10 research outputs found

    The commodification of search

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    CPA\u27s guide to the Internet

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    Applied formative evaluation in the webbased environment.

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    The use of the Internet and specifically the World, Wide Web (Web) as a media for collaboration and problem-solving is an evolving solution to the problem of increasing numbers of students in the university setting. A variety of virtual universities are appearing on the Web to address this dilemma. There are gaps, however, in these Systems which do not meet the needs of the participants. This research examines the use of applied formative evaluation (feedback) methodologies and protocols, used between the stakeholders of a web-based learning environment, to facilitate the learning process. Principles are established to guide the learning environment designer (LED), the mediator between the subject expert (SE) or teacher and the interactive multimedia web-based design team, in creating a student-centred learning space on the web. The principles and protocols developed in this research are illustrated through the D E L B E R T (Digital Environment Learning-Based Evaluation Response Theory) Tutorial system. This web-based collaborative, problem-solving seminar makes use of on-line tools such as; e-mail, H T M L forms, Javascript and video conferencing to promote communication through a guided-discovery delivery methodology. The case studies conducted with the system support the methodologies proposed in this thesis. Telecommunication in the area of educational technology is a rapidly changing field. Therefore, the focus of this research is not in the development of software or programming which may be out of date before its implementation. Instead, this research contributes to the design process of a web-based educational environment. The principles and protocols are aimed at supporting the applied formative evaluation methodology between the participants in the on-line learning process. In this way the research can be adapted to new technologies, beyond those adapted to the D E L B E RT Tutorial system, thus, not limiting itself as a contribution to the science of educational technology

    Query lookahead for query-based document categorization

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 179-187).by Bienvenido José Vélez-Rivera.Ph.D

    Arquitectura de datos avanzada de un directorio web, con optimización de consultas restringidas a una zona del grafo de categorías

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    [Resumen] Desde su origen, el World Wide Web ha sufrido un crecimiento exponencial que ha generado un gran volumen de información heterogénea accesible para cualquier usuario, Esto ha llevado a la utilización de herramientas eficientes para gestionar, recuperar y filtrar dicha información. En concreto, los directorios Web son taxonomías que clasifican documentos web, sobre los que posteriormente se realizarán consultas. Este tipo de sistemas de recuperación de información presenta un tipo específico de búsquedas, en donde la colección de documentos está restringida a una zona del grafo de categorías. Esta disertación presenta una arquitectura de datos específica para directorios Web que permite mejorar el rendimiento ante búsquedas restringidas. Dicha arquitectura se basa en una estructura de datos híbrida, constituida por un fichero invertido conteniendo embebido múltiples ficheros de firmas. En base al modelo propuesto se definen dos variantes: la arquitectura híbrida con información total y la arquitectura híbrida con información parcial. La valiez de esta arquitectura ha sido analizada mediante el desarrollo de ambas variantes para su comparación con un modelo básico, demostrando una clara mejoría en el rendimiento de las consultas restringidas, destacando especialmente el modelo híbrido con información parcial al responder adecuadamente bajo cualquier carga del sistema de búsqueda. A nivel general, la arquitectura propuesta se caracteriza por su facilidad de implementación, derivada de las estructuras de datos empleadas, su flexibilidad respecto al crecimiento del sistema y especialmente, por el buen rendimiento ofrecido ante búsquedas restringidas

    Interaction history for digital objects

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 139-143) and index.Digital information has no history. When we interact with physical objects, we are able to read the traces left by past interactions with the object. These traces, sometimes called "wear," form a basis for the interaction history of the object. In the physical world, we make use of interaction history to help come up with solutions and guidance. This is not possible in the digital realm, because the traces are missing. This dissertation describes a theoretical framework for talking about interaction history. This framework is related to work in anthropology, ethnomethodology, architecture, and urban planning. The framework describes a space of possible history-rich digital systems and gives properties which can be used to analyze existing systems. The space consists of six properties: proxemic/distemic, active/passive, rate/form of change, degree of permeation, personal/social, and kind of information. We also present an implementation of these ideas in a system called Footprints, a toolset for aiding information foraging on the World Wide Web. Our tools assume that users know what they want but that they need help finding it and help understanding - putting in context - what they have found. Footprints is a social navigation system, designed to show that information from past users can help direct present problem-solvers. We present results from informal use of the tools over the last two years, and from formal surveys and experiments on a controlled task. These experiments showed that people could achieve the same or better results with significantly less effort by using our tools.by Alan Daniel Wexelblat.Ph.D

