8 research outputs found

    DevOps Main Area and Core Capabilities Adopting DevOps in the Last Decade: A Systematic Literature Review

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    DevOps is a collaboration between software development and operation that utilizes frameworks like continuous integration, microservices, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment for an agile software development process. DevOps has principles like automation, iteration, and continuous release and development. This research aims to know DevOps development in the last decade and know how potentially adopt the DevOps development process. This study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method to locate, evaluate, and summarize pertinent works that were published in the public domain between 2012-2022. The result of this review will be used by researchers and practitioners as a piece of knowledge about the DevOps core capabilities and main areas of DevOps from adopting DevOps in the last decade

    Critical success factors for DevOps adoption in information systems development

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    Adopting DevOps is challenging since it makes a significant paradigm shift in the Information Systems Development process. DevOps is a trending approach attached to the Agile Software Development Methodology, which facilitates adaptation to the customers' rapidly-changing requirements. It keeps one front step by introducing software operators who support the transmission between software and implementation into the software development team by confirming faster development, quality assurance, and easy maintenance of Information Systems (IS). However, software development companies reported challenges in adopting DevOps. It is critical to control those challenges while getting hold of the benefits by studying Critical Success Factors (CSF) for adopting DevOps. This study aimed to analyze the use of DevOps approach in IS developments by exploring CSFs of DevOps. A systematic literature review was applied to identify CSFs. These factors were confirmed by interviewing DevOps practitioners while identifying more frequent CSFs in the software development industry. Finally, the research presents a conceptual model for CSFs of DevOps, which is a guide to reap the DevOps benefits while reducing the hurdles for enhancing the success of IS. The conceptual model presents CSFs of DevOps by grouping them into four areas: collaborative culture, DevOps practices, proficient DevOps team, and metrics & measurement

    Critical success factors for DevOps adoption in information systems development

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    Adopting DevOps is challenging since it makes a significant paradigm shift in the Information Systems Development process. DevOps is a trending approach attached to the Agile Software Development Methodology, which facilitates adaptation to the customers\u27 rapidly-changing requirements. It keeps one front step by introducing software operators who support the transmission between software and implementation into the software development team by confirming faster development, quality assurance, and easy maintenance of Information Systems. However, software development companies reported challenges in adopting DevOps. It is critical to control those challenges while getting hold of the benefits by studying Critical Success Factors (CSF) for adopting DevOps. This study aimed to analyze the use of DevOps approach in IS developments by exploring CSFs of DevOps. A systematic literature review was applied to identify CSFs. These factors were confirmed by interviewing DevOps practitioners while identifying more frequent CSFs in the software development industry. Finally, the research presents a conceptual model for CSFs of DevOps, which is a guide to reap the DevOps benefits while reducing the hurdles for enhancing the success of Information Systems. The conceptual model presents CSFs of DevOps by grouping them into four areas: collaborative culture, DevOps practices, proficient DevOps team, and Metrics & Measurement

    Critical success factors for DevOps adoption in information systems development

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    Adopting DevOps is challenging since it makes a significant paradigm shift in the Information Systems Development process. DevOps is a trending approach attached to the Agile Software Development Methodology, which facilitates adaptation to the customers' rapidly-changing requirements. It keeps one front step by introducing software operators who support the transmission between software and implementation into the software development team by confirming faster development, quality assurance, and easy maintenance of Information Systems (IS). However, software development companies reported challenges in adopting DevOps. It is critical to control those challenges while getting hold of the benefits by studying Critical Success Factors (CSF) for adopting DevOps. This study aimed to analyze the use of DevOps approach in IS developments by exploring CSFs of DevOps. A systematic literature review was applied to identify CSFs. These factors were confirmed by interviewing DevOps practitioners while identifying more frequent CSFs in the software development industry. Finally, the research presents a conceptual model for CSFs of DevOps, which is a guide to reap the DevOps benefits while reducing the hurdles for enhancing the success of IS. The conceptual model presents CSFs of DevOps by grouping them into four areas: collaborative culture, DevOps practices, proficient DevOps team, and metrics & measurement

    DevOps and information technology service management: A problem management case study

