9 research outputs found

    Entwicklungstrends im Web Information Retrieval: Neue Potentiale für die Webrecherche durch Personalisierung & Web 2.0-Technologien [Trends in web information retrieval: New possibilities for internet research through personalization, social search and Web 2.0 technologies.]

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    New developments in the fields of social search and personalization as well as the spreading use of Web 2.0 technologies and services impact the possibilities and constraints of internet research. The first part of the paper gives an overview of new research options in blog search engines and social bookmark communities. The second part of the text discusses new social search and personalization services at Google, Yahoo and MSN. The article finishes with the introduction of a project that strives to build up an information science community in the field web information retrieval for German-speaking countries

    Stand und Perspektiven der Erfassung sozialwissenschaftlicher Publikationen: Erfahrungen aus der Pilotstudie Forschungsrating Soziologie

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    Der Beitrag bezieht die Erfahrungen von GESIS aus der Publikationserhebung im Rahmen der Pilotstudie Forschungsrating Soziologie auf die Qualität und Validität der Informationen in SOLIS und sowiport sowie auf die allgemeinere Fragestellung, wie die Fachinformation für die Sozialwissenschaften den Anforderungen der Fachdisziplin und deren Evaluation entsprechen kann. Die Erhebung von Veröffentlichungen gehört zu den konsensuellen Bereichen wissenschaftlicher Leistungsmessung. Die Soziologie zeichnet sich durch ein Publikationsverhalten mit hoher Interdisziplinarität und breiter Streuung hinsichtlich der Publikationstypen und -organe sowie der geographischen Verteilung aus. Daraus ergeben sich besondere Herausforderungen für die möglichst umfassende Dokumentation und Erschließung. Das Forschungsrating des Wissenschaftsrats war – quasi im Nebeneffekt – damit auch ein besonderer Selbsttest für das integrierte Datenbank- und Portalangebot von GESIS, da hieraus eine Vorlagemenge erstellt wurde. Die teilnehmenden Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler konnten ihre Literaturlisten in einem Online-System einsehen, korrigieren und ergänzen. Die Analyse der Vorlagemenge und Nachmeldungen gibt Aufschlüsse über Streuungseffekte, woran sich Fragen und Vorschläge zur effizienten Integration von Informationen unter Nutzung der technischen Möglichkeiten anschließen.   The article refers to GESIS’ experiences from the publication survey within the context of the Pilot Study for the Research Rating in Sociology (Pilotstudie Forschungsrating Soziologie) on the quality and validity of information contained in SOLIS and sowiport, as well as the more general question as to how the Specialized Information for the Social Sciences (Fachinformation für die Sozialwissen- schaften) should meet the demands of the discipline as well as those of recurrent evaluations. The survey of publications belongs to the mutual areas of academic performance measurement. Sociology is characterized by a publication behaviour which displays high interdisciplinarity and a broad spread with respect to the types and organs of publications, as well as their geographic distribution. This results in special challenges for the most comprehensive documentation and indexing. Thus, the research rating of the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissen- schaftsrat) was – as a sort of side-effect – also a self-test for GESIS’ databases and integrated portal from which preliminary publication lists were generated. The participating scientists could read, correct and complete their publication lists online. The analysis of these lists and their amendments yields insights on diffusion effects, followed by questions on and suggestions for the efficient integration of information through utilization of technical possibilities

    A Science Model Driven Retrieval Prototype

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    This paper is about a better understanding on the structure and dynamics of science and the usage of these insights for compensating the typical problems that arises in metadata-driven Digital Libraries. Three science model driven retrieval services are presented: co-word analysis based query expansion, re-ranking via Bradfordizing and author centrality. The services are evaluated with relevance assessments from which two important implications emerge: (1) precision values of the retrieval service are the same or better than the tf-idf retrieval baseline and (2) each service retrieved a disjoint set of documents. The different services each favor quite other - but still relevant - documents than pure term-frequency based rankings. The proposed models and derived retrieval services therefore open up new viewpoints on the scientific knowledge space and provide an alternative framework to structure scholarly information systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Cologne Conference on Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organizatio

    A Collaborative Lecture in Information Retrieval for Students at Universities in Germany and Switzerland

