14 research outputs found

    Information Management and Improvement of Citation Indices

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    Bibliometrics and citation analysis have become an important set of methods for library and information science, as well as an exceptional source of information and knowledge for many other areas. Their main sources are citation indices, which are bibliographic databases like Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc. However, bibliographical databases lack perfection and standardization. There are several software tools that perform useful information management and bibliometric analysis importing data from them. A comparison has been carried out to identify which of them perform certain pre-processing tasks. Usually, they are not strong enough to detect all the duplications, mistakes, misspellings and variant names, leaving to the user the tedious and time-consuming task of correcting the data. Furthermore, some of them do not import datasets from different citation indices, but mainly from Web of Science (WoS). A new software tool, called STICCI.eu (Software Tool for Improving and Converting Citation Indices - enhancing uniformity), which is freely available online, has been created to solve these problems. STICCI.eu is able to do conversions between bibliographical citation formats (WoS, Scopus, CSV, BibTex, RIS), correct the usual mistakes appearing in those databases, detect duplications, misspellings, etc., identify and transform the full or abbreviated titles of the journals, homogenize toponymical names of countries and relevant cities or regions and list the processed data in terms of the most cited authors, journals, references, etc

    Bibliometric Analysis of Determining Factors in Entrepreneurial Intention

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    In entrepreneurship, its various theories and elements gain importance in the academic community for the orientation in the professional and entrepreneurial training processes that are being carried out by higher education institutions HEIs. Therefore, this paper provides a systematic review of the published literature based on the determinants of entrepreneurial intention. To that end, an analysis was conducted using bibliometric and network indicators within the Scopus data source, which was restricted to objective search criteria. The main findings show that, since 1943, certain success factors such as: attitude, learning, behavior, economic growth, education, value creation, incubation resources, personality traits, and entrepreneurial intentions have been linked

    Uso, reuso e tratamento da água na indústria de alimentos: um estudo teórico

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    This paper aims to analyze the scientific literature produced on water use, reuse, and treatment, in the food industry during the period between 2008 and 2018. The study considered articles indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, as well as Brazilian theses and dissertations. The research used content analysis to explore the corpus, which was formed by the publications’ abstracts, and the software Iramuteq was used to support the analysis. The content was separated into two lexical blocks: a) “water management,” explained by the classes “water consumption indicators,” “rational use of water,” and “environmental management;” and (b) “wastewater management,” explained by the classes “fluent management” and “measurement and monitoring.” The study pointed to four emergent research opportunities on the theme: “water conservation;” “water reuse;” “new productive standards,” and “empirical studies.” The results show a high interest of Chinese, Indian, and European researchers in water management in all cycles of use, and scarce studies in highly industrialized countries with a strong projection of water stress, such as the USA, Japan, and Russia. Also, it is possible to observe that there is a growing interest in this subject due to the projection of water stress in the near future.Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a literatura científica produzida sobre uso, reuso e tratamentoda água na indústria de alimentos no período de 2008 a 2018. O estudo considerou artigos indexadosnas bases de dados Scopus e Web of Science, bem como teses e dissertações. A pesquisa utilizou aanálise de conteúdo para explorar o corpus; formado pelos resumos das publicações e, o softwareIramuteq, para apoiar a análise. O conteúdo foi segmentado em dois blocos lexicais: a) “gestão daágua”, explicada pelas classes “indicadores de consumo de água”, “uso racional da água” e “gestãoambiental”; e (b) “gerenciamento de águas residuais”, explicado pelas classes “gerenciamento deefluente” e “medição e monitoramento”. O estudo apontou quatro oportunidades de pesquisaemergentes sobre o tema: “conservação da água”; "reutilização da água"; "novos padrões produtivos" e"estudos empíricos". Os principais resultados apontaram interesse de pesquisadores da China, Índia eEuropa no gerenciamento de água em todos os ciclos de uso e estudos escassos em países altamente industrializados e com uma forte projeção de estresse hídrico, como EUA, Japão e Rússia. Além disso, épossível observar que há um interesse crescente nesse assunto devido à projeção do estresse hídricoem um futuro próximo.