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    The use of DevOps is a predominant attribute of businesses engaged in the development and maintenance of Information Technology systems. Although literature exploring DevOps practices has expanded, there is still much unexplored territory on its operational ramifications. This is particularly observed when considering their potential impact on ITSM frameworks such as ITIL, which governs Operations. This research aims to establish how DevOps principles and practices can be applied to Problem Management, a core Service Management process. Specifically, it explores which DevOps practices may be used throughout the Problem lifecycle, as well as benefits which may result from them. An exploratory case study was carried out with the participation of Problem Managers operating in a DevOps environment. Three data collection methods were applied: Semi structured interviews, in which participants described their experience and insight in relation to DevOps and Problem Management; documental analysis and observation, where processes and workflows were examined; and a focus group exercise in which study outcomes were discussed and systematized. This research indicates that DevOps practices have varying degrees of significance for a Problem Management process. Practices associated with continuous planning and collaboration are prone to having greater significance in a Problem lifecycle, with the potential of enabling benefits such as quicker Problem identification, higher quality Root Cause Analysis, and improved resolution times. The novelty of insight gathered in this study benefits both academics, through its contribution to an expanding body of knowledge, and professionals, considering the practical and applicable nature of findings. Future work is also presented.A utilização de metodologias DevOps é hoje uma característica predominante de organizações envolvidas no desenvolvimento e manutenção de sistemas de Tecnologia e Informação. Apesar da crescente produção de literatura a examinar práticas DevOps, existe muito território por explorar referente às suas ramificações a nível operacional. Isto é particularmente notável quando se consideram potenciais interações com frameworks de ITSM como o ITIL, que governam Operações. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estabelecer quais princípios e práticas DevOps podem ser aplicadas na Gestão de Problemas, um processo central para a Gestão de Serviços. Especificamente, exploramos quais práticas DevOps podem ser utilizadas ao longo do ciclo de vida de um Problema, tal como que benefícios poderão resultar da sua aplicação. Um caso de estudo exploratório foi realizado com a participação de Gestores de Problemas a operar num ambiente DevOps. Três métodos de recolha de dados foram aplicados: Entrevistas semiestruturadas, onde participantes descreveram a sua experiência e conhecimento em relação a DevOps e Gestão de Problemas; análise documental e observação, onde processos operacionais foram examinados; e uma discussão em grupo onde resultados do estudo foram discutidos e sistematizados. Esta investigação indica que práticas DevOps tem variados níveis de significância para um processo de Gestão de Problemas. Práticas associadas ao planeamento contínuo e colaboração tendem a ter maior significância no ciclo de vida de um Problema, com potencial para gerar benefícios como a mais rápida identificação de Problemas, maior qualidade na análise de causa, e melhorias nos tempos de resolução. As conclusões apresentadas neste estudo trazem benefícios tanto para académicos, expandindo o corpo de conhecimento disponível sobre o tema, como para profissionais, considerando a sua natureza prática e aplicável. Direções para trabalho futuro são também apresentadas

    Innovative practices for knowledge sharing in large-scale DevOps

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    Agile development methods and DevOps require adaptation during implementation to meet the needs of a constantly changing software development environment. The emergence of knowledge-sharing practices for large-scale DevOps has not been the subject of much research. Our in-depth case study, comprising 106 interviews at a large multinational company operating in a DevOps at scale environment, identified a number of innovative practices which had emerged, principally to resolve knowledge-sharing challenges. These practices seem to be more likely to emerge in large-scale DevOps environments. While similar results might have been achieved due to the large-scale nature of the projects, it is difficult to determine definitively whether the main causal factor is project size or DevOps. We believe that self-organization and continuous improvement over a long period of time are also critical influencing factors

    Adoption of IT Governance Strategies for Multiproduct DevOps Teams: A Correlational Quantitative Study

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    Many multiproduct delivery organizations have difficulty adopting Information Technology (IT) governance practices within their Development and Operations (DevOps) teams. IT leaders who are managing DevOps teams, need to understand the factors influencing IT governance (ITG) adoption; otherwise this may impact DevOps maturity, resulting in reduced product delivery capabilities. Grounded in the technology acceptance model, the purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the relationship between performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), social influence (SI), and facilitating conditions (FC), as moderated by experience (EXP), gender (GND), age (AGE), and voluntariness of use (VOL) with behavioral intention (BI) to adopt and use (USE) IT governance (ITG), within their organizations. The participants (n=205) were IT leaders in various global professional LinkedIn groups, who specialized in DevOps and ITG-related frameworks. The results of the partial least squares analysis indicated that PE (p1=.234) and SI (p3=.655) have a positive correlation with the DevOps leaders’ BI to adopt ITG (R2=.692). FC (p4=.753) positively correlates with the adoption and USE of ITG (R2=.677). IT leaders who intend to use ITG practices (BI) in order to enhance DevOps capabilities need to engage relevant stakeholders (SI) through specific KPIs related to product delivery (PE) whilst leveraging ITG and DevOps expertise. Furthermore, ITG adoption is facilitated (FC) when implemented early in the DevOps transformation. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve organizational culture and increase product quality through a sustainable IT environment

    Infrastructure as Code Strategies and Benefits in Cloud Computing

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    Hybrid and multicloud infrastructure implementation without automation and versioning strategy can negatively impact organizations’ productivity. Organization leaders must ensure that infrastructures are implemented using the infrastructure as code (IaC) strategy because implementation solutions, including automated and DevOps procedures, provide assets for repeatable infrastructure implementation use cases. Grounded in the disruptive innovation theory, the purpose of this qualitative pragmatic inquiry study was to explore strategies solution architects use to implement IaC architecture using repeatable assets with DevOps procedures in cloud computing. The participants were seven solution architects in the information technology (IT) industry within the United States who have successfully implemented IaC in hybrid and multicloud within the past 3 years in cloud computing with DevOps procedures. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, a focus group, and IT industry documents. The data analysis processes were analyzed using thematic analysis Eight themes emerged: IaC benefits, IaC cloud computing models, IaC cloud service providers, IaC configuration best practices, IaC DevOps practices, IaC implementation tools, IaC Kubernetes platforms, and IT infrastructure design practices. A specific recommendation is for organizational leaders to implement the IaC approach as it offers sustaining and disruptive innovation benefits, in addition, space agencies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA), et al., could use this study in their mission infrastructures. The implications for positive social change include the potential to make the user application offerings affordable as it supports IT innovation in hybrid and multicloud globally