4,353 research outputs found

    Inheritance-Based Diversity Measures for Explicit Convergence Control in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Diversity is an important factor in evolutionary algorithms to prevent premature convergence towards a single local optimum. In order to maintain diversity throughout the process of evolution, various means exist in literature. We analyze approaches to diversity that (a) have an explicit and quantifiable influence on fitness at the individual level and (b) require no (or very little) additional domain knowledge such as domain-specific distance functions. We also introduce the concept of genealogical diversity in a broader study. We show that employing these approaches can help evolutionary algorithms for global optimization in many cases.Comment: GECCO '18: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2018, Kyoto, Japa

    Improved sampling of the pareto-front in multiobjective genetic optimizations by steady-state evolution: a Pareto converging genetic algorithm

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    Previous work on multiobjective genetic algorithms has been focused on preventing genetic drift and the issue of convergence has been given little attention. In this paper, we present a simple steady-state strategy, Pareto Converging Genetic Algorithm (PCGA), which naturally samples the solution space and ensures population advancement towards the Pareto-front. PCGA eliminates the need for sharing/niching and thus minimizes heuristically chosen parameters and procedures. A systematic approach based on histograms of rank is introduced for assessing convergence to the Pareto-front, which, by definition, is unknown in most real search problems. We argue that there is always a certain inheritance of genetic material belonging to a population, and there is unlikely to be any significant gain beyond some point; a stopping criterion where terminating the computation is suggested. For further encouraging diversity and competition, a nonmigrating island model may optionally be used; this approach is particularly suited to many difficult (real-world) problems, which have a tendency to get stuck at (unknown) local minima. Results on three benchmark problems are presented and compared with those of earlier approaches. PCGA is found to produce diverse sampling of the Pareto-front without niching and with significantly less computational effort

    On the evolutionary optimisation of many conflicting objectives

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    This inquiry explores the effectiveness of a class of modern evolutionary algorithms, represented by Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA) components, for solving optimisation tasks with many conflicting objectives. Optimiser behaviour is assessed for a grid of mutation and recombination operator configurations. Performance maps are obtained for the dual aims of proximity to, and distribution across, the optimal trade-off surface. Performance sweet-spots for both variation operators are observed to contract as the number of objectives is increased. Classical settings for recombination are shown to be suitable for small numbers of objectives but correspond to very poor performance for higher numbers of objectives, even when large population sizes are used. Explanations for this behaviour are offered via the concepts of dominance resistance and active diversity promotion

    Self-adaptive fitness in evolutionary processes

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    Most optimization algorithms or methods in artificial intelligence can be regarded as evolutionary processes. They start from (basically) random guesses and produce increasingly better results with respect to a given target function, which is defined by the process's designer. The value of the achieved results is communicated to the evolutionary process via a fitness function that is usually somewhat correlated with the target function but does not need to be exactly the same. When the values of the fitness function change purely for reasons intrinsic to the evolutionary process, i.e., even though the externally motivated goals (as represented by the target function) remain constant, we call that phenomenon self-adaptive fitness. We trace the phenomenon of self-adaptive fitness back to emergent goals in artificial chemistry systems, for which we develop a new variant based on neural networks. We perform an in-depth analysis of diversity-aware evolutionary algorithms as a prime example of how to effectively integrate self-adaptive fitness into evolutionary processes. We sketch the concept of productive fitness as a new tool to reason about the intrinsic goals of evolution. We introduce the pattern of scenario co-evolution, which we apply to a reinforcement learning agent competing against an evolutionary algorithm to improve performance and generate hard test cases and which we also consider as a more general pattern for software engineering based on a solid formal framework. Multiple connections to related topics in natural computing, quantum computing and artificial intelligence are discovered and may shape future research in the combined fields.Die meisten Optimierungsalgorithmen und die meisten Verfahren in Bereich künstlicher Intelligenz können als evolutionäre Prozesse aufgefasst werden. Diese beginnen mit (prinzipiell) zufällig geratenen Lösungskandidaten und erzeugen dann immer weiter verbesserte Ergebnisse für gegebene Zielfunktion, die der Designer des gesamten Prozesses definiert hat. Der Wert der erreichten Ergebnisse wird dem evolutionären Prozess durch eine Fitnessfunktion mitgeteilt, die normalerweise in gewissem Rahmen mit der Zielfunktion korreliert ist, aber auch nicht notwendigerweise mit dieser identisch sein muss. Wenn die Werte der Fitnessfunktion sich allein aus für den evolutionären Prozess intrinsischen Gründen ändern, d.h. auch dann, wenn die extern motivierten Ziele (repräsentiert durch die Zielfunktion) konstant bleiben, nennen wir dieses Phänomen selbst-adaptive Fitness. Wir verfolgen das Phänomen der selbst-adaptiven Fitness zurück bis zu künstlichen Chemiesystemen (artificial chemistry systems), für die wir eine neue Variante auf Basis neuronaler Netze entwickeln. Wir führen eine tiefgreifende Analyse diversitätsbewusster evolutionärer Algorithmen durch, welche wir als Paradebeispiel für die effektive Integration von selbst-adaptiver Fitness in evolutionäre Prozesse betrachten. Wir skizzieren das Konzept der produktiven Fitness als ein neues Werkzeug zur Untersuchung von intrinsischen Zielen der Evolution. Wir führen das Muster der Szenarien-Ko-Evolution (scenario co-evolution) ein und wenden es auf einen Agenten an, der mittels verstärkendem Lernen (reinforcement learning) mit einem evolutionären Algorithmus darum wetteifert, seine Leistung zu erhöhen bzw. härtere Testszenarien zu finden. Wir erkennen dieses Muster auch in einem generelleren Kontext als formale Methode in der Softwareentwicklung. Wir entdecken mehrere Verbindungen der besprochenen Phänomene zu Forschungsgebieten wie natural computing, quantum computing oder künstlicher Intelligenz, welche die zukünftige Forschung in den kombinierten Forschungsgebieten prägen könnten