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    K3, work in progress, is an acronym for Kollaboration (collaboration), Kommunikation (communication), and Kompetenz (competence). K3 provides a platform in the context of knowledge management to support collaborative knowledge production in learning environments. The underlying hypothesis states that collaborative discourse conciliates information as well as communication competence in learning contexts. The collaborative, communicative paradigm of K3 is implemented by asynchronous communication tools as a means of constructivist learning methodology. In this paper we will describe a K3 course. The lecture was organized and carried out at two places in two different countries (Germany and Switzerland) with students from different universities in the context of Library and Information Science. The paper informs about the management of the lecture and about the problems we had to run the lecture at two places. The circumstances in coordinating the presentations, the exercises, the examinations and evaluation, and the time schedule are presented. The conclusions of the lecturers and the results of a questionnaire for the students are explained in detail

    A scientometric method to analyze scientific journals as exemplified by the area of information science

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    ==Background== In most academic disciplines journals play an important role in disseminating findings of research among the disciplinary community members. Understanding a discipline\u27s body of journals is therefore of grave importance when looking for previous research, compiling an overview of previous research and and in order to make a decision regarding the best place for publishing research results. Furthermore, based on Bradford\u27s Law of scattering, one can assume that in order to be able to compile a satisfying overview of previous research a wide range of journals has to be scanned, but also that there are some "core" journals which are of more importance to specific disciplines than others. ==Aim== This thesis aims to compile a comprehensive master list of journals which publish articles of relevance to Library and Information Science (LIS). A method to rank journals by their importance is introduced and some key characteristics of the disciplines body of journals are discussed. Databases indexing the disciplines journals are also compared. ==Method== The master list of LIS journals was created by combining the journal listings of secondary sources indexing the field\u27s literature. These sources were six databases focusing on LIS literature: INFODATA, Current Contents, Library and Information Science Abstracts, Library Information Science Technology Abstracts, Information Science and Technology Abstracts, and Library Literature and Information Science, the LIS subsection in three databases with a general focus: Social Science Citation Index, Academic Search Premier, and Expanded Academic ASAP, and the listing of LIS journals from the Elektronische Zeitschriften Bibliothek. Problems related to editorial policies and technical shortcomings are discussed, before comparing: predominant publication languages, places of publication, open access, peer review, and the ISI Journal Impact Factors (JIF). Journals were also ranked by the number of occurrences in multiple databases in order to identify "core" publications. The number of journals overlapping between databases are estimated and a matrix giving the overlap is visualized using multi dimensional scaling. Lastly, the degree of journals overlapping with other disciplines is measured. ==Results== A comprehensive master list of 1,205 journals publishing articles of relevance to LIS was compiled. The 968 active journals are mostly published in English, with one third of the journals coming from the US and another third from the UK and Germany. Nearly 16% of all journals are open access, 11% have a ISIJIF, and 42% are peer reviewed. Fifteen core journal could be identified and a list of the top fourteen journals published in Germany is introduced. Databases have between five to 318 journals in common and the journal collection shows an substantial overlap with a wide range of subjects, with the biggest journal overlap with Computing Studies, and Business and Economics. ==Conclusion== The aim of compiling a comprehensive list of LIS journal was achieved. The list will contribute to our understanding of scholarly communication within the LIS discipline and provide academics and practitioners with a better understanding of journals within the discipline. The ranking approach proved to be sufficient, showing good similarity with other studies over the last 40 years. The master list of LIS journals has also potential use to further research

    Information Retrieval-Mehrwertdienste für Digitale Bibliotheken: Crosskonkordanzen und Bradfordizing

