328 research outputs found

    Innovation Mobs - Unlocking the Innovation Potential of Virtual Communities

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    This paper investigates design elements for innovation contests in order to unlock the innovation potential of temporary virtual communities. Open innovation in general and particularly innovation contests have recently received considerable attention in research. Still, there has been mostly generic theorizing on the design of innovation contests to foster innovative output. Findings from an in-depth case studies in the shoe industry reveal a design with two players, the organizer and the potential participants, a temporarily very active virtual community which we denote ‘innovation mob’. With our paper, we contribute to the fields of virtual communities and open innovation by proposing a systematic approach, structured along five stages, from preparation to follow-up

    Modernity, mobility and the digital divides

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    The phrase ‘digital divide’ has been crucial over the last ten years in focusing attention and resources on the issues of access to and use of ICT, including e-learning, by a succession of excluded and marginal individuals and communities. This paper argues however that this is now a dangerously simplistic notion, especially in societies characterised by the postmodernity that has been catalysed by increasing mobility. The paper provides an introduction to some of the ideas and issues

    Innovation Contests – Where are we?

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    Innovation contests in their basic structure have a long-standing tradition and can be attributed to continuously gain in importance as a corporate practice. A deep understanding of this online instrument, however, is still lacking. Contrary to other methods used to realize open innovation, research in the field of online innovation contests displays a growing, but only rudimentarily intertwined body of publications. This paper provides the essential systematization of the field, integrating both, academic knowledge and business deployment. Juxtaposing 33 relevant journal and conference publications with empirical basis and an analysis of 57 real-world innovation contests, we highlight interesting disruptions and distill six pathways for future research. These cover the optimal degree of elaboration, the interplay of competition and community, the importance of community applications, the trajectory towards open evaluation, and the identification of additional design elements

    Opening up innovation processes through contests in the food sector

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how an adequate mix of technological, organisational and managerial tools might support Open Innovation (OI) processes achieved by contests in the food sector. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology of this paper is exploratory in nature. Data have been gathered about the 140 innovation contests launched by the best global food brands (2013 BusinessWeek/Interbrand Best Global Brands) over the last decade. Findings: The research highlights the main changes that have occurred over the last decade, showing that the choice of platform type for contest launches is often neglected or considered as an ancillary element. Indeed, it is a choice that embeds another set of technological, organisational and managerial tools that strongly influence the collaborative behaviour (and the participation itself) of partners throughout the innovation process. Research limitations/implications: Companies investigated in this paper consist exclusively of top brands in the sector. Future research should strive to obtain larger samples, develop a set of fine-grained hypotheses, and test them by using appropriate statistical techniques. Originality/value: This paper fills an inexplicable gap in academic literature due to the fact that food companies are those that mainly use contests in order to implement OI but they are scarcely researched regarding this issue

    Mortgaging the Meme: Financing and Managing Disruptive Innovation

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    Traditional financing of innovative companies emphasizes the use of patents and associated intellectual property rights to secure debt and provide assets for valuation. Although the model suffices for incremental innovation, it does not account for investments in disruptive innovation, those that undermine traditional business models, supply chains or industry relationships. Disruptive innovation can be described as the introduction of a new conceptual idea or meme into an existing system that causes the system to be fundamentally altered. Assembly lines, air conditioning, digital film, and personal computers represent such innovations, all of which led to fundamental paradigm shifts. The convergence of globalization, a networked economy, and digital technologies have made disruptive innovation a threat in almost every industry. Changes to publishing, music, and television distribution – along with the rise of social media – highlight this transformation, but they are not alone; manufacturing, retail, payment systems, transportation and other industries are struggling with volatile upheaval caused by such change. Disruptive innovation, however, follows predictable patterns. Investors can anticipate these shifts if their financial transactions are properly structured and effectively documented. The model requires a holistic intellectual property approach which looks beyond just patents. It must explicitly incorporate the underlying meme, and it must account for the inflection points in the transformation pattern. Utilizing this model, inventors, private equity investment structures and established firms can maximize value and promote innovation. This article provides an overview of disruptive innovation from examples of the past decade, identify the underlying patterns of change common to disruptive innovation, highlight strategies to mitigate disruption for existing industry, and address the intellectual property securitization aspects to structure effective deals for both the investors and innovators

    Competitive market innovation contests and social capital: diametrically opposed, or inherently linked?

