585 research outputs found

    Group Formation and the Evolution of Human Social Organization

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    Humans operate in groups that are oftentimes nested in multilayered collectives such as work units within departments and companies, neighborhoods within cities, and regions within nation states. With psychological science mostly focusing on proximate reasons for individuals to join existing groups and how existing groups function, we still poorly understand why groups form ex nihilo, how groups evolve into complex multilayered social structures, and what explains fission–fusion dynamics. Here we address group formation and the evolution of social organization at both the proximate and ultimate level of analysis. Building on models of fitness interdependence and cooperation, we propose that socioecologies can create positive interdependencies among strangers and pave the way for the formation of stable coalitions and groups through reciprocity and reputation-based partner selection. Such groups are marked by in-group bounded, parochial cooperation together with an array of social institutions for managing the commons, allowing groups to scale in size and complexity while avoiding the breakdown of cooperation. Our analysis reveals how distinct group cultures can endogenously emerge from reciprocal cooperation, shows that social identification and group commitment are likely consequences rather than causes of group cooperation, and explains when intergroup relations gravitate toward peaceful coexistence, integration, or conflict

    How Committed Individuals Shape Social Dynamics: A Survey on Coordination Games and Social Dilemma Games

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    Committed individuals, who features steadfast dedication to advocating strong beliefs, values, and preferences, have garnered much attention across statistical physics, social science, and computer science. This survey delves into the profound impact of committed individuals on social dynamics that emerge from coordination games and social dilemma games. Through separate examinations of their influence on coordination, including social conventions and color coordination games, and social dilemma games, including one-shot settings, repeated settings, and vaccination games, this survey reveals the significant role committed individuals play in shaping social dynamics. Their contributions range from accelerating or overturning social conventions to addressing cooperation dilemmas and expediting solutions for color coordination and vaccination issues. Furthermore, the survey outlines three promising directions for future research: conducting human behavior experiments for empirical validation, leveraging advanced large language models as proxies for committed individuals in complex scenarios, and addressing potential negative impacts of committed individuals

    The rise and fall of cooperation through reputation and group polarization

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    Humans exhibit a remarkable capacity for cooperation among genetically unrelated individuals. Yet, human cooperation is neither universal, nor stable. Instead, cooperation is often bounded to members of particular groups, and such groups endogenously form or break apart. Cooperation networks are parochial and under constant reconfiguration. Here, we demonstrate how parochial cooperation networks endogenously emerge as a consequence of simple reputation heuristics people may use when deciding to cooperate or defect. These reputation heuristics, such as “a friend of a friend is a friend” and “the enemy of a friend is an enemy” further lead to the dynamic formation and fission of cooperative groups, accompanied by a dynamic rise and fall of cooperation among agents. The ability of humans to safeguard kin-independent cooperation through gossip and reputation may be, accordingly, closely interlinked with the formation of group-bounded cooperation networks that are under constant reconfiguration, ultimately preventing global and stable cooperation.Social decision makin

    Opinion dynamics: models, extensions and external effects

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    Recently, social phenomena have received a lot of attention not only from social scientists, but also from physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists, in the emerging interdisciplinary field of complex system science. Opinion dynamics is one of the processes studied, since opinions are the drivers of human behaviour, and play a crucial role in many global challenges that our complex world and societies are facing: global financial crises, global pandemics, growth of cities, urbanisation and migration patterns, and last but not least important, climate change and environmental sustainability and protection. Opinion formation is a complex process affected by the interplay of different elements, including the individual predisposition, the influence of positive and negative peer interaction (social networks playing a crucial role in this respect), the information each individual is exposed to, and many others. Several models inspired from those in use in physics have been developed to encompass many of these elements, and to allow for the identification of the mechanisms involved in the opinion formation process and the understanding of their role, with the practical aim of simulating opinion formation and spreading under various conditions. These modelling schemes range from binary simple models such as the voter model, to multi-dimensional continuous approaches. Here, we provide a review of recent methods, focusing on models employing both peer interaction and external information, and emphasising the role that less studied mechanisms, such as disagreement, has in driving the opinion dynamics. [...]Comment: 42 pages, 6 figure

    Modelling shared identity and reputation in cooperation systems

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    Cooperation is the process of working together for mutual benefit. Indirect reciprocity is an important form of cooperation because it assumes that a donation to an agent does not guarantee reciprocation. Therefore, understanding how cooperation is incentivised and sustained is of widespread interest. Reputation is known as a key mechanism to support indirect reciprocity because it is a currency through which future donations can be secured based on past behaviour. Conventional models of indirect reciprocity assume that agents have a simple identity that is uniquely defined and not shared with others. This results in a unique reputation for each agent. We generalise this assumption by allowing agents to share elements of their identity with others. This involves composing identity through traits, which can be used to represent group membership. Traits can be shared between agents and we assume that traits carry reputation in their own right, that an agent can inherit. Our investigation of this new framework provides an insight into the effects of sharing identity on cooperation in a number of different ways. Through a breadth of simulation, we identify the extent to which agents can have an element of common identity before cooperation becomes impeded. We also discover a relationship between reputation-based cooperation and cooperation through the evolution of set-based membership, which are previously unrelated alternative perspectives on indirect reciprocity. Finally, we explore the effects of blending personal and group reputations as seen in psychological theories of identity fusion. This allows us to determine the effects of identity-driven agent motivation compared to traditional economic motivation and rational economic decision-making. These findings give new perspectives into previous studies related to identity, such as stereotyping, group identity, whitewashing, identity fusion and intrinsic motivation

    Advances in the sociology of trust and cooperation: theory, experiments, and field studies

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    The problem of cooperation and social order is one of the core issues in the social sciences. The key question is how humans, groups, institutions, and countries can avoid or overcome the collective good dilemmas that could lead to a Hobbesian war of all against all. Using the general set of social dilemmas as a paradigmatic example, rigorous formal analysis can stimulate scientific progress in several ways. The book, consisting of original articles, provides state of the art examples of research along these lines: theoretical, experimental, and field studies on trust and cooperation. The theoretical work covers articles on trust and control, reputation formation, and paradigmatic articles on the benefits and caveats of abstracting reality into models. The experimental articles treat lab based tests of models of trust and reputation, and the effects of the social and institutional embeddedness on behavior in cooperative interactions and possibly emerging inequalities. The field studies test these models in applied settings such as cooperation between organizations, informal care, and different kinds of collaboration networks. The book will be exemplary for rigorous sociology and social sciences more in general in a variety of ways: There is a focus on effects of social conditions, in particular different forms of social and institutional embeddedness, on social outcomes. Theorizing about and testing of effects of social contexts on individual and group outcomes is one of the main aims of sociological research. Modelling efforts include formal explications of micro-macro links that are typically easily overlooked when argumentation is intuitive and impressionistic Extensive attention is paid to unintended effects of intentional behavior, another feature that is a direct consequence of formal theoretical modelling and in-depth data-analyses of the social processe
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