53,064 research outputs found

    Multi-Architecture Monte-Carlo (MC) Simulation of Soft Coarse-Grained Polymeric Materials: SOft coarse grained Monte-carlo Acceleration (SOMA)

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    Multi-component polymer systems are important for the development of new materials because of their ability to phase-separate or self-assemble into nano-structures. The Single-Chain-in-Mean-Field (SCMF) algorithm in conjunction with a soft, coarse-grained polymer model is an established technique to investigate these soft-matter systems. Here we present an im- plementation of this method: SOft coarse grained Monte-carlo Accelera- tion (SOMA). It is suitable to simulate large system sizes with up to billions of particles, yet versatile enough to study properties of different kinds of molecular architectures and interactions. We achieve efficiency of the simulations commissioning accelerators like GPUs on both workstations as well as supercomputers. The implementa- tion remains flexible and maintainable because of the implementation of the scientific programming language enhanced by OpenACC pragmas for the accelerators. We present implementation details and features of the program package, investigate the scalability of our implementation SOMA, and discuss two applications, which cover system sizes that are difficult to reach with other, common particle-based simulation methods

    Dependency parsing resources for French: Converting acquired lexical functional grammar F-Structure annotations and parsing F-Structures directly

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    Recent years have seen considerable success in the generation of automatically obtained wide-coverage deep grammars for natural language processing, given reliable and large CFG-like treebanks. For research within Lexical Functional Grammar framework, these deep grammars are typically based on an extended PCFG parsing scheme from which dependencies are extracted. However, increasing success in statistical dependency parsing suggests that such deep grammar approaches to statistical parsing could be streamlined. We explore this novel approach to deep grammar parsing within the framework of LFG in this paper, for French, showing that best results (an f-score of 69.46) for the established integrated architecture may be obtained for French

    An attentive neural architecture for joint segmentation and parsing and its application to real estate ads

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    In processing human produced text using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, two fundamental subtasks that arise are (i) segmentation of the plain text into meaningful subunits (e.g., entities), and (ii) dependency parsing, to establish relations between subunits. In this paper, we develop a relatively simple and effective neural joint model that performs both segmentation and dependency parsing together, instead of one after the other as in most state-of-the-art works. We will focus in particular on the real estate ad setting, aiming to convert an ad to a structured description, which we name property tree, comprising the tasks of (1) identifying important entities of a property (e.g., rooms) from classifieds and (2) structuring them into a tree format. In this work, we propose a new joint model that is able to tackle the two tasks simultaneously and construct the property tree by (i) avoiding the error propagation that would arise from the subtasks one after the other in a pipelined fashion, and (ii) exploiting the interactions between the subtasks. For this purpose, we perform an extensive comparative study of the pipeline methods and the new proposed joint model, reporting an improvement of over three percentage points in the overall edge F1 score of the property tree. Also, we propose attention methods, to encourage our model to focus on salient tokens during the construction of the property tree. Thus we experimentally demonstrate the usefulness of attentive neural architectures for the proposed joint model, showcasing a further improvement of two percentage points in edge F1 score for our application.Comment: Preprint - Accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Application