4 research outputs found

    Embeddings of Ree unitals in a projective plane over a field

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    We show that the Ree unital R(q)\mathcal{R}(q) has an embedding in a projective plane over a field FF if and only if q=3q=3 and F8\mathbb{F}_8 is a subfield of FF. In this case, the embedding is unique up to projective linear transformations. Besides elementary calculations, our proof uses the classification of the maximal subgroups of the simple Ree groups

    Blocking and double blocking sets in finite planes

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    In this paper, by using properties of Baer subplanes, we describe the construction of a minimal blocking set in the Hall plane of order q(2) of size q(2) + 2q + 2 admitting 1-,2-,3-,4-, (q + 1)- and (q + 2)-secants. As a corollary, we obtain the existence of a minimal blocking set of a non-Desarguesian affine plane of order q(2) of size at most 4q(2)/3 + 5q/3, which is considerably smaller than 2q(2) - 1, the Jamison bound for the size of a minimal blocking set in an affine Desarguesian plane of order q(2). We also consider particular Andre planes of order q, where q is a power of the prime p, and give a construction of a small minimal blocking set which admits a secant line not meeting the blocking set in 1 mod p points. Furthermore, we elaborate on the connection of this problem with the study of value sets of certain polynomials and with the construction of small double blocking sets in Desarguesian projective planes; in both topics we provide some new results

    Inherited conics in Hall planes

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    The existence of ovals and hyperovals is an old question in the theory of non-Desarguesian planes. The aim of this paper is to describe when a conic of PG(2,q) remains an arc in the Hall plane obtained by derivation. Some combinatorial properties of the inherited conics are obtained also in those cases when it is not an arc. The key ingredient of the proof is an old lemma by Segre–Korchmáros on Desargues configurations with perspective triangles inscribed in a conic

    Inherited unitals in Moulton planes

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    We prove that every Moulton plane of odd order-by duality every generalised André plane-contains a unital. We conjecture that such unitals are non-classical, that is, they are not isomorphic, as designs, to the Hermitian unital. We prove our conjecture for Moulton planes which differ from PG(2, q2) by a relatively small number of point-line incidences. Up to duality, our results extend previous analogous results-due to Barwick and Grünin-concerning inherited unitals in Hall planes