    Analysis of the evolution and impact of product quality in business

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    The notion of Product Quality has been explored from different perspectives such as Total Quality Management (TQM), an approach that has emerged in parallel with the development of new technologies. The vast amount of research on this subject has yielded an overload of information making it necessary to develop and apply bibliometric techniques to manage it, assess its scientific performance and identify the thematic areas and their evolution over time. Thus, the present study carried out a bibliometric analysis of 3484 published documents spanning 1989–2019 related to Product Quality in the field of business. The tools serving for the analysis were the Web of Science (WoS) Analyze Results and Science Mapping (SciMAT). The results highlighted the themes of greatest interest and their interconnections throughout each of these three last decades. It is noteworthy that the theme of Price stands out throughout the three decades. The tools also shed light on the evolution of the different themes, the inception of new motor themes and the areas devoid of indepth analyses that require further investigation. The present study therefore serves as a starting point for future research in this field

    Analysis of the scientific evolution of building sustainability assessment methods

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    Versión preprint abierta. Versión definitiva embargadaThe research field concerning building sustainability assessment methods is broad, complex and fragmented due to the great diversity of disciplines and approaches involved. This makes it difficult to obtain useful and unbiased information for future studies so a full review of contributions could provide a comprehensive critical perspective. This paper applies the SciMAT software to analyse the evolution of this research field by means of a systematic literature review of bibliographic records for building sustainability assessment methods, and a review based on the bibliometric analysis of 4203 selected records. In addition, hidden themes and their development in this field have been identified from 1975 to 2017 to produce strategic diagrams of the thematic evolution and performance indicators of the research field in different periods. The results obtained show a scientific field in constant evolution, from its initial focus on environmental impacts and energy efficiency to the gradual inclusion of the social and economic aspects of sustainability building. This has served as a basis for the development of study models, such as LEED and BREEAM. This study makes a valuable contribution because it gives field experts a comprehensive view of the status quo and predicts the dynamic directions of future research

    Bibliometric study of seafood quality literature

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    This study investigates characteristics of seafood quality literature through application of bibliometric techniques. No previous studies that examined this field of science. The objectives are to examine seafood literature’s growth, document types, place/language of publishing, and author productivity patterns (analysed using Lotka’s law). A total of 2267 records were retrieved (up to 11 May 2016) from Web of Science and Scopus.  Literature grew exponentially from 2000 to 2013 following the development of this field. Values obtained were c = 1.038, g = 1.118 and R2 = 0.946. Annual growth rate was 11.8%. The bibliography duplicates every 6.2 years. The most common publications were journal articles (64%), as expected. Per country, the U.S.A. made most major contributions, and English was the most-used language. A total of 5,583 authors, including co-authors, were retrieved; every paper’s author was given one credit to measure productivity. The majority (75%; 4175 authors) contributed only one article. These data do not fit Lotka’s law

    University-Industry Interaction:Characteristics identified in the literature and regional collaboration developed by The University of Twente

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    É necessário incrementar a inovação através do empreendedorismo acadêmico, fortalecendo a interação entre universidades e empresas, onde a pesquisa sobre modelos de cooperação é necessária. Há muito o que aprender por meio de ações desenvolvidas em outros países, que por meio de modelos emergentes, são uma excelente alternativa para melhorar a qualidade da educação e inovação. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar ações desenvolvidas por meio de um modelo emergente na Holanda, na Universidade de Twente, onde os princípios de interação universidade e empresa são eficientes. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas abordagens. Inicialmente uma pesquisa bibliométrica, identificando lacunas e tendências, seguida de uma apresentação de práticas da universidade realizadas através de uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva. O resultado destas práticas apresenta um modelo que serve como benchmarking de interação, por meio de uma visão diferenciada que vai além da transferência usual de conhecimento universitário para a empresa, mas que estabelece formas de cooperação práticas e duradouras

    Activity-to-Skills Framework in the Intellectual Property Big Data Era

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    With new technological advances such as the advent of big data, new opportunities are arising for companies. The dynamic nature of external environments is also causing the need to revise the necessary employees’ skills. This article focuses on exploring the data skills in the context of intellectual property (IP) processes. By combining the resource-based view with a process approach, we designed our novel activity-to-skills framework to identify data skills. We posit that data skills are nonhomogenous and are not singular occurrences. Subsequently, we extend the taxonomy of required data skills by defining five types of data skills, as well as deepening the understanding of how these skills are distributed within IP activities and interwoven with nondata skill types. IP data skills come to the forefront most in IP commercialization activities. We develop implications for innovation managers based on interviews with elite informants—prominent IP experts—seven of them heads of their respective IP departments