly facilitate the control strategy in several scenarios, e.g. quadruped locomotion, bipedal locomotion and reaching. In particular, the Kitty experimental platform is an example of the use of morphological computation to allow quadruped locomotion. In this deliverable we continue with the simulation studies on the application of the different morphological computation strategies to control a robotic system

    Integrated control/structure design for planar tensegrity models

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    A tensegrity structure is built using compressive members (bars) and tensile members (tendons). We discuss how an optimal and integrated design of tendon length control and topology/geometry of the structure can improve the stiffness and stiffness-to-mass properties of tensegrity systems. To illustrate our approach we apply it on a tensegrity system build up from several elementary stages that form a planar beam structure. The computations are done with a nonlinear programming approach and most design aspects (decentralized co-located control, static equilibrium, yield and buckling limits, force directionality, etc., both for the unloaded and loaded cases) are incorporated. Due to the way the control coefficients are constrained, this approach also delivers information for a proper choice of actuator or sensor locations: there is no need to control or sense the lengths of all tendons. From this work it becomes clear that certain actuator/sensor locations and certain topologies are clearly advantageous. For the minimal compliance objective in a planar tensegrity beam structure, proper tendons for control are those that are perpendicular to the disturbance force direction, close to the support, and relatively long, while good topologies are the ones that combine different nodal configurations in a tensegrity topology that is akin to a framed beam, but, when control is used, can be quite different from a classical truss structure

    A Better Way to Construct Tensegrities: Planar Embeddings Inform Tensegrity Assembly

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    Although seemingly simple, tensegrity structures are complex in nature which makes them both ideal for use in robotics and difficult to construct. We work to develop a protocol for constructing tensegrities more easily. We consider attaching a tensegrity\u27s springs to the appropriate locations on some planar arrangement of attached struts. Once all of the elements of the structure are connected, we release the struts and allow the tensegrity to find its equilibrium position. This will allow for more rapid tensegrity construction. We develop a black-box that given some tensegrity returns a flat-pack, or the information needed to perform this physical construction
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