9 research outputs found

    Tecnología de información & productividad en América latina (Information technology & production in Latin America)

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    Se investiga en que grado el total de gastos de Tecnología de información y las inversiones de software/hardware, tienen impacto sobre la productividad en países de Latinoamérica, se pretende averiguar como la productividad puede ser aumentada en respuesta a estas variables. Aunque literaturas anteriores hayan investigado en países desarrollados las preguntas respecto a si la Tecnología de Información tiene impacto sobre la productividad de un pais, en países con economía emergente han sido pocas las investigaciones. Un mejor entendimiento de cómo la productividad de una nación es afectada por la tecnología de información puede ayudar a los políticos a inventar mejores estrategias de promover el crecimiento. Es importante para empresas multinacionales en economías de mercado emergente, saber cuando invertir en tecnología de información para alcanzar los niveles mas eficientes de producción. La relación postulada entre la Tecnología de Información y la productividad de un país es examinada usando el método estadístico de regresión linear, dónde las variables Dependientes son representadas por: El Producto Interno Bruto y la Inversión del Gobierno; las variables independientes las representan: La Información, Comunicación y Tecnología, la inversión de Tecnología de Información en Educación y en Software/Hardware en los países seleccionados. The purpose of this investigation its whether total ICT spending, Software/Hardware spending, and IT variables have varying degrees of impact on country productivity in Latin American. I predict that productivity could be increased in response to any of these variables. Although previous literature has investigated these questions for developed countries, questions of whether information technology has any impact on a country’s productivity has received little attention in emerging market economies. A better understanding of how productivity of a nation is affected by information technology can help policymakers devise better strategies to promote high and stable economic growth. It is also important for multinational companies operating in emerging market economies to know how much to invest in information technology in order to achieve the most efficient levels of production. Yearly information technology data are obtained from Digital Planet of the Global Research organization, the productivity indicators are obtained from the international Financial Statistics publications of the international Monetary fund. The postulated relationship between IT and country productivity is examined using a linear regression method

    CIO Executive Risk Behavior Model

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    As evidenced in a broad-based body of research, risk affects decision-maker’s behavior by influencing perceptions of decision situations, evaluation of alternatives, choices made, and other decision-related actions taken in response to risk. Based on theory from risk literature, a conceptual model was identified and tested. The data for this study was collected using a stratified random sample from the top Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the banking industry. The survey instrument collected information pertaining to the CIO executive’s risk behavior preference. The analysis of the data was used to determine an effective risk behavior model that can be used for future business decision making process. It is the anticipation that this model can be used to determine the CIOs risk behavior in decision making that would impact the information systems (IS) strategy. The CIOs risk behavior model tested indicated evidence supporting the proposition that both risk propensity and risk perception influenced the ultimate risk behavior of the CIO executive that influences the decision making process. These findings signify that the proposed CIOs risk behavior model is robust

    Factors affecting students’ continuance intention to use teaching performance assessment application from technology continuance theory

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    This study aims to determine university students’ continuance intention in using an android-based teaching performance assessment (TPA) application. For the data gathering instrument, we employed an online structured questionnaire. Two hundred and forty students from four faculties were selected and assigned a five-scale survey. All completed questionnaires were analyzed using analysis of moment structure (AMOS). The findings show that the factors of productivity, performance, relevancy, quality and mobility of the android-based TPA have significantly influenced students’ continuance intention to use the application. The results highlighted that when an android-based system was developed based on the criteria, the long-term use of the android-based TPA application can be consistently maintained to improve universities’ teaching quality assessment. However, our study needs to improve in that the university students may evaluate teaching staffs who are not teaching a subject in their class because all teaching staff has appeared in the application database. In addition, further research needs to limit each lecture based on a specific course to be assessed by a particular student’s class

