195,176 research outputs found

    The impact of information technologies on learning and education: analysis of innovative methods and strategies

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    The present academic paper is devoted to studying the impact of information technologies on modern education and learning, as well as analyzing innovative methods and strategies used in the educational process. The academic paper explores the benefits and drawbacks of using information technologies in education and considers innovative techniques such as Flipped Classroom, adaptive learning, massive open online courses (MOOCs), specialized learning programs, and the application of virtual reality (VR). Based on the analysis of innovative methods and strategies, the scientific article examines how modern approaches are changing traditional education and contributing to the quality of learning. The research points to the necessity of integrating information technologies into the educational process and permanently improving methods to achieve better results in modern education. The academic paper also emphasizes that the application of information technologies in education requires careful planning and support for teachers and education seekers to use these tools effectively. In conclusion, the research points out that the information technologies not only transform the way of learning and education but also create new opportunities for improving the learning and development of education seekers

    On-line assessment for e-learning: options and opportunities

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    The desire to produce educational multi-media packages of ever greater sophistication is such that other, more problematic, elements of e- or on- line learning receive less attention by academics and courseware developers alike. One such problematic area is that of assessment, which is surprising, as e-learning assessment procedures are more critical in defining the learning that takes place. However, because e-learning can create a much richer, more varied active learning experience than would normally occur via the passive didactic teaching mode currently utilised in most universities and centred on the use of the lecture, it also has the potential to provide new and innovative assessments modes and systems. The extent to which the potential of innovatory assessment is realised via e-learning depends on two factors. First, the level of computer component and interactivity utilised in elearning. Second, the attitude of academic staff towards their teaching role, and, more specifically, how they operate within an elearning environment. The speed of the development in online technologies and techniques is such that the information given here will not provide all the answers, it should, nevertheless, enable some of the correct questions to be pose

    Human-AI Collaboration for Smart Education: Reframing Applied Learning to Support Metacognition

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    This chapter investigates the profound influence of intelligent virtual assistants (IVAs) on the educational domain, specifically in the realm of individualized learning and the instruction of writing abilities and content creation. IVAs, incorporating generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion, hold the potential to bring about a paradigm shift in educational programs, emphasizing the enhancement of advanced metacognitive capacities rather than the fundamentals of communication. The subsequent recommendations stress the need to cultivate enduring proficiencies and ascertain tailored learning approaches for each learner, which will be indispensable for success in the evolving job market. In this context, prompt engineering is emerging as a vital competency, while continuous reskilling and lifelong learning become professional requisites. The proposed innovative method for teaching writing skills and content generation advocates for a reconfiguration of curricula to concentrate on applied learning techniques that accentuate the value of contextual judgment as a central pedagogical tenet and the mastery of sophisticated metacognitive abilities, which will be pivotal in the future of work

    Modern innovative technologies of teaching students

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    The rapid development of innovative technologies has affected all spheres of modern society, including domestic higher education. The transition of universities to the implementation of the Federal state educational standard requires a significant adjustment of the system of training. This has determined the importance of changing the approaches to the educational-methodical and organizational-technical support of the educational process in higher education. New conditions dictate the need to modernize teaching methods and the transition to innovative technologies in education, significantly improving the quality of teaching, developing students ' ability to know a way around non-traditional, non-standard situations, to competently analyze the reality, to make the most favorable decisions, to work with a large flow of information and understand it well, to effectively solve problems. In addition, at the present stage of education development, it is important to search for such techniques and methods of teaching in higher education that would develop students’ general cultural and professional competence, develop critical and creative thinking, stimulate cognitive activity and independence, create conditions for student initiative, free exchange of views, opportunities to establish themselves, interact with both the teacher and each other. The article deals with the use of interactive technologies in higher school, which are associated with leading innovations in teaching methods and which involve the stimulation of cognitive activity and independence of students, contribute to the formation of their communication skills, the development of critical thinking, i.e. have great developmental and educational potential. The proposed methods of interactive learning can be used during lectures and seminars