    Türkçe web belgelerinin kataloglanması: Bir işbirliği modeli önerisi

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    The First internet site have been online since August 1991, the number of website which made publishing in the internet exceeded 100 million. The internet began to be used in Turkey in the year of 1993 by ODTU studies. As of June 2008, there are 160.466 we site in our country. As the websites grew over the years, parallel to this the size of information was augmanted constaudey. The search engines used by and users utilize metadata for cataloging purpose. Metadata contains relevant data. The structure of web documents and their diversity requires the cataloging web documents. Despite of this situation in Turkey so far no studies have been produced to catalog web documents. It is obvius that created and produced information will increase and expedite production process when information is recorded, organized, shared and by way of feedback; it is converted into new information. By taking this into consideration, the cataloging of the Turkish web document has been examined in detail and a cooperative project has been developed in our thesis. The thesis consists of the following chapters; Chapter I.: Introduction. Chapter II.: Cataloging, the creation of the cataloging rules, AACR1 and AACR2,MARC, ISBD(ER), where the revisions and the cataloging are going concerning the electronic knowledge resources in AACR2. Chapter III.: Metadata which had been identified as cataloging in electronic media that had beenexamined in detail. Chapter IV: The electronic knowledge resources (e-book, e-magazine) cataloging had been treated. In Chapter V, after processing the www (web) and the web document in chapter VI, the cataloging regulations and arrangements depending on standards had been examined. Moreover the cooperative studies in cataloging of the web documents in the world also explicated in terms of setting a sample in our country. Chapter VII, the aspect of web documents cataloging in Turkey had been investigated. 52 State Universities, 24 Charitable Foundation Universities, 9 Other schools, 28 Public Institutions, 14 Ministries, 9 Daily Newspaper 76 University Libraries that we examined had not duly cataloged their web documents. In Chapter VIII, a collaboration project had been suggested in order to solve the problem of cataloging for the web documents in Turkish Language which had not been cataloged. In chapter IX, in the light of finding, effected to the result and the solution suggests had been presented

    Infoseek's experiences searching the internet

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    Revealing Relationships In Search Engine Results

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    The amount of information available in the Internet is so vast that finding the desired information in such an unstructured repository easily becomes a tedious task. Graphical cluster-based representations of results from search engines shift the user's mental load from slower thought-intensive processes of reading information got from linear lists of results to faster perceptual processes such as pattern recognition in a visual display. In this paper we investigate the subject by presenting the design proposal of a new system that uses concepts of Information Visualization to help the user of Internet search engines to identify the group of documents that are related to the needed information by examining or browsing documents in the group. Some results of preliminary usability tests for the system are also provided shedding some light to the subject.124120127Alonso, O., Baeza-Yates, R., A Model and Software Architecture for Search Results Visualization on the Web Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on String Processing Information Retrieval (SPIRE'00). 2000, pp. 8-16Baeza-Yates, R., Ribeiro-Neto, B., (1999) Modern Information Retrieval, , ACM Press / Addison WesleyCard, S.K., Macnay, J.D., Shneidcrman, B., (1999) Readings in Information Visualization - Using Vision to Think, , Morgan Kaufmann Pusers, IncCarey, M., Kriwaczek, F., Rüger, S.M., A Visualization Interface for Document Searching and Browsing Proceedings of the New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation NPVIM(00). 2000Chen, H., Dumais, S., Bringing Order to the Web: Automatically Categorizing Search Results (2000) CHI Letters, 2 (1), pp. 145-150Dantzich, M., Visualization Is a State of Mind Proceedings of the 1997 Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulatiom (NPIVM'97). 1997, pp. 29-31Fruchterman, T.M.J., Reingold, E.M., Graph Drawing by Force-directed Placement (1991) Software - Practice and Experience, 21 (11), pp. 1129-1164Grewal, R.S., Jackson, M., Burden, P., Wallis, J., A Novel Interface for Representing Search-Engine Results IEEE Informatics Colloquium. November, 1999, pp. 7/1-7/10Kirsch, S., Infoseek's Experiences Searching the Internet (1998) ACM SIGIR Forum, 32 (2), pp. 3-7Mukherjea, S., Hirata, K., Hara, Y., Visualizing the Results of Multimedia Web Search Engines Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (INFOVIS '96). 1996, pp. 64-65. , 122Schultz, J.M., Liberman, M., Topic Detection and Tracking using idf-Weighted Cosine Coefficient Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Workshop, pp. 89-192Sebrechts, M.M., Vasilakis, J., Miller, M.S., Cugini, J.V., Lasowski, S.J., Visualization of Search Results: A Comparative Evaluation of Text, 2D and 3D nterfaces Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR '99). 1999, pp. 3-10Silverstein, C., Henzinger, M., Marais, H., Moricz, M., Analysis of a Very Large Web Search Engine Query Log (1999) ACM SIGIR Forum, 33 (1), pp. 6-12Veerasamy, A., Heikes, R., Effectiveness of a Graphical Display of Retrieval Results Proceedings of the 20th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '97). 1997, pp. 236-24