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    Competitive market innovation contest platforms are increasingly used by businesses to identify new products or services to offer their customer base; yet, the degree to which social capital has been explored within these online communities remains scarce. While there is ample support for the presence of social capital within other forms of virtual communities to facilitate knowledge sharing, competitive markets represent a unique setting given the inherent competitive nature of their contest solvers. This has led to a distinct lack of prior research exploring this area, especially as previous studies have chosen to focus instead on social capital vis-à-vis solver motivation rather than a standalone theory. We investigate six competitive markets from the perspective of their experts to explore how the three dimensions of social capital have a role within this setting: (1) the structural dimension (involving social ties), (2) the relational dimension (involving trust, reciprocity and self-identity), and (3) the cognitive dimension (involving shared language and shared vision). Through this study, we present a theoretical model of both the emergent themes and the net impacts of social capital within competitive markets, and discuss its implications for both IS research and practice

    A new frontier for the study of the commons:Open-source hardware

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    A new frontier for the study of the commons:Open-source hardware

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    The web 2.0 Internet: Democratized Internet collaborations in the healthcare sector

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    Les col•laboracions democratitzades a Internet, entenent-les com les eines participatives de la xarxa, o la Web 2.0, afecten en l'actualitat a nombrosos aspectes la nostra vida. Els acadèmics destaquen el potencial de la Web 2.0 per millorar l’aprenentatge o la salut, així com el seu continu impacte en sectors com el de la tecnologia de mitjans de comunicació. També plantegen un gran nombre de qüestions importants als professionals i estudiosos. Per exemple, la consideració crítica de la Web 2.0 com una bombolla o bé com un element més del màrqueting, que necessita d'una determinació del seu abast i naturalesa. Aquest mateix punt és aplicable a l'ús de la Web 2.0 en el sector sanitari, també anomenat com Medicina 2.0 o Sanitat 2.0. Referent a això, considerant el risc que el contingut generat per altres usuaris sigui utilitzat per prendre decisions relatives a la salut, i tenint en compte l'eficàcia no provada de la Web 2.0 com a instrument de la política sanitària, els acadèmics del tema conviden a la definició de millors models que es puguin aplicar a l'ús pràctic d'aquesta eina. Aquesta tesi es centra en l'estudi d'aquestes qüestions fonamentals, en un camp que es mou a gran velocitat, per darrera de la pràctica real, i que requereix la concertació d'una investigació interdisciplinària. Per tant, aquesta tesi incorpora set obres diferents que ofereixen àmplies perspectives sobre l'ús d'eines de col•laboració en la xarxa en el camp de l'atenció sanitària, cadascuna analitzant el tema amb una profunditat suficient com per seguir sent rellevant en un camp en ràpida evolució. Aquestes obres inclouen un examen d'(1) la Web 2.0 i (2) la Medicina 2.0, utilitzant l'anàlisi del contingut de milions de converses de la xarxa per identificar les principals qüestions pràctiques o teòriques i les tensions subjacents a cada concepte. Dos estudis addicionals analitzen (3) com i per què els metges fan servir les eines de la Web 2.0, i (4) com els metges busquen la informació en aquest context en constant moviment com és el d'Internet. Aquests dos estudis es basen en enquestes, diaris i entrevistes amb els metges que treballen en el Servei Nacional de Salut del Regne Unit. Tots dos destaquen resultats importants com ara models per a l'ús de la Medicina 2.0, o contribucions importants a la literatura com la connexió de la recerca cognitiva en la xarxa i la valoració de la informació en xarxa, tots dos camps sense connexió amb anterioritat a aquest treball. Tres estudis addicionals analitzen la web 2.0 des d'una perspectiva organitzacional, incloent (5) un estudi dels models de disseny de l'ús de la Web 2.0 en el sector farmacèutic, el qual detalla els millors models de pràctiques d'ús, i la seva clara relació amb els models de disseny de codi obert, i (6) també les estratègies d'innovació oberta al sector farmacèutic, on les eines de col•laboració en la xarxa permeten aquest tipus d'estratègies. Els dos últims estudis fan servir entrevistes amb 120 executius del sector farmacèutic analitzats a través d'anàlisi temàtic. Tots dos fan contribucions importants a la literatura mitjançant la caracterització de les estratègies d'innovació oberta i les implicacions per generar la capacitat d'absorció en el context d'innovació oberta. L'últim estudi (7) examina la Medicina 2.0 des de la perspectiva dels proveïdors de serveis de salut, per ajudar a la gestió d'ús de la Web 2.0 com un instrument per a millorar l’atenció sanitària. En general, hi ha moltes contribucions importants a la literatura, que en conjunt aconsegueixen ampliar el panorama de la Web 2.0 en l'assistència sanitària, i aporten consideracions especifiques a la literatura que abasta els sistemes d'informació, les ciències de la informació i la informàtica mèdica , així com la innovació oberta i l'estratègia. Las colaboraciones democratizadas en Internet, entendiéndolas como las herramientas participativas de la red o la Web 2.0, afectan en la actualidad a numerosos aspectos nuestra vida. Los académicos destacan el potencial de la Web 2.0 para mejorar el eAprendizaje o la salud, así como su continuo impacto en sectores como el de la tecnología de medios de comunicación. También plantean un gran número de cuestiones importantes a los profesionales y estudiosos. Por ejemplo, la consideración crítica de la Web 2.0 como una burbuja o bien como un elemento más del marketing, que necesita de una determinación de su alcance y naturaleza. Este mismo punto es aplicable al uso de la Web 2.0 en el sector sanitario, también denominado como Medicina 2.0 o Sanitad 2.0. A este respecto y considerando el riesgo de que el contenido generado por otros usuarios sea utilizado para tomar decisiones relativas a la salud, y la eficacia no probada de la Web 2.0 como instrumento de la política sanitaria; los académicos del tema invitan a la definición de mejores modelos que se puedan aplicar al uso práctico de esta herramienta. Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de estas cuestiones fundamentales, en un campo que se mueve a gran velocidad, por detrás de la práctica real, y que requiere la concertación de una investigación interdisciplinaria. Por lo tanto, esta tesis incorpora siete obras distintas que ofrecen amplias perspectivas sobre el uso de herramientas de colaboración en la red en el campo de la atención sanitaria, cada una analizando el tema con una profundidad suficiente como para seguir siendo relevante en un campo en rápida evolución. Estas obras incluyen un examen de (1) la Web 2.0 y (2) la Medicina 2.0, utilizando el análisis del contenido de millones de conversaciones de la red, para identificar las principales cuestiones prácticas o teóricas y las tensiones que subyacen a cada concepto. Dos estudios adicionales analizan (3) cómo y por qué los médicos usan las herramientas de la Web 2.0, y (4) cómo los médicos buscan la información en este contexto en constante movimiento como es el de Internet. Estos dos estudios se basan en encuestas, diarios y entrevistas con los médicos que trabajan en el Servicio Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido. Ambos destacan resultados importantes tales como modelos para el uso de la Medicina 2.0, o contribuciones importantes a la literatura como la conexión de la búsqueda cognitiva en la red y la valoración de la información en red, ambos campos sin conexión con anterioridad al presente trabajo.Tres estudios adicionales analizan la Web 2.0 desde una perspectiva organizacional, incluyendo (5) un estudio de los modelos de diseño del uso de la Web 2.0 en el sector farmacéutico, el cual detalla los mejores modelos de prácticas de uso, y su clara relación con los modelos de diseño de la open source, y (6) y también las estrategias de innovación abierta en el sector farmacéutico donde las herramientas de colaboración en la red permiten este tipo de estrategias. Los dos últimos estudios emplean entrevistas con 120 ejecutivos del sector farmacéutico analizados a través de análisis temático. Ambos hacen contribuciones importantes a la literatura mediante la caracterización de las estrategias de innovación abierta y las implicaciones para generar la capacidad de absorción en el contexto de innovación abierta. El último estudio (7) examina la Medicina 2.0 desde la perspectiva de los proveedores de servicios de salud, para ayudar a la gestión de uso de la Web 2.0 como un instrumento para la gestión de una mejor atención sanitaria. En general, hay muchas contribuciones importantes a la literatura, que en conjunto logran ampliar el panorama de la Web 2.0 en la asistencia sanitaria, y aportan consideraciones específicas a la literatura que abarca los sistemas de información, las ciencias de la información, la informática médica, así como la innovación abierta y la estrategia.Democratized internet collaborations, referring to participatory online tools or Web 2.0, now impact many aspects of people’s lives. Scholars note Web 2.0’s potential to improve eLearning or healthcare, and its ongoing impact in sectors such as tech-media. They also raise a plethora of important questions for practitioners and scholars, such as the criticism of Web 2.0 as hype or marketing term, which necessitates some determination of the scope and nature of Web 2.0. This holds equally for Web 2.0’s use in health care, denoted as Medicine 2.0 or Health 2.0. Moreover, given the risks of people using user-generated content for health decisions, and its unproven effectiveness as a health policy tool, scholars have called for best practice models of use. This thesis addresses these fundamental issues, in a field that is fast moving, behind actual practice, and that requires concerted inter-disciplinary research. Therefore, this thesis incorporates seven distinct works that provide broad perspectives on the use of online collaboration tools in healthcare, each analyzing a specific topic in enough depth to remain relevant in a fast moving field. These works include an examination of (1) Web 2.0 and (2) Medicine 2.0, using content analysis of millions of online conversations to surface the major practical or theoretical issues and tensions that underpin each concept. Two further studies examine (3) how and why doctors use Web 2.0 tools, and (4) how doctors search or forage for information in this evolving internet environment. These two studies rely on surveys, diaries and interviews from doctors working in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). Both highlight important results, such as models for Medicine 2.0 use, or make important contributions to literature such as connecting the previously separate cognitive online search and internet information judgment literatures. Three further studies examine Web 2.0 from an organizational perspective, including (5) design patterns of Web 2.0’s use in global Pharma, which details best practice models of use and its clear link to Open Source design patterns, and (6) global Pharma’s Open Innovation strategies, where online collaboration tools enable these strategies. The latter two studies employ interviews with 120 pharmaceutical executives analyzed through thematic analysis. They make major contributions to literature by characterizing open innovation strategies and gleaning implications for Absorptive Capacity in the Open Innovation context. The final study (7) examines Medicine 2.0 form the perspective of health service providers, informing management using eHealth as an instrument for improved healthcare management. Overall, there are many major contributions to literature, which together achieve both a broad overview of Web 2.0 in healthcare, but also make specific additions to literature encompassing information systems, information science, medical informatics, and open innovation and strategy