1,941 research outputs found

    Preliminary Reflexion on Basic Principle of Infrastructure Asset Management

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    Infrastructure is vital for regions life, mean while the infrastructure is always onerous and complex. The region must be able to manage its infrastructure well. Therefore the Basic Principle of Infrastructure Asset Management need to be well defined. This paper presents the result of an attempt to define the Basic Principle Infrastructure Asset Management. The Infrastructure Asset Management is defined as the science, the knowledge and the program to manage the infrastructure life in order to be able to well function in sustainable way, efficient and effective. The Infrastructure Asset Management knowledge consists of 7 basic knowledges, i.e on infrastructure, infrastructure function, infrastructure physical structure infrastructure externalities, infrastructure life cycle, infrastructure economy, and infrastructure managing organization. To master the Infrastructure Asset Management analyse tools must be added such as: statistics, decision making, risk management, quality management, strategic management, etc

    Challenges in infrastructure asset management

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    Infrastructure owners are facing a number of challenges in an increasingly difficult economic and political setting, and are seeking novel approaches to are required to meet the demands of operators, shareholders and other stakeholders. Owners are demanding greater value, for less overall cost, from their assets. New technologies enable higher performance and greater safety, but at a price. Initial purchase costs are rising, leading to longer periods in service. Maintenance requires a more highly skilled, and so more expensive, workforce. This paper summarises the outputs of two industrial workshops carried out in the UK and USA targeted at identifying the major challenges faced by infrastructure owners and operators. These challenges provide guidance to the academic community for directing research activities to address the needs of industry, thus delivering maximum impact

    Building infrastructure asset management: Australian practices

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    Generally, major public funding is invested in civil infrastructure assets. The efficiency and comfort level of expected and actual living standards is largely dependant on the management strategies of these assets. Buildings are one of the major & vital assets, which need to be maintained primarily to ensure their functionality by effective & efficient delivery of services and to optimise economic benefits. In Australia, billions of dollars are spent annually managing and maintaining built assets. These assets make up the social and economic infrastructure, which facilitate the essential services to public and business. Buildings are one of the prime & fundamental assets, which need to be managed effectively and efficiently to ensure that related services are delivered economically and sustainabl

    Reflection on Basic View of Public Infrastructure for Infrastructure Asset Management in Indonesia

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    Infrastructure Asset Management is essential. In Indonesia nowadays, they, who enter and take a role in Infrastructure Asset Management is either an engineer or an economist. Both the engineer and the economist tend to see the infrastructure in infrastructure engineering way and the economy of infrastructure. A Basic View of Public Infrastructure for Infrastructure Asset Management in Indonesia needs to be formulated. The Public Infrastructure is viewed through several different following basic concepts: Infrastructure System, Infrastructure Function, Infrastructure Supply-Demand, Infrastructure Capacity, Infrastructure Operation, Infrastructure Deterioration, Infrastructure Maintenance, Infrastructure Life Cycle, Infrastructure Economics, Infrastructure Performance, Infrastructure Taxonomy

    Infrastructure Asset Management of Urban Water Systems

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    Infrastructure asset management classification