    Tecnología de información & productividad en América latina

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    Palabras claves: Consumo, producto interno bruto (PIB), tecnología de informaciónResumen. Se investiga en que grado el total de gastos de Tecnología de información y las inversiones de software/hardware, tienen impacto sobre la productividad en países de Latinoamérica, se pretende averiguar como la productividad puede ser aumentada en respuesta a estas variables. Aunque literaturas anteriores hayan investigado en países desarrollados las preguntas respecto a si la Tecnología de Información tiene impacto sobre la productividad de un pais, en países con economía emergente han sido pocas las investigaciones. Un mejor entendimiento de cómo la productividad de una nación es afectada por la tecnología de información puede ayudar a los políticos a inventar mejores estrategias de promover el crecimiento. Es importante para empresas multinacionales en economías de mercado emergente, saber cuando invertir en tecnología de información para alcanzar los niveles mas eficientes de producción. La relación postulada entre la Tecnología de Información y la productividad de un país es examinada usando el método estadístico de regresión linear, dónde las variables Dependientes son representadas por: El Producto Interno Bruto y la Inversión del Gobierno; las variables independientes las representan: La Información, Comunicación y Tecnología, la inversión de Tecnología de Información en Educación y en Software/Hardware en los países seleccionados.Key words: Consumption, gross national product (GNP), information technologyAbstract. The purpose of this investigation its whether total ICT spending, Software/Hardware spending, and IT variables have varying degrees of impact on country productivity in Latin American. I predict that productivity could be increased in response to any of these variables. Although previous literature has investigated these questions for developed countries, questions of whether information technology has any impact on a country’s productivity has received little attention in emerging market economies. A better understanding of how productivity of a nation is affected by information technology can help policymakers devise better strategies to promote high and stable economic growth. It is also important for multinational companies operating in emerging market economies to know how much to invest in information technology in order to achieve the most efficient levels of production. Yearly information technology data are obtained from Digital. Planet of the Global Research organization, the productivity indicators are obtained from the international Financial Statistics publications of the international Monetary fund. The postulated relationship between IT and country productivity is examined using a linear regression method

    Information Technology Impacts on Firm Performance: An Extension of Kohli and Devaraj (2003)

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    Despite the importance of investing in information technology, research on business value of information technology (BVIT) shows contradictory results, raising questions about the reasons for divergence. Kohli and Devaraj (2003) provided valuable insights into this issue based on a meta-analysis of 66 BVIT studies. This paper extends Kohli and Devaraj by examining the influences on BVIT through a meta-analysis of 303 studies published between 1990 and 2013. We found that BVIT increases when the study does not consider IT investment, does not use profitability measure of value, and employs primary data sources, fewer IT-related antecedents, and larger sample size. Considerations of IT alignment, IT adoption and use, and interorganizational IT strengthen the relationship between IT investment on BVIT, whereas the focus on environmental theories dampens the same relationship. However, the use of productivity measures of value, the number of dependent variables, the economic region, the consideration of IT assets and IT infrastructure or capability, and the consideration of IT sophistication do not affect BVIT. Finally, BVIT increases over time with IT progress. Implications for future research and practice are discussed

    Combining Capabilities: A Resource Based Model of ICT Advantage

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    Significant levels of interest and organisational spending on information and communication technologies (ICT's) have triggered debate as to whether these investments are worthwhile. While there has been some acknowledgement that investments result in positive returns, little is known about how ICT's may lead to competitive advantage. This thesis starts to inform this gap, by investigating how ICT's are combined with other organisational resources in the context of an exemplar organisation. The resource based view (RBV) is used as a framework to guide this study. The RBV is an appropriate lens to guide this research due to its focus on resources and capabilities as sources of advantage. This research employs an interpretive case study design based in an organisation with a long history of innovation and success with regard to ICT's. A grounded integrated model of advantage is presented based on two distinct groupings of integrated capabilities: lifecycle and embedded foundational capabilities. The integrated model of advantage, along with key actions outlined to support such capabilities, provides researchers and practitioners with a new way of understanding ICT based advantages. In essence, this research demonstrates how the total ownership of ICT's, within the case studied, presents a potential advantage. The advantage is realised through the combination of capabilities and the inclusive approach to ICT development employed in the case organisation. The research finds support from propositions of the RBV, in that the model demonstrates sources of advantage are based on organisational capabilities which are valuable, firm specific, and socially complex. As such, the integration of capabilities evident in the integrated model of advantage is a likely source of sustained competitive advantage. This means advantages gained from the integration of capabilities are not easily imitated or competed away. Furthermore, advantages have an even greater potential to be a source of sustained advantage than any single resource or capability. The research has important implications for theory and practice. While many individual sources of advantage have been empirically examined, this research provides one of the first in-depth case studies which identify integrated capabilities. Understanding such sources of advantage will help practitioners better understand and protect key organisational capabilities to sustain or extend competitive advantages