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    Purpose. The article addresses the current problem of modern education related to the management of innovative development in the educational process at school. The study is dedicated to the theoretical and practical exploration of ways and techniques aimed at effective management of the innovative development of the educational process in schools. The content of the experimental work reveals three directions of innovative development in the educational institution, i.e., specialized education (socio-economic profile), creation of an inclusive environment, and the implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies at each level of education (the technology of developmental learning at the primary education level; the technology of critical thinking at the level of basic general education; the technologies of problem-based and project-based learning at the level of secondary general education). Method and methodology of the study. The foundation of the research consists of theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, as well as empirical methods. Results. The novelty of the study lies in the development of an organizational-functional model for managing the innovative development of the school's educational process, which consists of five blocks, i.e., conceptual-target, analytical, organizational-managerial, procedural, and analytical-generalizing ones. The practical significance includes the outlined stages and activities in the study at each stage, which will enhance the effectiveness of the educational process. Practical implications of the results: The obtained results are advisable to be applied in educational institutions of the LPR (Luhansk People's Republic) as well as the Russian Federation

    Virtual reality in theatre education and design practice - new developments and applications

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    The global use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has already established new approaches to theatre education and research, shifting traditional methods of knowledge delivery towards a more visually enhanced experience, which is especially important for teaching scenography. In this paper, I examine the role of multimedia within the field of theatre studies, with particular focus on the theory and practice of theatre design and education. I discuss various IT applications that have transformed the way we experience, learn and co-create our cultural heritage. I explore a suite of rapidly developing communication and computer-visualization techniques that enable reciprocal exchange between students, theatre performances and artefacts. Eventually, I analyse novel technology-mediated teaching techniques that attempt to provide a new media platform for visually enhanced information transfer. My findings indicate that the recent developments in the personalization of knowledge delivery, and also in student-centred study and e-learning, necessitate the transformation of the learners from passive consumers of digital products to active and creative participants in the learning experience

    The activity approach implementation in the formation of students’ general technical competencies

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    Intensive reform of the higher education system requires a significant modernization of pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques used in the implementation of educational standards for the preparation of bachelors and specialists in all sectors of the economy. The practice of training engineering specialists for the agricultural sector of a region with a developed mining sector of the economy reveals deep roots of the objectively existing contradictions mentioned above. This article provides a summary of research results obtained during classes in the following disciplines of the general professional cycle: Resistance of Materials, Machine Parts, Engineering Technology. New paradigm of competency-based, activity approaches to the level of higher education should be adequately expressed by new pedagogical, educational and methodological developments. The modern educational and equipment status of most educational institutions allows active realizing innovative pedagogical technologies and methods, the effectiveness of which increases when they adapt to the mental characteristics of certain categories of students. The article outlines the main features for the development and implementation of practice-oriented classes activating and stimulating students' cognitive interest in mastering the necessary professional competencies in the study of general technical disciplines. The emergence and further maintenance of learning interest in the study of general technical disciplines by the rural youth among the students requires a full consideration of their personal experience, the mentality of a person brought up in the circumstances of purely practical everyday life. Therefore, a significant increase in the share of practice-oriented classes using the methods and techniques of the activity approach is probably the only way to stimulate and maintain the students’ learning interest

    A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Reuse of Open Learning Resources

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    Educational standards are having a significant impact on e-Learning. They allow for better exchange of information among different organizations and institutions. They simplify reusing and repurposing learning materials. They give teachers the possibility of personalizing them according to the student’s background and learning speed. Thanks to these standards, off-the-shelf content can be adapted to a particular student cohort’s context and learning needs. The same course content can be presented in different languages. Overall, all the parties involved in the learning-teaching process (students, teachers and institutions) can benefit from these standards and so online education can be improved. To materialize the benefits of standards, learning resources should be structured according to these standards. Unfortunately, there is the problem that a large number of existing e-Learning materials lack the intrinsic logical structure required, and further, when they have the structure, they are not encoded as required. These problems make it virtually impossible to share these materials. This thesis addresses the following research question: How to make the best use of existing open learning resources available on the Internet by taking advantage of educational standards and specifications and thus improving content reusability?In order to answer this question, I combine different technologies, techniques and standards that make the sharing of publicly available learning resources possible in innovative ways. I developed and implemented a three-stage tool to tackle the above problem. By applying information extraction techniques and open e-Learning standards to legacy learning resources the tool has proven to improve content reusability. In so doing, it contributes to the understanding of how these technologies can be used in real scenarios and shows how online education can benefit from them. In particular, three main components were created which enable the conversion process from unstructured educational content into a standard compliant form in a systematic and automatic way. An increasing number of repositories with educational resources are available, including Wikiversity and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseware. Wikivesity is an open repository containing over 6,000 learning resources in several disciplines and for all age groups [1]. I used the OpenCourseWare repository to evaluate the effectiveness of my software components and ideas. The results show that it is possible to create standard compliant learning objects from the publicly available web pages, improving their searchability, interoperability and reusability
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