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    Digitaalinen tiedonhallinta ja tietomallinnus ovat merkittävä osa infra-alan tulevaisuutta – myös kunnossapitosektorilla. Toimiva tiedonhallinta on yksi keskeisimmistä asioista, kun halutaan tehostaa omaisuudenhallintaa. Yhtenäinen, digitaalista tiedonhallintaa tukeva nimikkeistö on tärkeä tiedonvaihdon onnistumiseksi. Tämän diplomityön päätavoitteena oli luoda pohja infraomaisuuden hallinnan nimikkeistölle, joka tukee useita käyttötarkoituksia, joista yksi on mallinnus. Diplomityö koostuu kahdesta tutkimusvaiheesta: kirjallisuustutkimuksesta ja empiirisestä tutkimuksesta. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tutkittiin Suomessa käytössä olevia nimikkeistöjä, tierekisteriä sekä aiheeseen liittyviä standardeja. Empiirisessä tutkimuksessa luotiin pohja infraomaisuuden hallinnan nimikkeistölle tutkimalla tietomallissa olevien objektien nimeämistä sekä esimerkiksi kunnossapitonimikkeistössä esitettyjen toimenpiteiden kohdistamista objekteihin. Lisäksi tutkittiin, mitä ominaisuustietoja objektien tulisi sisältää, jotta nimikkeistö tukisi omaisuudenhallintaa. Lähtötietoina käytettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksen tuloksia sekä tärkeimpiä nimikkeistöjä ja ohjeita. Tutkimuksen tuloksena koottiin taulukoita objekteista, niiden ominaisuustiedoista sekä niihin kohdistuvista toimenpiteistä. Ehdotetut objektien nimikkeet sekä niihin kohdistuvat toimenpiteet visualisoitiin eri yhdistelmämalleista otettujen kuvien avulla. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli ainoastaan tieympäristö. Tutkimuksessa tuotiin esille nykyisen nimikkeistöjärjestelmän ongelmat ja puutteet digitaalisessa tiedonhallinnassa. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että nykyinen nimikkeistöjärjestelmä tai tällä hetkellä kehitteillä olevat nimikkeistöt eivät ole pitkäaikaisia ratkaisuja. Mallinnus on osa tulevaisuutta eikä sen tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia päästä hyödyntämään ilman sitä tukevaa nimikkeistöä. Uuden nimikkeistön tulee olla yhtenäinen valtiolla ja kunnissa sekä myös muiden maiden nimikkeistöjen kanssa. Tämän vuoksi nimikkeistön tulee perustua kansainvälisiin standardeihin. Monen hajanaisen nimikkeistön sijaan tulisi luoda yksi yhtenäinen nimikkeistö koko infra-alalle. Nimikkeistön ydin olisi mallinnettu ympäristö, jossa jokainen objekti olisi määritelty fyysisenä lopputuotteena ja jolla olisi tietyt ominaisuudet. Useista taulukoista koostuva nimikkeistö, jossa käytetään erilaisia luokitteluja, mahdollistaa nimikkeistön käytön eri tarkkuuksilla.Digital information management and Building Information Modelling play significant roles in the future of the infrastructure field, also in the maintenance sector. Successful information management is one of the main issues when improving asset management. A unified classification supporting digital information management is important in order to exchange information successfully. The main goal of this master’s thesis was to create a framework for an infrastructure asset management classification that would support several purposes, one of which is modelling. The thesis consists of two study phases; a literature study and an empirical study. The literature study investigates the classifications used in Finland, the highway register maintained by the Finnish Transport Agency, and the standards related to the subject. In the empirical study, a basis for the infrastructure asset management classification was created by investigating the naming convention of the objects in an information model as well as the allocation of the actions defined by, for example, the maintenance classification. In addition, it was investigated which attributes the objects should include so that the classification would support asset management. The results of the literature study and the most important classifications and guidelines were used as the initial data for the empirical study. The results of the study consist of tables of objects, their attributes and actions allocated to the objects. The suggested object designations and actions were visualised using pictures of combination models. The scope of research was limited to highway environment only. The study highlights the problems and the shortages in the current classification system. Based on the study, the current classification system and the classifications under development are not sustainable solutions. Modelling is part of the future and, without a classification supporting it, the opportunities of modelling cannot be utilised. The new classification should be unified across the country and its municipalities as well as with the classifications in other countries. Therefore, the classification should rest on international standards. Instead of many scattered classifications, one unified classification covering the whole infrastructure should be created. The core of the classification would be a modelled environment with every object defined as a physical end product with certain attributes. A classification consisting of several tables with classification and composition hierarchies enables the use of the classification with different precisions

    A holistic approach to railway infrastructure asset management

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    In the railway industry asset management decisions are focused on the maintenance, enhancement and renewal of assets in order to ensure a required level of dependability and improvement in services at the lowest whole life costs. To achieve these objectives system lifecycle models, rather than individual asset models,= offer a greater advantage. The paper presents a modelling approach developed for constructing multi asset system models to support well-informed railway infrastructure asset management decisions. The models are built using the Petri Net formalism and are analysed by a means of Monte Carlo simulations. A specific example of the railway superstructure model is presented. Its simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the system-wide model against individual asset models in terms of its accuracy in predicting the superstructure (system) performance and information available to support asset management decisions. Furthermore, by using the multi-asset system model interdependencies among maintenance regimes of different assets and different parts of the infrastructure can be modelled

    Infrastructure Asset Management - How To Pay For This?

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    Indiana’s investment in road building at both state and local levels have been at record highs over the past few years, but we must continue looking forward! This workshop will evaluate what is next in road funding, what challenges remain to delivering the highest quality infrastructure, and how asset management plans can be used to drive value in budgeting processes

    Digital governance in support of infrastructure asset management

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