    A multi-objective evolutionary approach to simulation-based optimisation of real-world problems.

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    This thesis presents a novel evolutionary optimisation algorithm that can improve the quality of solutions in simulation-based optimisation. Simulation-based optimisation is the process of finding optimal parameter settings without explicitly examining each possible configuration of settings. An optimisation algorithm generates potential configurations and sends these to the simulation, which acts as an evaluation function. The evaluation results are used to refine the optimisation such that it eventually returns a high-quality solution. The algorithm described in this thesis integrates multi-objective optimisation, parallelism, surrogate usage, and noise handling in a unique way for dealing with simulation-based optimisation problems incurred by these characteristics. In order to handle multiple, conflicting optimisation objectives, the algorithm uses a Pareto approach in which the set of best trade-off solutions is searched for and presented to the user. The algorithm supports a high degree of parallelism by adopting an asynchronous master-slave parallelisation model in combination with an incremental population refinement strategy. A surrogate evaluation function is adopted in the algorithm to quickly identify promising candidate solutions and filter out poor ones. A novel technique based on inheritance is used to compensate for the uncertainties associated with the approximative surrogate evaluations. Furthermore, a novel technique for multi-objective problems that effectively reduces noise by adopting a dynamic procedure in resampling solutions is used to tackle the problem of real-world unpredictability (noise). The proposed algorithm is evaluated on benchmark problems and two complex real-world problems of manufacturing optimisation. The first real-world problem concerns the optimisation of a production cell at Volvo Aero, while the second one concerns the optimisation of a camshaft machining line at Volvo Cars Engine. The results from the optimisations show that the algorithm finds better solutions for all the problems considered than existing, similar algorithms. The new techniques for dealing with surrogate imprecision and noise used in the algorithm are identified as key reasons for the good performance.University of Skövde Knowledge Foundation Swede

    Digital Ecosystems: Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures

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    We view Digital Ecosystems to be the digital counterparts of biological ecosystems. Here, we are concerned with the creation of these Digital Ecosystems, exploiting the self-organising properties of biological ecosystems to evolve high-level software applications. Therefore, we created the Digital Ecosystem, a novel optimisation technique inspired by biological ecosystems, where the optimisation works at two levels: a first optimisation, migration of agents which are distributed in a decentralised peer-to-peer network, operating continuously in time; this process feeds a second optimisation based on evolutionary computing that operates locally on single peers and is aimed at finding solutions to satisfy locally relevant constraints. The Digital Ecosystem was then measured experimentally through simulations, with measures originating from theoretical ecology, evaluating its likeness to biological ecosystems. This included its responsiveness to requests for applications from the user base, as a measure of the ecological succession (ecosystem maturity). Overall, we have advanced the understanding of Digital Ecosystems, creating Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures where the word ecosystem is more than just a metaphor.Comment: 39 pages, 26 figures, journa

    Biology of Applied Digital Ecosystems

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    A primary motivation for our research in Digital Ecosystems is the desire to exploit the self-organising properties of biological ecosystems. Ecosystems are thought to be robust, scalable architectures that can automatically solve complex, dynamic problems. However, the biological processes that contribute to these properties have not been made explicit in Digital Ecosystems research. Here, we discuss how biological properties contribute to the self-organising features of biological ecosystems, including population dynamics, evolution, a complex dynamic environment, and spatial distributions for generating local interactions. The potential for exploiting these properties in artificial systems is then considered. We suggest that several key features of biological ecosystems have not been fully explored in existing digital ecosystems, and discuss how mimicking these features may assist in developing robust, scalable self-organising architectures. An example architecture, the Digital Ecosystem, is considered in detail. The Digital Ecosystem is then measured experimentally through simulations, with measures originating from theoretical ecology, to confirm its likeness to a biological ecosystem. Including the responsiveness to requests for applications from the user base, as a measure of the 'ecological succession' (development).Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure, conferenc