    Growth, productivity and survival of Vietnamese enterprises

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    Diese Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die Dynamik des Wachstums von Unternehmen, deren Produktivität und Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit in Vietnam. Die Arbeit untersucht die wichtigsten Determinanten dieser drei Merkmale auf Unternehmensebene über die Periode 2000-2007. Der erste Aufsatz überprüft die Gültigkeit des sog. Gibrat Gesetzes und untersucht die Determinanten des Unternehmenswachstums im Handels-und Dienstleistungssektor anhand eines dynamischen Panel-Data Ansatzes. Der GMM Schätzer, den ich verwende, kontrolliert für die potenziellen Endogenitätsprobleme und für die unbeobachtbare Heterogenität innerhalb meiner Stichprobe. Durch das Heranziehen dieses Schätzers komme ich zum Ergebnis, dass das sog. Gesetz von Gibrat abgelehnt werden soll. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Unternehmensgröße und Produktivität des Faktors Arbeit die wichtigsten Determinanten des Unternehmenswachstums sind. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht empirisch die Auswirkungen von IT-Einrichtungen und Investitionen auf die Arbeitsproduktivität. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Arbeiten in der vorhandenen Literatur, die sich auf die Beziehung der F&E Ausgaben/ Patente und Produktivität konzentrieren, untersuche ich die tatsächlichen Investitionen in zwei Hauptbereichen: (i) IT-Einrichtungen, (ii) die Entwicklung des Investitionskapital. Die ökonometrische Methode berücksichtigt das Vorliegen von sog. fixed und random Effects und impliziert, daß das sog. "Produktivität Paradoxon" für die F & E-Quote nicht vorliegt. Der dritte Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Determinanten der Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von staatlichen und privaten Unternehmen in der verarbeitenden Industrie. Im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes wird das semi-parametrische Cox Proportional Hazard Model verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit der neuen staatlichen und privaten Unternehmen unterschiedliche Determinanten aufweisen.This dissertation concentrates on the dynamics of firm growth, productivity and survival in a developing country, Vietnam, and investigates their main determinants under the context of globalization during the period 2000-2007. The first essay tests the validity of Gibrat’s law and investigates determinants of firm growth of the commercial-service sector by employing the dynamic panel model. Applying the system GMM estimator to control unobserved heterogeneity and endogeneity, the findings imply that Gibrat’s Law should be rejected. The results confirm the sensitivity of the growth-size relationship to firm attributes. Besides, firm size and labor quality are main determinants of firm growth. The second essay empirically investigates the impact of IT facilities and development investments on labor productivity to test the “productivity paradox” and evaluates interaction effects of firm-level contextual factors on this impact. In contrast to most of the existing that mainly consider patents or R&D in the relationship with firm productivity , the essay investigates actual investments in two main areas: (i) Information technology facilities; (ii) development investments. The essay applies the fixed and random effects models for the manufacturing and commercial-service sectors, and the whole economy. Findings imply that the “productivity paradox” does not occur for factor of R&D rate in investments of all firms, for computerization for manufacturing firms, for LAN connection and Internet situation for the commercial-service firms. And these effects significantly depend on contextual moderating factors. The third essay focuses on determinants of survival of new state-owned and private firms in the manufacturing sector. Employing the semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard model, the essay provides evidence which supports the thesis of a ‘liability of adolescence’. Besides, the essay finds that the negative effect of state-ownership fades under other effects or economic contexts. After controlling the effect of start-up total assets, private-ownership seems to benefit firm survival. In addition, there is evidence of market selection that labour productivity and profit per employee are the most important internal factor in improving firm survival. There are differences between state-owned and private firms in terms of determinants of survival. Market share and small size are considered an obstacle only for SOEs firm survival. However, equitization reduces the risk of SOEs mortality. For private firms, in terms of start-up factors, although total assets increase probability of survival, total sales decrease. Besides, industry which has increasing number of employees opens favourable opportunities only for new private firms. While the macroeconomic factor, GDP, significantly supports the development of private firms, the northern location is an advantage to the survival of SOEs

    Investigation of Healthcare Information System Impacts on Organizational Work

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    Impacto de la innovación y el cambio tecnológico en el sector hotelero español: análisis de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo. Fecha de lectura: 26-6-0