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    "Trotz großer Dokumentmengen für datenbankübergreifende Literaturrecherchen erwarten akademische Nutzer einen möglichst hohen Anteil an relevanten und qualitativen Dokumenten in den Trefferergebnissen. Insbesondere die Reihenfolge und Struktur der gelisteten Ergebnisse (Ranking) spielt, neben dem direkten Volltextzugriff auf die Dokumente, inzwischen eine entscheidende Rolle beim Design von Suchsystemen. Nutzer erwarten weiterhin flexible Informationssysteme, die es unter anderem zulassen, Einfluss auf das Ranking der Dokumente zu nehmen bzw. alternative Rankingverfahren zu verwenden. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Mehrwertverfahren für Suchsysteme vorgestellt, die die typischen Probleme bei der Recherche nach wissenschaftlicher Literatur behandeln und damit die Recherchesituation messbar verbessern können. Die beiden Mehrwertdienste semantische Heterogenitätsbehandlung am Beispiel Crosskonkordanzen und Re-Ranking auf Basis von Bradfordizing, die in unterschiedlichen Phasen der Suche zum Einsatz kommen, werden hier ausführlich beschrieben und im empirischen Teil der Arbeit bzgl. der Effektivität für typische fachbezogene Recherchen evaluiert. Vorrangiges Ziel der Promotion ist es, zu untersuchen, ob das hier vorgestellte alternative Re-Rankingverfahren Bradfordizing im Anwendungsbereich bibliographischer Datenbanken zum einen operabel ist und zum anderen voraussichtlich gewinnbringend in Informationssystemen eingesetzt und dem Nutzer angeboten werden kann. Für die Tests wurden Fragestellungen und Daten aus zwei Evaluationsprojekten (CLEF und KoMoHe) verwendet. Die intellektuell bewerteten Dokumente stammen aus insgesamt sieben wissenschaftlichen Fachdatenbanken der Fächer Sozialwissenschaften, Politikwissenschaft, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Psychologie und Medizin. Die Evaluation der Crosskonkordanzen (insgesamt 82 Fragestellungen) zeigt, dass sich die Retrievalergebnisse signifikant für alle Crosskonkordanzen verbessern; es zeigt sich zudem, dass interdisziplinäre Crosskonkordanzen den stärksten (positiven) Effekt auf die Suchergebnisse haben. Die Evaluation des Re-Ranking nach Bradfordizing (insgesamt 164 Fragestellungen) zeigt, dass die Dokumente der Kernzone (Kernzeitschriften) für die meisten Testreihen eine signifikant höhere Precision als Dokumente der Zone 2 und Zone 3 (Peripheriezeitschriften) ergeben. Sowohl für Zeitschriften als auch für Monographien kann dieser Relevanzvorteil nach Bradfordizing auf einer sehr breiten Basis von Themen und Fragestellungen an zwei unabhängigen Dokumentkorpora empirisch nachgewiesen werden." (Autorenreferat)"In spite of huge document sets for cross-database literature searches, academic users expect a high ratio of relevant and qualitative documents in result sets. It is particularly the order and structure of the listed results (ranking) that play an important role when designing search systems alongside the direct full text access for documents. Users also expect flexible information systems which allow influencing the ranking of documents and application of alternative ranking techniques. This thesis proposes two value-added approaches for search systems which treat typical problems in searching scientific literature and seek to improve the retrieval situation on a measurable level. The two value-added services, semantic treatment of heterogeneity (the example of cross-concordances) and re-ranking on Bradfordizing, which are applied in different search phases, are described in detail and their effectiveness in typical subject-specific searches is evaluated in the empirical part of the thesis. The preeminent goal of the thesis is to study if the proposed, alternative re-ranking approach Bradfordizing is operable in the domain of bibliographic databases, and if the approach is profitable, i.e. serves as a value added, for users in information systems. We used topics and data from two evaluation projects (CLEF and KoMoHe) for the tests. The intellectually assessed documents come from seven academic abstracting and indexing databases representing social science, political science, economics, psychology and medicine. The evaluation of the cross-concordances (82 topics altogether) shows that the retrieval results improve significantly for all cross-concordances, indicating that interdisciplinary cross-concordances have the strongest (positive) effect on the search results. The evaluation of Bradfordizing re-ranking (164 topics altogether) shows that core zone (core journals) documents display significantly higher precision than was seen for documents in zone 2 and zone 3 (periphery journals) for most test series. This post-Bradfordizing relevance advantage can be demonstrated empirically across a very broad basis of topics and two independent document corpora as well for journals and monographs." (author's abstract

    Personen- und Vorlesungsverzeichnis : Sommersemester 2010, Stand: 15. März 2010

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    Retrodigitalisierte Vorlesungsverzeichnisse der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität. Teilweise auch enthaltend: - Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Personenverzeichnis - Studienverzeichnis - Personalverzeichni